
INDIA: Outlawed practice of manual scavenging sees a fourfold growth

Article | India | 26-06-2018

Growth has remained the buzzword in Indian polity for decades now. It started after the unprecedented economic crisis that the country faced in early 1990s and never really went away after that. It, rather, almost consumed the other big word- development, which now returns to election rallies and then disappears again until the next elections. […]

WORLD: Lies and filth are no conversation

Article | World | 08-06-2018

By Basil Fernando, Avinash Pandey The world has seen a lot of debate over falsehood being spread in the name of facts recently. This, though, is not a chance encounter. There is a very definite method in this madness. Lowering the quality of the conversation has always been a very well working mean of creating […]

INDIA: Future Imperfect-Hungrier and indebted than ever before

Article | India | 15-05-2018

Despite all the tall claims of development by authorities in India, the data from Government bodies shows that there are little, if any, improvements in tackling alarmingly high levels of malnutrition. Add to this the worrisome fact of a sharp increase in the indebtedness of households and the situation becomes even bleaker. The data from […]

WORLD: Where does Nietzsche’s philosophy lead us?

Article | World | 28-04-2018

By Leonard Pinto In 1960s, a handful of academics in theology departments in some North American universities made a case for a ‘theology without God’, based on the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). The self-contradictory concept drew attention of Americans that Time magazine addressed the issue with a unique cover page, Is God Dead? in […]

SRI LANKA: Crime – Something no one wants to touch

by Basil Fernando One of the things that the Sri Lankan State as well as the Civil Society itself has given up on- is the control of crime. Crime has spread into everything and continues to spread further and further. However, we see that the more crime spreads, the less amenable it is for us […]

INDIA: Change from within requires empathy

Article | India | 23-04-2018

Sachin Kumar Jain Today’s society does not need isolated sympathy. It needs empathy; to feel the other by planting ourselves in their circumstances. To see what their eyes are seeing, hear what their ears are listening to, feel their fears and joys, successes and failures. Empathy is not a miracle, but a way to feel […]

INDIA: Smokescreen judgments, police impunity and judicial overreach

Article | India | 11-04-2018

By Urmila Pullat On Mar 20, 2018, in Dr. Subhash Kashinath Mahajan vs. The State of Maharashtra And Anr., the Supreme Court of India held that there is no absolute bar on granting anticipatory bail for complaints under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (hereinafter the SC/ST Act). Further, […]

INDONESIA: Weak Judicial System and Legal Aid Allow for Unfair Trials

The Republic of Indonesia, an independent state since 17 August 1945, is a State based on the rule of law. Its constitution emphasizes (UUD 1945), in particular article 1 paragraph 3: “The State of Indonesia shall be a state based on the rule of law.” A state based on the rule of law means that the law […]

INDIA: Suicide by a hungry teen in the times of 1.7 billion USD loot by tycoons

Article | India | 01-03-2018

By Avinash Pandey In other times Jyoti could have gotten at least a little outrage for her, often all poor and the marginalized get in the country after such tragedies inflicted upon them. Alas, the country is busy over outraging the USD 1.7 billion fraud, and counting, that the Punjab National Bank has complained Nirav […]

WORLD: Ignoring Crime Prevention is a Sri Lankan Policy

Article | World | 27-02-2018

A reflection on the Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Sri Lanka at the 37th Session of the Human Rights Council, 26 February–23 March 2018 by Basil Fernando The idea of good governance in Sri Lanka seems to be – to make lot of good promises and thereafter to ignore […]

PAKISTAN: Sexual harassment-a manifestation of exerting power and Abuse of authority at workplace

By Javeria Younus Gender inequality is structural and deeply entrenched in the patriarchal mind-set. According to research conducted by various NGOs throughout the world, a whopping 90% working woman face sexual harassment of various forms. In most of the harassment incidents, the oppressor takes advantage of women’s helplessness, vulnerability and the fact that they don’t […]

SRI LANKA: The Quality of our Judiciary ?

