- We will make a proposal to the National Human Rights Commission (which is at a formative stage) to form a Human Rights Task Force for investigating the H.R. violations.
- We will take steps to introduce AHRC to the local NGOs who are working to defend H. Rights in order to maintain a good working relationship.
- We will publish leaflets on legal advice to make people aware of their rights.
- We will arrange awareness-building seminars workshops as we did before.
- In our regular human rights training programs we will put emphasis on Women and Child Rights as it is their rights that are often violated.
- We will arrange seminars and workshops on the bad effects of dowry and divorce.
- We will arrange programs for different religious groups for dialogue and to raise their awareness of the H.R. norms and the UN Conventions.
- We will try to introduce H.Rts education to high schools.
- Dowry is a burning issue specially in Bangladesh. We propose that this issue be discussed in future seminars of AHRC, if it is possible.
- We suggest that AHRC publications be circulated to H.R. organizations.
- We suggest to have a balanced number of men and women participants in the AHRC training programs/seminars.
- Organize a seminar to get a deeper understanding of the Conventions. The dates are already fixed: March 31- 3April, 2000.
- The future strategies will be worked out at that meeting.
- Until that time we will keep in touch with one another and be informed of the happenings of other H.R. groups in the country.
- Special attention will be paid to the issue of disappearances and the deteriorating situation of law and order in the country.
Way of Promoting the Convention against Torture;
- Effective steps should be taken to conscientize our own Religious groups on the Convention against Torture.
- Efforts could be made to include the Report of this meeting and the Convention in the agenda of CBCI.
- Concrete ways of implementing the CAT in Religious groups could be discussed in Inter Religious Forum and at the time of Inter Religious Dialogue.
- Religious groups could work effectively in collaboration with NGOs.
- A team consisting of Human Rights Activists and Advocates could visit the Prisons regularly to identify the victims of Torture and to learn the prison conditions.
- The Convention should be taught to the jailers and prisoners, and human rights books could be given to them.
- Rehabilitation centres could be thought of and the families should be taken care of by the Religious groups
- In the schools students should be conscientized on the Convention.
- Common Plan of action should be adopted in the schools to avoid fundamentalism.
- In summer camps and Exposure Program students should be taught about this convention.
- A report regarding custodial deaths and other forms of torture could be sent periodically to the religious groups by Vigil India Movement.
- Like-minded people from different religions could work together with Professional Specialists for the promotion of the Convention.
A Human Rights Day in the Church!
Basic Problem in the Area of Human Rights Promotion in Nepal is:
- Insurgent Activities in the name of Maoist Group declaring people’s war.
- Rampant Torture in Police custody.
- Discriminatory treatment on the basis of caste and sex.
- Defective value system towards women and girls which is resulting in trafficking of girls and unequal treatment.
The Solutions can be achieved by the following:
- Vigil Nepal Movement for the Promotion of Human Rights.
- Formation of the Proposed Vigil Nepal Movement for;
a) Informative role
b) Educative role
c) Reformative role
d) Remedial role
- Transparency in all organizations
- Plan to re-orient the politicians as well as the administrative authority.
- Centre for Legal Resources and Resource Development – CeLRRd will take the lead in the establishment of a “Vigil Nepal Movement” (to achieve the above mentioned objectives).