Press Release

BANGLADESH: Australian academics voice concern for Razzak

(Hong Kong, May 11, 2011) Staff and graduate students of the Australian National University on Wednesday submitted a letter to the diplomatic mission of Bangladesh in Canberra voicing their concern over the eye-gouging attack on Bangladeshi human rights defender Abdur Razzak.  Representatives of the Asia Rights group at the ANU met with the first secretary […]

孟加拉:香港關注人權團體向孟加拉駐香港領事館遞交公開信,表示關注孟加拉人權捍衛者及記者拉扎克先生(FMA Razzak)遇到嚴重襲擊及被企圖弄盲雙目的事件

2011年5月9日,亞洲人權委員會、亞洲專訊資料研究中心、亞太學生及青年協會、香港記者協會、Interfaith Cooperation Forum、香港融樂會及世界基督徒學生同盟聯合向孟加拉駐香港領事館遞交公開信表示關注孟加拉人權捍衛者及記者拉扎克先生(FMA Razzak)受到嚴重襲擊及被企圖弄盲雙目的事件。  請願團體關注拉扎克先生(FMA Razzak)在孟加拉庫爾納地區遇到嚴重襲擊。根據亞洲人權委員會收到的消息,在2011年4月29日,拉扎克先生和弟弟受到一班凶徒的襲擊後嚴重受傷。據稱凶徒是受到穆斯塔菲茲.拉赫曼.寶庫爾少校(Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul)的指使,企圖弄盲拉扎克先生雙目,他們用手指及硬物挖雙目,導致出血。拉扎克先生家人引領警察找到劫持地點,將兩名受害者送往醫院。  目前,拉扎克先生在醫院接受治療。由於事件受到公眾高度關注,孟加拉衛生及家庭部長哈取爾醫生(Dr. AFM Rahul Haque)於5月3日探訪拉扎克先生。現時拉扎克先生的狀況十分嚴重,手腳骨折,雙目嚴重受傷,可能永久盲目。另外,拉扎克先生家人的處境也十分危險。  最新發展是當地警察收到拉扎克先生家人的投訴後逮捕四名人士。然而,主要犯事者仍逍遙法外,特別是穆斯塔菲茲.拉赫曼.寶庫爾少校(Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul)還保持軍中職務。  請願團體代表向孟加拉駐香港領事館遞交公開信,並與領事阿曼德先生(Ashud Ahmed)會面。公開信要求孟加拉政府將以下事情列為首要工作:  1.向拉扎克先生提供最好的醫療照顧,費用由國家支付,直至完全或達至最好的康復。  2.立刻暫停穆斯塔菲茲.拉赫曼.寶庫爾少校(Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul)的職務,待此案進行全面的偵查。  3.確保進行認真的刑事偵查,以逮捕及檢控所有犯事者。  4.在整個偵查及往後審訊期間,向拉扎克先生及其家人給予完全的保護以至居住及其他方面的需要,並確保他們獲得全面的補償,保證他們日後的安全。  亞洲人權委員會政策及項目發展主任巴西爾. 費爾南多(Basil Fernando)表示:“這是十分殘暴的襲擊,顯示孟加拉軍人侵犯人權的問題相當嚴重,孟加拉政府必須採取果斷行動,展開認真及全面的刑事偵查,使犯事者受到法律的制裁。孟加拉政府應該利用今次事件明確表示不容許軍人侵犯人權的行為。”  巴西爾. 費爾南多(Basil Fernando)還呼吁:“保護受害者及其他證人的安全至關重要,這影響到偵查及檢控能否成功。孟加拉當局應立刻暫停穆斯塔菲茲.拉赫曼.寶庫爾少校(Major Mustafizur Rahman Bokul)的職務,並採取有效措施保護受害者及其他證人。  可於以下鏈接找到詳細資料:   查詢可致電852-26986339或 發電郵至

BANGLADESH: Petition to the Consulate General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong on the serious attack and attempted blinding of human rights defender and journalist Mr. FMA Razzak in Bangladesh

(Hong Kong, May 9, 2011) On 9 May 2011, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Asia Monitor Resource Centre, Asia Pacific Students and Youth Association, Hong Kong Journalists Association, Interfaith Cooperation Forum, Unison – Hong Kong, World Student Christian Federation jointly made a petition to the Consulate General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong to express […]

WORLD: Member of Parliament demands arrest of all suspects — Perpetrators begin attacks on witnesses

(Hong Kong, May 7, 2011) At a meeting held today, 7 May, at a local cooperative society’s meeting room in Paikgachha, Mr. Sohrab Ali Sana, Member of Parliament for the Paikgachha-Koyra (Khulna-6) constituency, demanded the arrest of all suspects relating to the attack on FMA Razzak and his brother, which took place on 29 April. […]

WORLD: Citizens form committee to fight for justice, Muslims offer special prayer for FMA Razzak’s safety – none arrested yet!

