
SRI LANKA: That the Constitution allows enforced disappearances is a big lie (Loku boruwak!)

By Basil Fernando This article is a response to an article titled “International Convention on Enforced Disappearances violates the Constitution” published in a reputed newspaper The Island of 22nd October 2017, written by Neville Ladduwahetty. The crux of the argument in that article is that the definition of enforced disappearances as contained in the International Convention on […]

INDIA: The fight for gender equality in the Indian Navy

Article | India | 18-10-2017

By Madhavi Gopalakrishnan* In August this year, proceedings were initiated to discharge Sabi Giri, a sailor with the Indian Navy, on grounds that she had undergone sex reassignment surgery in the previous year. Sabi, who had joined the Navy as an 18-year-old, had felt uncomfortable with her gender identity for some time; in October 2016, she […]

NEPAL: Diluted proportional electoral system

Article | Nepal | 16-10-2017

by Raksha Ram Harijan The government has announced the date for elections in the Federal and Provincial levels, with the Election Commission (EC) deciding to conduct the polls in two phases: the Member of House of Representatives (Federal Legislative) elections will be held on 26 November 2017, and the Member of State Assembly elections will […]

PAKISTAN: Disability Dreams!

By Dr.Rakhshinda Perveen In an inequitable world Women have greater (19%) prevalence rate of disability rate in comparison to men who have 12% of this share. Large-scale researches have established that every minute, more than 30 women are seriously injured or disabled during labor and those 15 – 50 million women generally go unnoticed. Women […]

NEPAL नेपाल: राज्यको प्राथमिकतामा पर्दैन जातीय विभेद

Article | Nepal | 06-10-2017

रक्षाराम हरिजन नेपालको सार्वभौम संसदले देशलाई छुवाछुत मुक्त राष्ट्र घोषणा गरेको एक दशक पूरा भइसकेको छ । वि. सं. २०६३ जेठ २१ गते संसदले नेपाललाई छुवाछुत मुक्त घोषणा गरेको थियो । तर छुवाछुत मुक्त घोषणा कागजमा मात्रै सिमित रहेको देखिन्छ किनभने जात, वंश, समुदाय वा पेशाका आधारमा हुने छुवाछुत तथा जातीय भेदभावको घटनामा खासै कमी […]

PAKISTAN: State infringement of peoples’ rights allows militancy to continue unabated

By: Javeria Younes In the face of the world pointing accusatory fingers at the State for harbouring terrorists and militants, plus US President Trump’s threat of sanctions against Pakistan, State Officials are denying the existence of militancy in the country. The timing of the world’s most dangerous militant organization ISIS to announce its presence in […]

WORLD: How should the work on the Asian Charter for Human Rights be carried forward?

Article | World | 21-09-2017

By Basil Fernando The following is a presentation made at a workshop organized by the Asian Human Rights Commission and the May 18th Foundation (14-16th September 2017) on the preparations for the 20th Anniversary of the Asian Human Rights Charter 1998. This paper addresses the direction the Asian human rights movement should take in order […]

PAKISTAN: A tribute to Dr. Ruth Pfau: who successfully fought and controlled leprosy in country

The 87-year-old, Pakistan’s Mother Teresa, who devoted her life to control leprosy in Pakistan is no more available at his 2nd floor small room in Marie Adelaide Leprosy Center (MALC), located in a densely populated area of Karachi. Hundreds and thousands of admirers of Dr. Ruth Pfau are in great shock even the Canary bird, […]

SRI LANKA: Is the Criminal Procedure Act still valid?

By Basil Fernando The procedures that should be followed by the police in the investigations into crime are found in the Criminal Procedure Code of Sri Lanka (CPC). Ever since the British introduced the basic procedures for investigations of crime based on their own laws, basic elements of the Criminal Procedure have remained the same. […]

SRI LANKA: When the law ceases to be a command that must be obeyed

By Basil Fernando A lawyer practicing in Negombo was abducted on the night of 12 July 2017 and taken to a deserted field. There six persons, two of whom were wearing camouflaged uniforms, beat him thoroughly on his back and his head, threatening him that, “you should not be messing with us,” and “you should […]

INDIA: IT industry the new killing farms, techies the new farmers?

