
SRI LANKA: Part four and five of an article; the Interim Report of the Parliamentary Committee on NGOs is flawed from the point of view of policy, science and law

Basil Fernando (This is the fourth and fifth part of an article which is a comment on the Interim Report of the Select Committee of Parliament for investigation of the Operations of ‘non-governmental’ Organizations and their Impact, which was presented to parliament on December 8, 2008).  Part four – Manipulation of language, part five – […]

SRI LANKA: Part three of the Interim Report of the Parliamentary Committee on NGOs is flawed from the point of view of policy, science and law

Basil Fernando  (This is the third part of an article which is a comment on the Interim Report of the Select Committee of Parliament for investigation of the Operations of ‘non-governmental’ Organizations and their Impact, which was presented to parliament on December 8, 2008)  Early Buddhist and Jainist movements as belonging to “non-governmental” In this […]

SRI LANKA: Part two of the Interim Report of the Parliamentary Committee on NGOs is flawed from the point of view of policy, science and law

Basil Fernando (This is the second part of an article which is a comment on the Interim Report of the Select Committee of Parliament for investigation of the Operations of Non-Governmental Organizations and their Impact, which was presented to parliament on December 8, 2008) About origins In this part of the article we will discuss […]

SRI LANKA: The Interim Report of the Parliamentary Committee on NGOs is flawed from the point of view of policy, science and law

Basil Fernando (This is the first part of an article which is a comment on the Interim Report of the Select Committee of Parliament for investigation of the Operations of Non-Governmental Organizations and their Impact, which was presented to parliament on December 8, 2008)  The purported aim of the committee and its report is to […]

ASIA: Protection of human rights in non-rule of law countries – institutional reforms in the administration of justice must be given primacy of place

The celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the UDHR is a grim reminder that even after 60 years of the adoption of this great declaration the gap between what is declared and what is actually achieved by way of the improvement of the protection of the rights of the people is enormous. Both in the […]

BANGLADESH: The government must address the dire state of rule of law

We assembled jurists, lawyers and legal academics from throughout Asia gathered in Hong Kong on 17-21 November 2008 for the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law call for the following steps to address the dire state of the rule of law and human rights in Bangladesh:  1. Establishing the […]

INDIA: Resolution of the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law on the systemic failure of the prosecution system in India

Article | India | 25-11-2008

We assembled jurists, lawyers and legal academics from throughout Asia gathered in Hong Kong on 17-21 November 2008 for the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law express our grave concern at the systemic failure of . From the discussions concerning the criminal justice system in India it was implicit […]

SRI LANKA: Resolution of the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law on protection of witnesses, lawyers and journalists in Sri Lanka

We assembled jurists, lawyers and legal academics from throughout Asia gathered in Hong Kong on 17-21 November 2008 for the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law note with serious concern the attacks on lawyers engaged in human rights work, victims of human rights abuse, journalists and others attempting to […]

PAKISTAN: Resolution of the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law in support of the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan

FOR PUBLICATION  AHRC-ART-036-2008  November 24, 2008 A Resolution by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: Resolution of the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law in support of the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan We assembled jurists, lawyers and legal academics from throughout Asia gathered in Hong Kong on 17-21 November […]

PAKISTAN: Resolution of the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law in support of the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan

FOR PUBLICATION  AHRC-ART-036-2008  November 24, 2008 A Resolution by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: Resolution of the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law in support of the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan We assembled jurists, lawyers and legal academics from throughout Asia gathered in Hong Kong on 17-21 November […]

BURMA: Resolution of the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law on the case of Supreme Court advocates U Aung Thein and U Khin Maung Shein

We assembled jurists, lawyers and legal academics from throughout Asia gathered in Hong Kong on 17-21 November 2008 for the Fourth Regional Consultation on an Asian Charter for the Rule of Law, are alarmed at the worsening conditions for lawyers in Burma (Myanmar). We wish to draw particular attention to the case of two Supreme […]

PAKISTAN: The Pakistan Lawyer’s Movement — An Unfinished Agenda

Muneer A. Malik   Published by Pakistan Law House A book on one of the most amazing movements in the defense of democracy, rule of law and human rights to emerge in recent times is the Pakistan Lawyer’s Movement. This is one of the rarest movements that has successfully challenged a military dictatorship while at […]