The Asian Human Right Commission’s Annual Report for 2012 casts an unflinching eye at the state of human rights in 10 Asian countries. The report does not purport to cover all human rights issues in Bangladesh, Burma, India,Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.However, with differing depths of involvement and range of coverage, and with constant documentation of events and cases throughout the year, in reflecting the nature of its work and engagement, the Asian Human Rights Commission Annual Report provides a unique mirror to the realities of life and governance in these 10 Asian countries.
Individual chapters that comprise the report were published online on International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2012. The content has since been updated, and collated herein. The result may provide an unflattering picture of the institutions of governance that rule over a large section of humanity, but it is one that needs to be confronted squarely if a life of dignity is ever to be created for the common men, women, and children who live in the shadow of institutions, inhuman and unjust. Given the nature of the institutions, and their direct unamended link to colonial / top-down rule inmost nations in question, it is unsurprising they continue to fail to provide rights and remedies, no matter fine words in constitutions and law.
Published in May 2013 by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), 565 pages, Language: English, ISBN: 978-962-8314-60-7 (Print Version) ISBN: 978-962-8314-61-4 (Online Version); PID: AHRC-PUB-003-2013
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