(Hong Kong, May 6, 2011) The local citizens of Paikgachha have formed a committee today naming it “Committee to Fight for Justice and Protection of Human Rights Defender and Journalist Razzak”. Freedom-fighters Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan Sharder, who is also the vice president of Bangladesh Awami League of the Godaipur union unit, and Mr. Kawsar Ali […]

WORLD: An appeal for assistance for FMA Razzak

WORLD: An appeal for assistance for FMA Razzak (Hong Kong, May 6, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission has launched an appeal for financial support for medical, legal and security expenses for human rights defender, Mr. FMA Razzak of Bangladesh. We reproduce below this appeal which was issued yesterday. Payment may be made online; please […]

BANGLADESH: People rally further demanding the arrest of army Major Mustafizur and the attackers

(Hong Kong, May 5, 2011) The inhabitants of Paikgachha have again held a rally demanding the arrest of Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, a major in the Bangladesh army, and his aides for gouging the eyes of human rights defender FMA Razzak and his brother Bodiuzzaman Bodiar. The rally was held at the zero point of Paikgachha […]

BANGLADESH: Men and women take to streets demanding the arrest of eye-gouger Major Mustafizur and his aides

(Hong Kong, May 4, 2011) Hundreds of men, women and children at Paikgachha have taken to streets demanding arrest of eye-gouger Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, a major in the Bangladesh army, and his aides for gouging eyes of human rights defender FMA Razzak and his brother Bodiuzzaman Bodiar. They spontaneously participated in a procession in protest […]

BANGLADESH: AHRC welcomes Health Minister’s visit to human rights defender FMA Razzak at hospital

(Hong Kong, May 4, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission welcomes the visit of the Minister for Health and Family Welfare of Bangladesh, Prof. AFM Ruhul Haque MP, to human rights defender Mr. FMA Razzak. Razzak has been receiving treatment for his gouged eyes and broken hand and leg that was caused as a result […]

WORLD: AHRC launches campaign site for the protection of human rights defender FMA Razzak

(Hong Kong, May 3, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission has launched a new campaign website calling for the protection of human rights defender Mr. FMA Razzak, as well as calling for holding genuine criminal investigations regarding the attack on Mr. Razzak.  This newly launched campaign site will contain all materials regarding the brutal attack […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: ALRC endorses call on rule of law

(Hong Kong, April 29, 2011) The Asian Legal Resource Centre has strongly endorsed the contents of a letter by the National League for Democracy to Burma’s president calling for action on the rule of law.  In a statement released on Monday, the NLD said that its deputy chairperson, U Tin Oo, had sent a letter […]

SRI LANKA: Yogendra receives a death notice

(Hong Kong, April 21, 2011) Devarathnam Yogendra ( 28 ) is the complainant in a bribery case against IP Wijesuriya of the Hatton Police Station, who has been indicted on a charge of obtaining bribes. This charge has been filed on the basis of a complaint made by Yogendra on November 6, 2007 and it […]

SRI LANKA: Victim of brutal police torture tells his story in a video

(Hong Kong, April 12, 2011) Mr. Alahendra Acharige Dinesh Priyankara, a driver of a three-wheeler, was illegally arrested and severely tortured by police officers attached to the Panadura North Police Station on 23 January 2011.  He was questioned about a theft, which happened in a newly constructed luxury house belonging to a former Deputy Inspector […]

SRI LANKA: The law student subjected to harassment due to complaining about irregularities at the Law School exam sent an oral request to the Chief Justice through email

(Hong Kong, April 11, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission has previously reported the complaint of Dasanayaka Mudiyansalage Thushara Jayarathna, who complained about the irregularities at the Law School exam and the subsequent harassments he has suffered due to this complaint.  Kindly see SRI LANKA: A whistle-blower who exposed the leakage of a question paper at […]

ASIA: Three women rights defenders receive prestigious international award for documentary

(Hong Kong, April 11, 2011) Three Asian women rights defenders have received a prestigious international award for a documentary made about their respective struggles, which was shown as part of a major film festival in the Netherlands during March.  The jury at the Movies that Matter Festival, which was held in The Hague from March […]

THAILAND: U.N. experts challenge government over lese-majesty case against webmaster

(Hong Kong, March 8, 2011) Two United Nations experts have sent “a letter of allegation” concerning the case of Chiranuch Premchaiporn, the webmaster on trial in Bangkok for charges of lese-majesty and computer crime, one has revealed in a new report.  According to the Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders, Margaret Sekkaggya in her annual […]

PHILIPPINES: An Indian human rights lawyer talks about misconception on the role of lawyers

(Hong Kong, February 28, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is publishing this podcast interview with Mr. Bijo Francis, a human rights lawyer from India and programme officer of the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), regarding his comments and opinion on the trial of the Maguindanao Massacre case.  Bijo has handled numerous human rights […]

PHILIPPINES: Cebuano Podcast Launch | Women–victims of ‘sex object’ and violation without protection

(Hong Kong, February 25, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is launching the AHRC Philippines Rights Cast, a podcast in local languages of the Philippines including Cebuano, and Tagalog. You can subscribe to this podcast using different software or feed readers: iTunes, Zune, ZENCast, MyYahoo, Google Reader, RSS Feed  The first episode can be individually downloaded here: Women–victims of ‘sex object’ & […]

NEPAL: Stop denying justice to Maina Sunuwar

(Hong Kong, February 17, 2011) Today, February 17, 2011, marks the seventh anniversary of Maina Sunuwar’s illegal arrest and subsequent death due to torture by Royal Nepalese Army soldiers during the conflict. Maina was arrested to force her mother to present herself at the army barracks, after she had been a witness to the killing […]

ASIA: Women Speak Out — Ethics in Action Vol.4 No. 5

(Hong Kong, February 2, 2011)  The new issue of Ethics in action is titled “Women Speak Out. The volume has put together 43 interviews from women from India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Burma, Indonesia, Nepal and Bangladesh. Available online at Themes are torture and ill treatment, domestic violence and the problems of the policing systems in their countries […]