Open Letter

SRI LANKA: Open letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to mark International Human Rights Day 2005

Dear Ms. Arbour, Re: Sri Lanka’s refusal to implement recommendations made by the Human Rights Committee and the Committee against Torture The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to bring to your notice the dire situation of human rights in Sri Lanka, as a result of the breakdown in the rule of law, the breakdown […]

PHILIPPINES: Open letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to mark International Human Rights Day 2005

Dear Ms. Arbour, Re: The urgent need for effective laws against torture, witness protection, and end to the increasing occurrence of extra-judicial killings in the Philippines On the occasion of the December 10 Human Rights Day, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) takes this opportunity to raise serious concerns regarding the human rights situation in […]

NEPAL: Open letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to mark International Human Rights Day 2005

Dear Ms. Arbour, Re: Nepal – without a Parliament and laws on torture and forced disappearance, the Office of the OHCHR in Nepal cannot fulfil its work for human rights On the occasion of the December 10, 2005 International Human Rights Day, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to highlight the continuing flagrant abuses […]

SOUTH KOREA: Open letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to mark International Human Rights Day 2005

Dear Ms. Arbour, Re: Human rights trailing democracy in the Republic of Korea – legislation and labour rights concerns and the violent repression of demonstrations On the occasion of the December 10, 2005 International Human Rights Day, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to raise some serious concerns regarding the human rights situation in […]

INDONESIA: Open letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to mark International Human Rights Day 2005

Dear Ms. Arbour, Re: Indonesia – the sham trial of human rights defender Munir Said Thalib highlights the need for judicial and legal system reform On this Human Rights Day, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to direct your attention to the state of the Indonesian justice system. Since the country’s first democratic […]

INDIA: Open letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to mark International Human Rights Day 2005

Dear Ms. Arbour, Re: India – Constitutional promises and international obligations remain empty rhetoric The systemic failure of the justice dispensation system in India is marring the state of human rights in India. 58 years since independence, India is plummeting further into lawlessness and a complete collapse of the rule of law. Challenging violations of […]

CAMBODIA: Open letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to mark International Human Rights Day 2005

Dear Ms. Arbour, Re: the bleak human rights situation in Cambodia, twelve years after the peace process The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) directs your attention to the bleak human rights situation in Cambodia, twelve years after the peace process. The massive UN and international intervention of that time accomplished little in the way of […]

BURMA: Open letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to mark International Human Rights Day 2005

Dear Ms Arbour, RE: SUSPEND MYANMAR FROM THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION On this international Human Rights Day, December 10, 2005, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) calls upon you to initiate action to suspend Myanmar from participating in the UN Commission on Human Rights in 2006. It is public knowledge that the situation of human […]

BANGLADESH: Open letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to mark International Human Rights Day 2005

Dear Ms. Arbour, Re: Bangladesh should criminalize torture and appoint independent investigation bodies to conduct prompt inquiries into torture, extra-judicial killings and other serious violations of human rights. The simple fact is that there is no redress of any sort regarding gross violations of human rights in Bangladesh. There is no law recognising torture as […]

CAMBODIA: The arrest of a senior politician committed to human rights and another prominent human rights activist on December 31, 2005 for organising human rights day activities on December 10

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to direct your attention to the serious human rights violations committed by the arrest of Mr Kem Sokha and Mr Yeng Virak on December 31, 2005. Mr Kem Sokha is a senior Cambodian politician, who has been a member of parliament since its inception in 1993 after […]

SRI LANKA: Protection for Persons who make Complaints of Torture against Security Officers

Following letter was handed over to the Attorney General, Inspector General of Police, National Human Rights Commission and National police Commission by a Special Representative, Mr. Ali Saleem sent by Asian Human Rights Commission based in Hong Kong. Re: Protection for Persons who make Complaints of Torture against Security Officers. The Asian Human Rights Commission […]

INDIA: The Horrendous Practices during Forensic Examinations in India

To Mr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam President of India New Delhi Dear Sir The Asian Human Rights Commission is concerned about the horrendous practices during forensic examinations at the government hospitals in the state of West Bengal, India. At the Srirampur Government Hospital of Hoogly District, West Bengal, Mr. Ratan Dom conducts the autopsies […]