
PAKISTAN: Balochistan – rule of law or the maintenance of law and order?

Mr. Jinnah, could not differentiate between the rule of law and the rule by force which has resulted several military actions in Balochistan Baseer Naweed The provincial Interior Minister of Balochistan has stated that a terrorist attack on a passenger train resulting in the death of 18 persons was an attempt to avenge the Frontier […]

PAKISTAN: Double jeopardy — Attacks on journalists increase with impunity

The journalists reporting on the two conflicts, namely Taliban militancy and the Baloch insurgency are faced with double jeopardy. They walk a tight rope while reporting The recent attack on the Express Television anchor, columnist and consulting editor for the Friday Times, Raza Rumi indicates the serious threats faced by Pakistani journalists in their line […]

INDIA: Democracy in a Gutter, Literally.

Article | India | 03-04-2014

A man entered a gutter to clean it and fainted in the bad air. His comrade waiting outside realized this and entered the gutter to save him. He too fainted. They both died of asphyxiation. This happened a mere two days after Supreme Court outlawed manual scavenging again, and ordering, not ‘directing’, the states to […]

PHILIPPINES: State power does not respect or protect our liberty

“He who opens a school door, closes a prison.”-  Victor Hugo, author of Les Misérables I was observing a trial in a crowded court room in Manila when, in a middle of packed bench, a public lawyer drew the attention of his client seated at the back with another accused wearing prison uniforms. He said: Photo: […]

PAKISTAN: A young Christian is sentenced to death –the blasphemy law continues to claim minority victims

Additional session judge, Chaudhry Ghulam Murtaza, sentenced a young Christian, Sawan Masih 26, to death and fined him Rs. (PKR) 200,000/= in the same prison courtroom he has been confined in since March last year. He was found guilty of insulting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) under blasphemy law 295-C. Although judges have the option to […]

WORLD: Patriotism without justice is pure bluff

Article | World | 29-03-2014

Basil Fernando Human beings, however poor or however oppressed, seek justice in the same way. Even a tuberculosis patient looks for fresh air. All wisdom traditions have associated justice as having the same character as fresh air. To deny justice is to deny a fundamental condition of being human. If a person cannot get fresh […]

ASIA: Acid Violence – Physical, Psychological, & Social Scars for Life

Article | Asia | 24-03-2014

Acid attack is a heinous form of violence, one that has instantaneous and lifelong consequences for victims and survivors. Acid violence constitutes a perennial rights violation issue for women in several Asian countries such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Cambodia. Even though acid violence occurs against men and boys, it is categorized as gender-based violence […]

PAKISTAN: Legalising prostitution — the Wisdom of the UN?!

According to a research, modern day trafficking, aka slavery is a $32 billion annual industry and according to the U.N. about 2.5 million people around the world are ensnared in the web of human trafficking at any given time.  The usual victims of atrocious crimes of sexual and gender based violence, including rape against women […]

INDIA: टीबी पर राजनीतिक दलों को चुप्पी तोड़ने की जरुरत [विश्व तपेदिक दिवस – 24 मार्च पर विशेष]

[भारत में हर दो मिनटों में तीन मौत, रोजाना 1000 लोगों की मौत और सालाना 3 लाख से ज्यादा मौतों के कारक टीबी रोग को गरीबों की बीमारी कहा जाता है| इस चुनावी मौसम में राजनीतिक दलों की पैनी निगाहों से आखिर क्यों यह मुद्दा छूट रहा है, यह समझ से परे है| इसी गंभीर मसले […]

SRI LANKA: Ethics of an ethnic war

Although the ethnic war between the Tamil LTTE and the Sinhalese forces of the Sri Lankan government ended in May 2009, the ethics of the conflict is still current. It is being discussed in institutions in Geneva, USA, Canada, UK, EU and many other countries. It is the ethics of the war that the international […]

WORLD: Picked up, killed and dumped in Balochistan

Article | World | 17-03-2014

The following article appeared as the editorial of the latest issue of ‘Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives’, a bi-monthly magazine published by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), based in Hong Kong and the Danish Institute Against Torture (DIGNITY) based in Denmark. by Nilantha Ilangamuwa The long march has clocked a hundred days. The brave […]

PAKISTAN: Apathy of the state and the civil society towards a violence called Dowry

An Article by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Women’s International Day Dowry system and related violence is a product of patriarchy that in turn needs to be understood, unloaded and unpacked through gender lens. If there is a formula for defining gender it should be sexes + class +ethnicity.  This implies that gender is […]

PAKISTAN: Drought in Thar-the irresponsible attitude of the authorities

Every Pakistani is well aware of terrorism, unemployment, inflation, injustice, forced labour, disappearances, blasphemy against minorities, discrimination against women, custodial deaths, torture and so on as these are the challenges they are face on a daily basis in their lives. Now there is another challenge for impoverished Pakistanis: famine; like the conditions faced in the […]

WORLD: Women’s Leadership in Peace and Security: an Insecure Agenda

Article | World | 07-03-2014

An Article by the Asian Human Rights Commission released on the occasion of International Women’s Day One of the rare positive impacts of armed conflict on gender relations is the increased movement, mobility and opportunities for women in political spaces for leadership in constructing and reconstructing peace in the society during conflict and post conflict […]

INDIA: A democracy that gets hurt by books, but not the body bags

Article | India | 05-03-2014

By Avinash Pandey At 218 in 2013 and 237 in 2012, one would expect a national outrage on the unusually high number of body bags returning to India from Qatar. One would think especially so, for the fact that these body bags belonged to Indian citizens. It must have incensed even the apologists of neoliberal […]

INDIA: Year after Majoni’s Disappearance, Investigation still Missing

Article | India | 04-03-2014

On 10 February, 2013 a young writer and teacher, Ms. Majoni Das working at a private educational institute in the town of Jorhat, located in the eastern Indian state of Assam, went missing. All that her family knows is that Majoni was instructed by police officials to report to a police station, and that she […]

INDIA: भ्रष्टाचार पर सीधा हमला है मुकेश अम्बानी पर एफआईआर

Article | India | 13-02-2014

सत्ता कोई भी हो, उसका अपना चरित्र होता है और उसकी राजनीति का अपना व्याकरण. वह व्याकरण जिसको दरकिनार कर कोई नयी इबारत लिखने की कोशिश बदलाव चाहने वालों के लिए बहुत मुश्किल होती है तो सत्ता के अस्तित्व के लिए बेहद खतरनाक. इसीलिए सत्ता ऐसी किसी भी स्थिति को आने से पहले ही रोक […]

INDIA: An Open Letter to the Prime Minister from a child suffering from Tuberculosis

Article | India | 26-01-2014

Hello Uncle, I am Parvati. I am from Majha village from Panna block of Panna district. The moment I said Panna, your mind must have registered the emerald mines that the place is famous for. I can perceive the same glee in your eyes as I had seen in the eyes of some of the […]

SRI LANKA: Sovereignty – Is it a Defence to cover up[1]?

Introduction The term sovereignty is frequently confronted with hostile claims. Human Right and Anti Corruption Movements are often challenged by various groups with different notions and ideologies on sovereignty.  The purpose of this brief article is to examine some of  the legal issues with reference to the concept of sovereignty in a global political context, […]

WORLD: Obama’s Option — Lawlessness or the Rule of Law

Article | World | 22-01-2014

As Edward Snowden has continued to slowly release more information about the widespread intelligence gathering techniques of the National Security Agency (NSA), there have been more calls for him to be granted an amnesty and further calls for placing limits on intelligence gathering by the NSA and other intelligence agencies. Der Spiegel has reported that […]