Forwarded Statement

PAKISTAN: She cries again and utters her agony “Maybe I am Christian and it’s my fate in Pakistan”

Karachi, June 21: Her husband was Head Constable in Karachi Police and she was living peacefully enjoying life with her three children. She used to attend Sunday Services in local Church at Manzoor Colony Karachi with her husband Tariq Khokhar offering special prayers for everlasting happiness of her family. She was very happy when her husband […]

KYRGYZSTAN: Kyrgyz Provisional Government Must Intensify Stabilisation Efforts in South

A Statement from International Crisis Group forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission —————————————— KYRGYZSTAN: Kyrgyz Provisional Government Must Intensify Stabilisation Efforts in South Bishkek/Brussels/Washington, 16 June 2010: Suggestions by Kyrgyzstan’s Provisional Government yesterday that the situations in Osh and Jalalabad are stabilising, that foreign intervention is thus not needed, and that a referendum scheduled for […]

THAILAND: Support the Amnesty Law for demonstrators with offenses related to the breach of the Emergency Decree

A Statement from the Human Rights Lawyers Association (HRLA) in conjunction with Union of Civil Liberties (UCL) and Cross Cultural Foundation (CrCF) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission ——————– 17 June 2010 Public Statement No. 7 Support the Amnesty Law for demonstrators with offenses related to the breach of the Emergency Decree This statement […]

PAKISTAN: “Tell us who killed our father,” say reporter Hayatullah Khan’s orphaned children

“The government must tell us who killed our father; it must arrest the murderers,” says Kamran Hayat, the 8-year-old son of journalist Hayatullah Khan, whose handcuffed body was found four years ago, on 16 June 2006, near Mir Ali, in the Tribal Area of North Waziristan. Khan, who had been shot in the head, was […]

SOUTH KOREA / INDIA: POSCO should take responsibility for the violent and bloody suppression of villagers protesting their steel plant project in Orissa, India

On May 15, 2010, all but 2 out of one hundred villagers were seriously injured while police were dispersing them. They had been peacefully protesting against the POSCO steel plant project in Orissa, India. According to reports published in India, the police reportedly fired rubber bullets, live ammunition and tear gas and then prevented the […]

PAKISTAN: Women Advocate for Law against Acid Attacks

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from WUNRN. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- PAKISTAN: Women Advocate for Law against Acid Attacks  WUNRN By Zofeen Ebrahim KARACHI, Pakistan, May 31, 2010 (IPS) – Almost seven years after Naila Farhat, 20, became another victim of an acid throwing […]

GAZA: Call for International Inquiry into Activist Killings

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Amnesty International. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from Amnesty International forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission GAZA: Call for International Inquiry into Activist Killings Dear Supporter, At least ten civilian activists protesting against the blockade on the Gaza […]

THAILAND: Hunger strike of Suthachai Yimprasert while under arbitrary detention

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following statement release by Mr. Bonsong Chaisingkananont, academy of Department of Philosophy, Silpakorn University. . Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from Mr. Bonsong Chaisingkananont, academy of Department of Philosophy, Silpakorn University forwarded by the Asian Human Rights […]

THAILAND: End Violence Now!

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following statement release from Working Group on Justice for Peace (WGJP). Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from Working Group on Justice for Peace (WGJP) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) THAILAND: End Violence Now! 20 […]

SOUTH KOREA: Space for freedom of expression diminishing in the Republic of Korea

SEOUL (17 May 2010) – At the end of his 12-day country mission, UN Special Rapporteur Frank La Rue noted that the Republic of Korea has come a long way since the restoration in 1987 of a multi-party political system. However, he expressed concern that “since the candlelight demonstrations, the full respect for human rights, […]

MALAYSIA: Commissioner-less SUHAKAM: human rights clearly not a priority for UN Human Rights Council Member Malaysia

SUARAM expresses its gravest concern over the Prime Minister’s long delay in appointing the new Commissioners of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), which has resulted in a Commissioner-less SUHAKAM following the end of the respective terms of the previous batch of Commissioners on 23 April 2010, more than three weeks ago. Since 23 […]

PAKISTAN: Journalist found dead after revealing tribal marriage customs

May 14, 2010. Reporters Without Borders voiced its dismay today after journalist Ghulam Rasool Birhamani was found dead in Sindh province in the south-east of the country on 10 May 2010.  Several journalists in the region told the worldwide press freedom organisation that they believed his death could have been linked to an article he […]

INDIA: Manipur at the verge of complete breakdown

The ongoing economic blockade enforced by All Naga Student Association Manipur (ANSAM) and others in the Indian state of Manipur since 11 April 2010 has pushed the people in the state to the verge of existence. The state-wide strike organised by the ANSAM blocking roads and highways, national highway 39 and 53, which are the […]

PAKISTAN: HRCP condemns killing of university teacher in Quetta, Balochistan

Lahore, April 28, 2010: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) condemns the target killing of Nazima Talib, a university teacher in Quetta, capital of Balochistan province, and calls upon the government to provide adequate security to vulnerable academic staff across Balochistan and bring the perpetrators of the crime to justice. Human Rights Commission of […]

THAILAND: Media beset by both violence and state of emergency

23 April 2010 Reporters Without Borders Reporters Without Borders is extremely concerned about the impact on press freedom of the political in Thailand and reiterates its appeal to all parties to respect and guarantee the work of the press. “The gravity of this crisis reinforces the need to respect the free flow of news and […]

THAILAND: Condemn the use of violence at Muang Pattani Police Station

WGJP no.005/2010, 21 April 2010 Today, 21 April 2010, two bomb explosions occurred at the lawn in front of the Muang Pattani Police Station. First, the grenades were thrown by two unknown parties toward police officials who were attending the morning anthem causing one death and more than 40 injuries among the officials. One police […]

INDIA: Petitions on Child Labour policy & Vedanta mining company

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from India Committee of the Netherlands. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from India Committee of the Netherlands forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission INDIA: Petitions on Child Labour policy & Vedanta mining company Stop Child Labour petition On the […]

INDIA: Independent People’s Tribunal on Land Acquisition, Resource Grab and Operation Green Hunt

Interim Observations of the Jury, 11th April 2010 The jury heard the testimonies of a large number of witnesses over three days from the States of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa as well as some expert witnesses on land acquisition, mining and human rights violations of Operation Green Hunt. The immediate observations of the […]

INDIA: Public protest in DELHI to expose the PROPOSED FOOD “INSECURITY” ACT of the Government of India

DHARNA CUM FAST OUTSIDE PARLIAMENT JANTAR MANTAR, NEW DELHI from 15th April to 19th April, 2010 The steering committee of the Right to Food Campaign invites all of you to join us from the 15th to 19th of April, 2010 at Jantar Mantar, outside Parliament in Delhi for a Dharna cum fast to protest against […]

INDIA: Public protest in DELHI to expose the PROPOSED FOOD “INSECURITY” ACT of the Government of India

DHARNA CUM FAST OUTSIDE PARLIAMENT JANTAR MANTAR, NEW DELHI from 15th April to 19th April, 2010 The steering committee of the Right to Food Campaign invites all of you to join us from the 15th to 19th of April, 2010 at Jantar Mantar, outside Parliament in Delhi for a Dharna cum fast to protest against […]