An interview with Dr. Sunil Coorey on delays in the administration of justice The Sectoral Oversight Committee on Legal Affairs (anti-corruption) and Media made its recommendations pertaining to the expeditious and efficient administration of criminal justice on 20 September 2017. The Committee recommended an increase in the number of High Court Judges, State Counsels and […]

SRI LANKA: A comprehensive understanding of non-interference with judiciary is a dire need in Sri Lanka

By Nagananda Kodituwakku and Basil Fernando It was heartening to hear from the incumbent Chief Justice, Priyasath Dep, that Sri Lanka’s judiciary is free from any interference. This statement comes as a relief, given that we can recall a long period of the most despicable forms of the interference with the judiciary in Sri Lanka […]

NEPAL: The struggles of Women Human Rights Defenders in Nepal

Article | Nepal | 11-12-2017

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and the CIVICUS spoke with Ms. Rajkumari Upadhaya about her experiences as a Woman Human Rights Defenders (WHRD) in Nepal, changing societal attitudes towards women and hope for the future. The interview has also been published as an article by openDemocracy, an independent global media platform. Women in Nepal face […]

INDIA: Protesting Farmers hold their Parliament, passing bills as real one looks away

Article | India | 22-11-2017

by Avinash Pandey More than 3 lakh (300,000) suicides in thirty years and millions of other lives ruined, would qualify as a national disaster, forcing the Government to tackle it all guns blazing in any democracy. Alas, it does not in the one that claims to be the largest democracy of them all-India. In fact […]

NEPAL: धर्ममाथिको प्रश्न

रक्षाराम हरिजन पृष्ठभूमि: देशका अधिकांश ठाउँमा दलितलाई मन्दिर प्रवेशमा रोक लगाएका समाचारहरू प्रशस्तै आउँछन् । मन्दिरमा पूजा गर्न गएका दलित गैरदलितबाट कुटिनु, मन्दिर प्रवेश गर्न नदिनु, दलितले अरूहरूमार्फत फूल प्रसाद चढाउनु र दलितले मन्दिर निर्माणमा चन्दा दिए पनि पूजा गर्न नपाउनु जस्ता घटनाहरूबाट हामी अभ्यस्त भइसकेका छौं । तर, पछिल्लो समय केही परिवर्तनहरू पनि देखिन […]

INDIA: AADHAR- starving the poor to death as the Supreme Courts looks away

Article | India | 17-11-2017

by Avinash Pandey Shakina Ashfaq, 50, is the latest life claimed by the AADHAR, the name given to the 12-digit unique identification (UID) number by the government of India. The reports suggest that she died of hunger. The authorities, as is unsaid standard operating procedure, claim that preliminary inquiries suggest that she didn’t die of hunger, […]

INDIA: Arbitrary detention of Mr. Chandrashekhar Ravan makes a mockery of the rule of law by the UP state government

Article | India | 14-11-2017

By Avinash Pandey Mr. Chandrashekhar Ravan, the founder of the Bhim Army remains in custody despite the Allahabad High Court granting him bail in all the cases registered against him. Ravan is in custody because of the Government of Uttar Pradesh has registered a case against him under the provisions of the draconian, National Security […]

PAKISTAN: Morality in the back burner as the LEA resorted to disappearing women and children

by Javeria Younes  Despite lacking legal framework on disappearances Pakistan’s constitution prohibits illegal and arbitrary detention and under article 10. Though the phenomenon of disappearance has been ongoing incessantly for two decade to make matters worse the LEA officials have now adopted the tactic of picking up and disappearing innocent women and children of wanted man as […]

NEPAL: Rooting out torture requires new measures and mechanisms

Article | Nepal | 06-11-2017

by Raksha Ram Harijan The routine practice of torture in Nepal is nothing new; decades of work by human rights organizations working on torture and impunity can provide solid examples of the Nepal Police and Nepal Army practicing torture during their work. Despite the government’s ratification of the Convention against Torture (CAT) on 14 May […]