Forwarded Article

SRI LANKA: Civil Society Condemn the Unlawful Arrest and Detention of Azath Salley and call for his immediate release -117 signed

(The original article may be seen at: (Lanka-e-News-07.May.2013, 2.30PM) We the undersigned, vehemently condemn the arrest and detention of Former Deputy Mayor and General Secretary of the National Unity Alliance (NUA), Azath Salley, by a team of officers from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the Terrorism Investigation Department (TID), on Thursday, 2 May 2013 […]

PAKISTAN: May Day-struggle of working class is the only option for a collective prosperity of mankind

Nasir Mansoor This year the 127th May Day is being observed amid a deepening capitalist crisis and social turmoil all over globe. The struggle aimed at improving the working hours of labors has now become a drive to slay the dragon of capitalism for good. This struggle of working class is becoming the only option […]

SRI LANKA: Mannar Bishop denies ‘separation’ seeks ‘viable political solution’

Sunday, 21 April 2013 02:24 Bishop of Mannar, Most Rev. Dr. Rayappu Joseph said he never stood for the separation of the country nor rejected any viable political solution to the national question. The Bishop made this statement in response to the lead story published in The Nation last week titled “Mannar Bishop, TNA Resurrect […]

PAKISTAN: Food security issues and the challenges

Food security is in fact much more than just food production, distribution and consumption. Food is the top most priority of everybody since our inception. It gives us energy to grow and live stronger. Apart from dietary needs, food has a cultural value as well. Many cultures hold some food preferences and some food taboos. […]

SRI LANKA: Ayio Neethipathi… Aiyo Neethipathi…

Wednesday, 03 April 2013 02:34 The Attorney General is reported to be collecting statistics on incidents of rape and child abuse. Though this has come a little too late it is commendable. We are sad to note that Sri Lanka does not maintain proper records of such ruthless crimes. According to media reports the inquiry […]

SRI LANKA: Recognising ourselves as our worst enemies

An article from The Sunday Times forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Kishali Pinto Jayawardena With a foreign policy in tatters, the judiciary and the legal system in deep crisis and the state of the economy looking more perilous with each monumentally wasteful government extravaganza, the seasonal call of the koha heralding the Sinhala […]

SRI LANKA: The bitter fruits of our own folly

An article from The Sunday Times forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission As family members of a murdered ruling party politician travelled to Geneva this week to lay their case for denial of justice before the United Nations Human Rights Council, the ironies are palpable, almost painful. Are we to see in coming months, […]

SRI LANKA: The killing of children and Sri Lanka’s bloody legacies

The mass grave in Matale uncovered late last year and the ongoing demands for independent and credible investigations into the fate of disappeared persons during the last days of the fighting between government forces and the LTTE in 2009 have at their core, the common element of impunity and a common cry for justice. Pitiful […]

PAKISTAN: Polio, Taliban, and media

Resistance to polio vaccination has been going through a constant phase of evolution in Pakistan, and with every passing day, it goes one notch up from its previous level involving people from conservative camps to enlightened ones as well. About six months ago, Maulvi Ibrahim Chishti of Muzaffargarh’s rural Khan Pur Bagga Sher area declared […]

SRI LANKA: Three years after his abduction, Pattani Razeek’s family still await answers reporter, Colombo Sri Lanka 2013-02-26 13:42:15 Pattani Razeek went missing in 2010 near a mosque in Polonuwara. His family received several calls from his mobile phone, demanding money in exchange for his release. Then the calls stopped. For his son Razeek Rizkkhan Mohamed, the ensuing years have been a tedious process of waiting and […]

SRI LANKA: De-jure Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake under strict surveillance by ‘Officially’ sanctioned police acting ‘Unofficially’

By D.B.S.Jeyaraj Dr.Shirani Bandaranayake who is regarded as the De-jure Chief Justice of Sri Lanka despite being “removed” from Office by President Mahinda Rajapaksa after what seemed like a “witch trial” was conducted by seven Government parliamentarians of an eleven member Parliamentary select Committee is being kept under Strict surveillance by “Officially” sanctioned Police acting […]

PAKISTAN: Bangladesh is right in demanding an apology from Pakistan

A bunch of university students in Islamabad, with whom I was informally conversing yesterday, hadn’t heard of either. Of course, they knew of Tahrir Square and Afzal Guru‘s recent execution. But they showed little interest upon learning that Shahbag Square was in Dhaka and that, as we spoke, the city was seething with protest. Between 100,000 to 500,000 […]

SRI LANKA: Mass grave called a ‘crime site’

Human remains in central Matale district is “the scene of a crime”, a forensic medical officer has told Al Jazeera. The remains of more than 150 people have been excavated in the town of Matale in central Sri Lanka. The skeletal remains were discovered late last year by workers building a facility at a hospital […]

PAKISTAN: Country’s war against Human Rights Watch

“A pack of lies” is Pakistan army’s favorite defensive phrase whenever it is blamed for committing human rights abuses or covertly sponsoring Islamic extremist organizations. On December 13, 2012, the Pakistan army described an Amnesty International report, The Hands of Cruelty, as “a pack of lies” when the London-based international human rights watchdog exposed the involvement […]

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Beheading of Rizana Nafeek by Saudi Arabian Authorities Strongly Condemned by Sections of Sri Lankan Civil Society

15 January 2013, 6:03 am We, the undersigned, condemn in the strongest terms the beheading of Rizana Nafeek, the Sri Lankan domestic migrant worker convicted aged 17 in 2005, for the accidental death of an infant, in Saudi Arabia on the morning of 09 January 2013. We are shocked at the decision of Saudi Arabia’s […]

Pakistan: A Bloody Terror to Itself and the West

An unprecedented protest is unfolding in the Balochistan city of Quetta in Pakistan. Thousands of people have staged a sit-in, and are using coffins to block a road to protest the slaughter of Shia Muslims by Sunni Muslim terrorists allied with the Taliban. On Thursday night, January 10, twin bombings targeting Pakistan’s tiniest ethnic minority, the Hazaras — descendants of Central […]

SRI LANKA: Democracy mourns for judgment fled to brutish beasts

An article from The Sunday Times forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission As the sun went down this Friday on barebodied ruffians raucously celebrating Parliament’s spectacularly unjust impeachment of the country’s Chief Justice with crackers and kiribath, judgment fled to brutish beasts and Sri Lanka entered its darkest phrase since independence. This Government with […]

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Rizana Nafeek — chronology of events leading to — imminent execution? or uncertain release?

Sri Lankan teenager Rizana Nafeek arrived in Saudi Arabia to work as a house maid when she was 17 years of age. ‘Our family was having hardships and so our eldest daughter volunteered to go and work abroad to send money home,’ the father Mohammed Sultan Nafeek, a wood cutter from Muthur, Trincomalee, said in […]

SRI LANKA: The judiciary refuses to be ‘tamed and vanquished’

Predictably, Government propaganda hitmen wasted little time in rushing to condemn the Supreme Court’s most extraordinary and exceptional Determination this week that the parliamentary impeachment of a superior court judge has to be determined by law and not by Standing Orders. The level to which this Government has deteriorated was amply seen by the fact […]

SRI LANKA: Acting contrary to the greater good of Sri Lanka

An article from The Sunday Times forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission This week, newspaper reports quoted Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary and President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s brother accusing foreign elements of ‘using the judiciary to destabilise Sri Lanka’ (Daily Mirror, December 29th 2012). This is a classic instance of doublespeak. It is abundantly clear that, […]