Forwarded Statement

PHILIPPINES: Statement of the National Fact Finding Mission on the HTI tragedy

A Statement from National Fact Finding Mission forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission In light of the apparent information blackout concerning the fire that devoured the House Technology Industries main building (HTI) inside the Cavite Export Processing Zone, various labor institutions and people’s organization initiated a National Fact Finding Mission to probe the extent […]

INDIA: Press Council of India Fails its Mandate

A Statement from the Right Livelihood Award Foundation forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The Right Livelihood Award Foundation has been at the forefront of support for press freedom, globally. This is showcased in the jury decision this year to honour Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, as well as in the selection of recent Laureates Amy Goodman and The Guardian. […]

PAKISTAN: The Government urged to answer UN committee’s questions on rights record

We wish to share with you the following statement from Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. 13 December 2016: Following the recent adoption by the United Nations Human Rights Committee of a document raising a multiplicity of concerns about Pakistan’s human rights record, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) […]

PAKISTAN: Human rights situation in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)

FATA is a human rights free zone where free human beings have been enslaved since 1901. Pakistan claims that FATA is its constitutional part and has placed it in the Pakistan Constitution of 1973. People in this unfortunate place have experienced inhumane treatment ever since Pakistan came into being in 1947. The miseries and troubles […]

SRI LANKA : Media Statement by the Organisation for a Just Society

We reproduce below a media statement by the Organization for a Just Society. The views shared in this statement do not necessarily reflect that of the AHRC.

PHILIPPINES: Drug-related killings must stop and the perpetrators should be held accountable

A Statement from Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights (KARAPATAN) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission. Karapatan today joined RISE UP!, a campaign initiated by faith-based groups, institutions and people’s organizations against the drug menace and for the protection of human and people’s rights against drug-related extrajudicial killings, in a protest action in […]

PAKISTAN: Child slavery in modern world “can no longer be tolerated”-UN experts

A statement of UN experts on the occasion of International Day for the Abolition of Slavery Friday 2 December 2016 GENEVA (30 November 2016) – The abuse and exploitation of children as modern-day slaves cannot continue to be tolerated, two United Nations human rights experts have warned in a statement ahead of the International Day […]

WORLD/PHILIPPINES: Stop the killings! End impunity! Human rights for all!

A Statement from Network Against Killings in the Philippines (NAKPhilippines) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission There has been an epidemic of summary killings and extrajudicial executions across the Philippines for decades now. From 1998 to December 2015, a total of 1,424 were documented to have been killed by the so-called Davao Death Squad […]

WORLD: A Joint Statement – Calling for the Release of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of BERSIH2.0

A Joint Statement Calling for the Release of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of BERSIH2.0 We, the May18 Memorial Foundation and the Laureates of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights, are deeply alarmed by the detention of Maria Chin Abdullah, the Chairperson of BERSIH2.0 by the Malaysian Police. BESIH2.0 is the 2016’s Laureates of the Gwangju […]

PHILIPPINES: Criminalization of Human Rights Defenders in the Philippines continues!

A Statement from the International Peace Observers Network (IPON) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission. The International Peace Observers Network (IPON) expresses its deep concern about the precarious security situation and the continuing criminalization of human rights defenders (HRD) in the Philippines. Against this background, IPON welcomes the decision of the German Member of […]

PHILIPPINES: Statement of Support of the World Association for Christian Communication – Asia Region to the Ongoing Peace Negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines

A Statement from World Association for Christian Communication – Asia Region forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” – Matthew 5:9 “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouth, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, […]

WORLD: Human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent

Mr President, Excellencies, Colleagues and Friends, I am honoured to open this first session of the Council’s second decade. After two years as High Commissioner, I believe it is important for me to share with you in this oral update our concern over an emerging pattern: the growing refusal on the part of an increasing […]

THAILAND: Rights of suspects under Martial Law must be respected; prohibition on visits by family must end

(4 September 2016) On 31 August 2016, at 13:30, four men suspected of crimes in Thailand’s Deep South were taken into custody (although they were usually called “invitees” and not “detainees” by the authorities). Three were subsequently released, though one, Mr. Manasae Zoroae, 26, continued to be held at Ranger Taskforce 43 inside the Ingkhayutthaborihan […]

THAILAND: Condemning Bomb Attacks in Southern Thailand, Demanding Fair Trials after transparent Investigations

From 11-14 August 2016, 17 explosions took place in seven provinces in Southern Thailand causing a number of deaths and property damages. On 13 August 2016, the Thai authorities responded. They invoked Section 44 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), B.E. 2557 (2014). It allows them to hold several suspects in custody, […]


“Woe to those who enact unjust statutes and who write oppressive decrees, depriving the poor of justice, robbing the weakest of my people of their rights.” (Isaiah 10:1) Inspired by the teachings of the Catholic Church pastoral exhortation to build a society more human, more worthy of the human person, the Task Force Detainees of […]

INDIA: Statement against RSS attack on journalist Neha Dixit and press freedom

A Statement from journalists, activists and academics in India, available on www.kafila. org, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission This statement is being posted with the hundred-plus signatures received between 1 pm and 8 pm today. Please endorse in the comments section if you wish to do so. We, the undersigned journalists, activists and academics, […]

WORLD: Judicial institutions which act as checks on executive power are being dismantled

Opening Statement by Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, made at the Human Rights Council 32nd Session on 13th June 2016 forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Distinguished President of the Council, Excellencies Colleagues and friends When the Inter-American Commission announces it has to cut its personnel by forty […]

BANGLADESH: Enforced Disappearances in Bangladesh: An Institutional Practice

Enforced Disappearances in Bangladesh: An Institutional Practice (A Statement of the International Coalition Against Enforced Disappearance (ICAED) on Bangladesh on the Commemoration of the International Week of the Disappeared) 23–27 May 2016 Every year, during the last week of May, the associations of families of the disappeared across the world commemorate the International Week of […]

SRI LANKA/ASIA: Preliminary observations and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers – Ms. Mónica Pinto

Preliminary observations and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers – Ms. Mónica Pinto following the visit to Sri Lanka from 29th April – 7th May 2016 forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission. Colombo, 7 May 2016 * This statement should be read in conjunction with the preliminary observations […]

SRILANKA/ASIA: Preliminary observations and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, Mr. Juan E. Mendez

Preliminary observations and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, Mr. Juan E. Mendez following his visit to Sri Lanka from 29th April – 7th May 2016 forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Colombo, 7 May 2016 *This statement should be read in conjunction with […]