Forwarded Statement

SRI LANKA: Free Civilians from Detention Camps

Related Materials: Sri Lanka: End Illegal Detention of Displaced Population Keeping several hundred thousand civilians who had been caught in the middle of a war penned in these camps is outrageous. Haven’t they been through enough? They deserve their freedom, like all other Sri Lankans – Brad Adams, Asia director .Eventual Resettlement No Excuse for […]

PALESTINE: Arrest of Muhammad Srour, witness to UN Human Rights Council

Mr. Muhammad Srour and Mr.Jonathan Pollack, an Israeli solidarity activist, testified to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict in Geneva on 6 July 2009 about the murder of 2 young men by Israeli forces during a demonstration in Ni’lin. Mr. Srour, a member of the Ni’lin Popular Committee Against the Wall, […]

SRI LANKA: IBAHRI alarmed by publication of lawyers’ names on Sri Lanka Ministry of Defence website

The International Bar Association Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) is alarmed by the recent publication of the article ‘Traitors in black coats flocked together?’ on the website of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence, Public Security, Law and Order. The article implies that lawyers defending the Sunday Leader newspaper in a defamation and connected contempt of […]

PAKISTAN/UNITED KINGDOM: Investigate Complicity in Torture in Pakistan Officials Privately Confirm UK Role in Torture of Terror Suspects

The UK government should order an independent judicial inquiry into mounting evidence that its security services and law enforcement agencies were complicit in the torture of terrorism suspects in Pakistan, Human Rights Watch said today. Officials in both the Pakistani and UK governments have privately confirmed to Human Rights Watch that British officials were aware […]

THAILAND: Delayed justice is injustice: One month after the massacre at Al Furakon Mosque

Bangkok, Thailand no. 29/2552 July 7, 2009 The shooting spree at Al Furakon Mosque, I-pa-yae village, Jor Airong District, Narathiwat the night of 8 June caused instantly ten deaths and a dozen of injuries. It took place while the villagers were praying at the mosque. One month past, on one hand, thanks to aid from the government, […]

PAKISTAN: 10421 Cases of police Torture reported during the last ten

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the Madadgaar Helpline, Karachi – PAKISTAN. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from the Madadgaar Helpline, Karachi-PAKISTAN forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Madadgaar Helpline, Karachi, reported in its report on torture that in the first six months of […]

INDONESIA: Erase Torture: Make Torture a Crime!

Torture is mother of all human rights violations. Torture gave birth to various human rights violations from extra-judicial killing to denial of the right to fair trial. International human rights law posits torture as the highest norm of crimes. Thus, it makes torturer as the common enemy of all mankind (hostis humanis generis). Physical injuries […]

MALAYSIA: Fifteen overseas Filipino workers prevented from getting food supplies in Sabah province

We are greatly concerned at the conditions of 15 complaining palm oil over seas Philippine workers (OFWs) in Sabah province who were prevented by their employer on June 17 from getting any food supplies from the company owned store. At the same time we are disturbed by the Philippine Embassy’s contention that this cannot be […]

SRI LANKA: Deportation of Bob Rae: Some Fundamental Questions for the future of Minorities and the Erasure of Democracy

Dear Friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna) Sri Lanka. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from the University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna) Sri Lanka forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna), Sri Lanka […]

SOUTH KOREA: Statement from Professors in North America Concerned about Korean Democracy

The following represents the considered view of professors at colleges and universities throughout North America whose thoughts are with Korea and Korea’s democracy. In light of recent developments in South Korea, we, the undersigned, cannot but express grave concern. Nurtured by the toils and sacrifice of many, democracy is a proud asset of the Korean […]

BANGLADESH: Rights groups urged the government to probe human rights abuses and reform institutions

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the Universal Periodic Review Forum of Bangladesh, a coalition of 17 human rights, women’s rights, labour and indigenous people’s rights NGOs from Bangladesh. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from the Universal Periodic Review Forum of Bangladesh, a coalition of […]

SRI LANKA: Vanni IDPs live under appalling condition – Sri Lankan Chief Justice

(This statement by the Chief Justice was aired with Tamil translation Wednesday night in MTV News bulletin). Vanni IDPs sheltered in transit centres in Cheddiku’lam cannot expect justice under the Sri Lanka’s law. Law of the country does not show any interest on these IDPs. I openly say this. The authorities can penalize me for […]

PAKISTAN: A tragedy of errors and Cover-ups

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) is convinced that the cost of the insurgency in the Malakand Division has been increased manifold by the short sightedness and indecisiveness of the non-representative institutions and their policy of appeasing the militants and cohorting with them. While the ongoing military operation had become unavoidable, it was not […]

SRI LANKA: Press freedom activist badly beaten in Colombo, hospitalised

Reporters Without Borders/Reporters sans frontieres 2 June 2009 Reporters Without Borders is outraged by an assault on Poddala Jayantha, the secretary-general of the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), the country’s leading journalists organisation, who was kidnapped yesterday by a gang on a Colombo street, tortured and then dumped at a roadside. He is now […]

SRI LANKA: Message to HR Council by High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay

at the Human Rights Council Special Session on the human rights situation in Sri Lanka forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Message to HR Council by High Commissioner 26 May 2009 I regret that I am not able to attend in person the Human Rights Council special session on the human rights […]

PAKISTAN: Lift Swat Curfew for Trapped Civilians Food, Water, Medicine Running Out in Conflict Zone

(New York, May 26, 2009) – The Pakistani authorities should immediately lift a 24-hour curfew in place since May 18 in the Swat valley and adjoining areas of the Malakand Division of Pakistan’s Provincially Administered Tribal Areas (PATA), Human Rights Watch said today. Severe shortages of food, water, and medicine are creating a major humanitarian […]

PHILIPPINES: The AFP’s “Order of Battle”: Witchhunting and adulterated lies

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Union of Peoples’ Lawyers in Mindanao (UPLM). Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from Union of Peoples’ Lawyers in Mindanao (UPLM) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission PHILIPPINES: The AFP’s “Order of Battle”: Witchhunting and adulterated lies The Union […]

SRI LANKA: Fear for Safety/Incommunicado detention

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Amnesty International. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from Amnesty International forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Fear for Safety/Incommunicado detention PUBLIC             AI Index:  ASA 37/011/2009 18 May 2009 UA 129/0 SRI LANKA      Dr.T.Sathiyamoorthy (m) medical doctor, […]

SYRIA: The civil society activists behind bars

The Arab Program for Human Rights Activists is following up with deep concern the developments of the deteriorated conditions of human rights activists and civil society in Syria, where the security authorities used to pursue them and accuse them with false charges and under a flimsy and flexible legal texts which enabling it to blast […]

SRI LANKA: Satellite Images, Witnesses Show Shelling Continues

Dear Friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Human Rights Watch. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from Human Rights Watch forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Satellite Images, Witnesses Show Shelling Continues UN Security Council Fails to Act While Civilians Suffer (New York, May […]