Forwarded Press Release

WORLD: Right to Food: “Agroecology outperforms large-scale industrial farming for global food security,” says UN expert

BRUSSELS (22 June 2010) – “Governments and international agencies urgently need to boost ecological farming techniques to increase food production and save the climate,” said UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, while presenting the findings at an international meeting on agroecology held in Brussels on 21 and 22 June. Along […]

PHILIPPINES: Rights group challenges P-Noy to run after torturers

June 25, 2010. Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) and relatives of political prisoners/detainees join the other members of UATC or the United Against Torture Coalition Philippines and the freedom from torture advocates worldwide in commemorating the International Day in Support of Torture Victims by challenging P-Noy to release all political prisoners/detainees who are […]

THAILAND: Calls for observing the preliminary hearing on the case of Imam Yapa Kaseng

The Provincial Court of Narathiwat set the preliminary hearing on the case of Imam Yapha Kaseng at 09.00am on 2 September 2010 To determine if the case of the alleged torture to death of the Imam while under official custody is actionable or not On 18 June 2010, the Provincial Court of Narathiwat scheduled the […]

INDIA: Groundbreaking court cases on maternal mortality

In a historic decision the Delhi High Court ordered compensation for violation of constitutional and reproductive rights of two impoverished women. The judgment will have immense health policy implications in India, where a maternal death occurs every five minutes. In the case of Laxmi Mandal vs Deen Dayal Hari Nager Hospital & Ors W.P. 8853/2008 […]

WORLD: “Joined forces for the fight against hunger”

More than one billion people suffer from hunger. To tackle this problem, global governance for food security and nutrition needs to be improved. Access to land is a crucial factor in this context. These issues were addressed by the international conference “Policies against Hunger VIII”, hosted by the Government of Germany from June 9-11 in […]

HONG KONG/CAMBODIA: Seminar: The International Dimensions off the Cambodian Tragedy 1969 — 1997

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you an announcement for a seminar relating to human rights in Cambodia at the City University of Hong Kong this Friday. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Press Release from the Southeast Asia Research Centre and AIS Postgraduate Society of the […]

PAKISTAN: International community should intervene in Makuran Balochistan, against the new wave of violence by Pakistan Army

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from Baloch Human Rights Council, Canada. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Press Release from Baloch Human Rights Commission forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) PAKISTAN: International community should intervene in Makuran Balochistan, against […]

INDIA: Independent People’s Tribunal led by Justice A.P. Shah concludes visit and mass-hearing in Narmada Valley

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release issued by the People’s Tribunal in Narmada Valley. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Press Release from the People’s Tribunal in Narmada Valley forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) INDIA: Independent People’s Tribunal led […]

INDIA/SOUTH KOREA: Call for an immediate withdrawal of the proposed POSCO project

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release issued by a fact-finding team who visited Balitutha where the police fired against villagers who were peacefully protesting against the POSCO steel plant project. For the details on the incident, please read the Urgent Appeal issued by the AHRC. Asian […]

INDIA: Demand for Judicial Probe into firing at Mao Gate, Manipur

At an emergency press meeting held today at Constitution Club, New Delhi by Indian civil society organisations, those present including Naga MLAs from Manipur urged for peace but agreed that the situation is getting increasingly volatile even as minority communities in Manipur feel presently threatened by the heightened insecurity and historical discrimination. Independent Naga MLAs […]

PAKISTAN: Acid attacks are increasing — burning gender injustice

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from Women without Borders. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Press Release from Women without Borders forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) PAKISTAN: Acid attacks are increasing — burning gender injustice (This article was kindly […]

SRI LANKA: Gang boss known for hostility towards journalists appointed deputy media minister

“In what country do you appoint an arsonist to put out fires?” Reporters without Borders asked today after learning that Mervyn Silva, a politician notorious for insulting and physically attacking journalists, has been appointed deputy minister of media and information. Labour minister in the last government, Silva was confirmed in his new post by parliament […]

PAKISTAN: Frontier Corp Attacks on Baloch Families, killing one woman

Toronto, April 20, 2010 – Baloch Human Rights Council (Canada) condemns in the strongest words the brutal and cowardly pre-dawn paramilitary attack on Baloch families in Quetta, Balochistan. In a press statement, Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) expressed deepest sorrow over the loss of life of a brave Baloch woman, Ms. Mehnaz Mengal and arbitrary […]

PAKISTAN: Journalist injured in kidnap attempt in Tribal Areas

(April 15, 2010) “It is playing with death to work as a journalist in Bajaur,” a journalist in this Tribal Area told Reporters Without Borders after yesterday’s attempted abduction of one of his colleagues, Imran Khan, in Khar, a town in Bajaur. Khan and his sister were both seriously injured when resisting the kidnap attempt […]

PAKISTAN: Ansar Burney to help 17 Indians facing death row in UAE

A noted Human Rights Activist Ansar Burney on Monday said the trust he runs would provide legal and moral help to 17 Indians who allegedly killed a Pakistani man in Sharjah. Terming the death sentence as “shocking” and “against justice”, Burney said, “As per media reports 17 Indian nationals were accused of being the leaders […]

NEPAL: Media owner gunned down in troubled Terai region

(3 March 2010) Reporters Without Borders is saddened and outraged by regional media owner Arun Singhaniya’s murder in Janakpur, a city in southern Nepal’s troubled Terai region, on 1 March. Claimed by several armed groups operating in the Terai, the killing has highlighted the lack of tolerance for independent media. Reporters Without Borders has added […]

PHILIPPINES: Protect Witnesses to Maguindanao Massacre Two Relatives of Witnesses Killed; Many Suspects Remain at Large

(New York, March 8, 2010) – Philippine authorities should act swiftly to protect eyewitnesses to the November 2009 massacre of at least 57 people in Maguindanao province on Mindanao, and to protect their families as well, Human Rights Watch said today.   Concerns for the safety of witnesses are highlighted by the killings of two […]

ASIA: High Commissioner speaks out against domestic violence and “honour killing” on occasion of International Women’s Day

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Press Release from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Following is […]

PAKISTAN: Fishermen demand action against violators

The poor fishermen community appealed to the government to ensure a strict action against the use of prohibited nets in Sindh marine water which has put juvenile fish stock at the verge of extinct. Several fishermen from Ibrahim Hydri, Karachi, Sindh province, claimed that a number of influential people are still using prohibited nets in […]

INDIA: A “disturbing” spate of police violence against journalists

Reporters Without Borders is extremely shocked and disturbed by a wave in Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. It has registered a total of 13 cases of abusive treatment and physical attacks by police against media personnel in February alone. “Given that a police officer was recently suspended for hitting a Dalit woman in […]