Forwarded Press Release

SRI LANKA: Lawyers Urge Government to Respect the Right to Peaceful Protest

Press Release issued by the Lawyers for Democracy (LfD) Lawyers for Democracy (LfD), a body of lawyers representing over 300 lawyers around the country, committed to democratic values, are deeply concerned with and condemn the events of the past week where a person¡¦s right to protest and expression guaranteed in the Constitution of Sri Lanka […]

INDIA: Eighth Kolkata Group Workshop on the Right to Food calls for elimination of injustice

For immediate release: Kolkata, February 16, 2010 The Eighth Kolkata Group Workshop, chaired by Professor Amartya Sen, was held in Kolkata, India on February 15-16, 2010. The theme this year was Eliminating Injustice. Over fifty participants from different walks of life – policy makers, opinion leaders, social scientists, scholars, activists and development experts – met […]

INDIA: Will SSP be pushed at the cost of 200,000 people in Narmada?

For Immediate Release Bhopal 13 February, 2010 Can the Centre grant 11,000 crores more to Sardar Sarovar Project in violation of law, justice and environmental sustainability measures? Conspiracy to bypass the Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s Expert Committee will not be beneficial; M.P. is not to get power or water even after ¡¥Jal Samadhi¡¦ to […]

SRI LANKA: Amnesty International Calls on Sri Lankan Government to Permanently Release All Civilians

Amnesty International USA Press Release Amnesty International is calling on the Sri Lankan government to permanently release civilians who have been illegally detained in camps since the end of the civil war six months ago. The authorities must make good on their declared intentions to free some 120,000 people and must do so unconditionally, said […]

PAKISTAN: Dr Afia needs justice which is seen to be done, Barrister Amjad Malik

Barrister Amjad Malik, Chairman (APL) an Association of Pakistani origin Solicitors, Barristers, Judges and ex pat members has taken a serious note of recent conviction of Dr. Afia Siddiqui of 3 February 2010 by Jury of 12 men at USA and has declared that this may result in a stumbling block between US-Pak people to […]

SRI LANKA: End Indefinite Detention of Tamil Tiger Suspects

Subject: [SL HR Advocacy] HRW: End Indefinite To: For Immediate Release Incommunicado ‘Rehabilitation’ Raises Fears of Torture and Enforced Disappearances (New York, February 2, 2010) – The Sri Lankan government should end its indefinite arbitrary detention of more than 11,000 people held in so-called rehabilitation centers and release those not being prosecuted, Human Rights […]

ASIA: Making Justice Happen: IBJ Fellowship for Innovative Criminal Justice Projects

GENEVA/ SINGAPORE (January 27, 2010) – In support of efforts to curb legal abuse across Asia, International Bridges to Justice (IBJ) this week launches its second JusticeMakers Fellowship Competition. The Competition, opening January 27, is open to applicants who have concrete, achievable ideas to promote and foster criminal justice and rule of law initiatives. Each […]

PAKISTAN: Military Undermines Government on Human Rights

(New York, January 21, 2010) — Pakistan’s military actively undermined the civilian government’s human rights agenda in 2009, Human Rights Watch said today in its new World Report 2010. The 612-page report, the organization’s 20th annual review of human rights practices around the globe, summarizes major human rights trends in more than 90 nations and territories […]

PAKISTAN: 191 political workers were killed in targeted attacks in Karachi city during the year 2009

Karachi-January 12, 2010: According to the statistics of Human Rights commission of Pakistan in the year 2009, in the city of Karachi, the largest industrial of Pakistan, 1747 were killed– among them were 1415 men, 198 women and 134 children. The percentage of accidents and murders has increased to 92%. Where, 80% were men, 12% […]

IRAN: New crackdown hitting human rights defenders

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), condemns the wave of arrests hitting dozens of human rights defenders since yesterday, including journalist Emad Baghi and the sister of co-founder of the Defenders of Human Rights […]

PAKISTAN: Expedite Domestic Violence Legislation

The Pakistani government should quickly reintroduce legislation to protect women and children from domestic violence, Human Rights Watch said today. The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill was passed unanimously by the National Assembly on August 4, 2009, but the bill lapsed after the Senate failed to pass it within the three months required under […]

PAKISTAN: 45 Turkish citizens are allegedly jailed and tortured in Pakistani prisons

MAZLUMDER, human rights organization and solidarity for oppressed people, called Pakistan to release the whereabouts of at least 45 Turks, allegedly jailed and tortured in prisons. MAZLUMDER Istanbul Branch released the details of a new report on Pakistani jails at a press conference, which says some Turkish citizens have been the recent victims. The Organization […]

PAKISTAN: A retired Ahmadi professor murdered in Punjab province

It is with great sadness that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat confirms that another member of its community, Retired Professor Muhammad Yusuf (aged 70) was killed earlier today by two masked gunmen in Lahore. At around 7.30am, Professor Yusuf was tending his son’s grocery shop near his own home in Rachna Town when two masked persons […]

NEPAL: Army must follow court orders

We, the undersigned human rights defenders, are seriously concerned about the Nepal Army’s refusal to hand over Major Niranjan Basnet to the civilian court. The army took Basnet into custody on December 12, 2009, from the premises of Tribhuvan International Airport upon his arrival, following repatriation by the UN from its peacekeeping mission in Chad. […]

WORLD: One of the most frequent Human Rights Violations: Women’s and girls’ right to food!

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from the Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN) International. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Press Release from the Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN) International forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) […]

NEPAL: Woman journalist attacked, Maoists promote suspects in reporter’s murder

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from the Reporters Without Borders. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Press Release from The Reporters Without Borders forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Reporters Without Borders is concerned about continuing physical violence against […]

NEPAL: Authorities must arrest Major Niranjan Basnet, the accused in the Maina Sunuwar murder case, arriving in Kathmandu today

Basnet is repatriated by the UN from his posting in Chad as the UN is informed about a pending arrest warrant against the officer from a court in Nepal. While the government of Nepal is expected to arrest Basnet upon his arrival at Thribhuvan international airport in Kathmandu today, it is equally the responsibility of […]

WORLD: WTO: “Trade negotiations need to reflect the new global consensus on hunger,” warns UN expert on right to food

(2 December 2009) GENEVA – Just days after the World Summit on Food Security in Rome, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food reviews the stakes of the ongoing WTO Ministerial for global food security. According to the UN human rights expert, the trade community should devote the upcoming six months to ensure […]

INDIA: Odisha government should bring out a White paper on farmers suicide and mining scam

(Bhubaneswar, November 30, 2009) Odisha government should bring out a White paper on the continuous farmers’ suicide and mining scam in the state. The Janata Vikash Manch along with other organizations of the civil society will submit a memorandum to the State governor on December 10, on the Human Rights Day, to plea the Centre […]

INDIA: Briefing on Armed Forces Special Powers Act for Members of Parliament

Re: Invitation to a Briefing on Armed Forces Special Powers Act for Members of Parliament Dear Madam / Sir, The Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN (WGHR) cordially invites you to a: Briefing on the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) for Members of Parliament The briefing will take place on Wednesday 2nd December 2009 from […]