Article | India | 24-07-2017

Avinash Pandey Gopikrishna Durgaprasad, a 25-year-old gainfully employed young man, committed suicide a few days ago in Pune, Maharashtra. With Maharashtra seeing thousands of suicides every year, and being the state with the most farmer suicides annually, Gopikrishna’s death would not have been significant news on its own. What was different about this case though, was that […]

INDIA: Curious case of anti-farmer, anti-consumer, self-pricing tomatoes

Article | India | 14-07-2017

Avinash Pandey Looking at the pattern of tomato pricing in India, year after year, could lead one to believe that tomatoes are pricing themselves, evilly conspiring against the farmers producing them and the consumers buying them, helping only the intermediaries in the process. As of now, tomatoes are being sold for more than Rs. 80 […]

SRI LANKA: Drinking toddy which is not toddy

By Basil Fernando “A large crowd of people gather here every day,” a social worker told me, pointing to a two-storey building that is now a toddy shop. There was a banner with a familiar advertisement: Ra Bomu – lets drink toddy. People were going to and from the building. Pointing to the property annexed […]

SRI LANKA: Can a torture victim receive justice from the Sri Lanka Legal System?

Sanjeewa Weerawickrama [1] Torture is an act, a form of punishment, a horrible experience, causing severe physical pain and mental suffering. It uses force to make a person confess to a crime he did not do. [2]. A person has the fundamental right not to be tortured. Freedom from torture is covered in the next two examples […]

SRI LANKA: A Diary of a frequent visitor

Article by Basil Fernando I arrived at the Katunayake Airport and there was my friend whose car I usually use in my visits. On our way from the airport into the roads a conversation immediately started and of course my first concern was to note how my friend was doing in his business – which […]

INDIA: Ominous arrests point at imminent rule of the outlaw in Uttar Pradesh

Article | India | 06-07-2017

By Avinash Pandey The arrests of 31 Dalit activists in Lucknow, state capital of Uttar Pradesh, is an ominous marker of the things to come. Add the circumstances of their arrest and they also hint at an authoritarian regime lurching around, set for the takeover of whatever little is left of dissent, democracy and the […]

INDIA: Weed out the rogues in uniform rather than trivialising rape

Article | India | 30-06-2017

by Avinash Pandey ‘Why do armed women cut off a particular organ of Indian soldiers engaged in combating armed insurgencies across India, be it Punjab, Kashmir, Arunachal, Assam, Bengal or Jharkhand?’ asked senior opposition leader Azam Khan. The insinuation was unmistakable, and it had a basis: armed Maoists had indeed chopped off private parts of Central Reserve […]

INDIA: A ‘stain-less’ government amidst bloodstains on the streets

Article | India | 28-06-2017

by Avinash Pandey ‘There are no stains on my government,’ said Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit to the United States of America. This can only mean that the Prime Minister thinks the bloodstains of innocent Indians are not stains. In actual fact, no one can remember another time when so much blood was […]

SRI LANKA: Opposite Approach to Minimize Torture in Sri Lanka

By Sanjeewa Weerawickrama [1] The history of torture has been from time immemorial. Today and in the future torture is a reality in many countries. To solve a problem there may be multiple approaches. Maybe certain methods are more effective than others but each has its own ways, means and value. An intervention to minimize […]

SRI LANKA: Dengue Fever Epidemic In Sri Lanka Vs. State Responsibility

by Sanjeewa Weerawickwama The population of Sri Lanka is 20.97 million (2015) people. Some 1.84 million are migrant workers. The number of Dengue Fever affected individuals in 2015 was 29, 777. In 2016 it was 55, 154. Statistics for the first 5 months of 2017 show affected individuals to be 56,887! And the total number […]