An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the chairpersons of four parliamentary committees Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Chairwoman, Pyithu Hluttaw Rule of Law & Tranquillity Committee Thura U Aung Ko Chairman, Pyithu Hluttaw Judicial & Legal Affairs Committee U Aung Nyein Chairman, Amyotha Hluttaw Public Complaints & Petitions Committee Dr Aye […]
(Hong Kong, August 3, 2012) The Asian Human Rights Commission has welcomed the release from prison on an amnesty today of Phyo Wai Aung, a young man falsely accused, tortured and imprisoned over the April 2010 bombing, and has called for him and other freed victims of gross abuses of human rights in Burma to […]
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following letter from the brother of imprisoned torture victim Phyo Wai Aung to the President of Myanmar (Burma) to request the release of his brother, who is critically ill, from custody immediately. The letter is forwarded as written Asian Human Rights […]
(Hong Kong, May 25, 2012) Lawyers and other professionals who have lost their licences for prior involvement in politics can now apply to get them back, according to copies of documents obtained by the Asian Human Rights Commission this month. In a written reply dated April 24 to a question submitted by an MP […]
(Hong Kong, May 10, 2012) The Asian Human Rights Commission has described the verdict of a court in Rangoon, sentencing a torture victim to death for his purported role in a bombing, as “farcical” and a “cut-and-paste” job, and has called for his release through the intervention of outside agencies. District Judge Aung Thein presiding […]
CAMPAIGN PAGE: FREE PHYO WAI AUNG http://www.humanrights.asia/countries/burma/phyo-wai-aung ——————————————————————— Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you that a judge in a closed courtroom at the central prison in Burma on May 8 sentenced Phyo Wai Aung, the accused in a bombing case arising from April 2010 to death after a patently unjust […]
CAMPAIGN PAGE: FREE PHYO WAI AUNG http://www.humanrights.asia/campaigns/phyo-wai-aung ——————————————————————— Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been closely following the case of a young man whom the authorities in Burma have falsely accused of involvement in a bombing during 2010, and who confessed after extremely brutal and protracted torture. In this appeal, we are urging […]
February 22, 2012 An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the Chief Justice of Myanmar/Burma U Tun Tun Oo Chief Justice Office of the Supreme Court Office No. 24 Naypyitaw MYANMAR Tel: + 95 67 404 080/ 071/ 078/ 067 or + 95 1 372 145 Fax: + 95 67 404 059 […]
CAMPAIGN PAGE: FREE PHYO WAI AUNG http://www.humanrights.asia/campaigns/phyo-wai-aung ——————————————————————— Dear friends, As has been widely reported worldwide, in January the government of Burma released from prison over 600 detainees, around half of who were political prisoners. Many of these people the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) had issued appeals for in the last few years. Although […]
A relative of a young man accused of bombing the traditional New Year festival in Rangoon during 2010 has again petitioned the Supreme Court for the trial to be transferred to another judge and for the case to be heard in accordance with law. The petition comes after the police officer in charge of the […]
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been closely following the case of a young man whom the authorities in Burma have accused of involvement in a bombing during April. Phyo Wai Aung has alleged that he was brutally tortured for nine days to force him to confess. According to the latest information, […]
In an astounding ruling that underscores the extent to which the judiciary in Burma has abdicated its authority in favour of the security services, a Supreme Court justice has ruled that permission or refusal of observers to attend trial hearings held inside prison facilities is not a matter for the presiding judges to decide. The […]
The Asian Human Rights Commission has closely followed the case of Phyo Wai Aung, who is the sole person detained and accused in connection with blasts on 15 April 2010 in Rangoon that killed 10 people and injured 168. Phyo Wai Aung has steadfastly maintained his innocence and has complained that he was brutally tortured […]
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) previously issued a statement on the case of Phyo Wai Aung, whom the authorities in Burma have blamed for an attack on a festival in April. In this appeal we bring you the details of his case and the charges that have now been brought against him. […]
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been closely following the case of a young man whom the authorities in Burma have accused of involvement in a bombing during April. Phyo Wai Aung has alleged that he was brutally tortured for nine days to force him to confess. He has also been held […]