
SRI LANKA: Cautious welcome to the introduction of a law on witness protection

The absence of a witness protection law has been one of the serious defects in the control of crime as well as the elimination of gross human rights abuses in Sri Lanka. The machinery of criminal justice consists of an effective complaint receiving mechanism, an efficient and prompt investigation mechanism, a competent and honest prosecution […]

INDIA: The Manipur state government is recruiting state mercenaries

Statement | India | 05-05-2008

The decision of the Manipur state government to recruit, train and deploy Special Police Officers (SPO) in the state is a few steps backward in regaining peace in that state. The decision was made in a state ministerial meeting held early last week. The Indian Home Ministry has also approved this decision. Within days, the […]

BURMA: No place for profiteering, referendum amid devastation

News is increasingly coming from the areas outside of Rangoon about the extent of devastation in Burma wreaked by Cyclone Nargis. In the Irrawaddy Delta region in particular, the towns of Bogalay, Laputta and Pantanaw and surrounding areas are reported to have been flattened, and the divisional capital, Bassein, greatly damaged. According to the government, […]

PHILIPPINES: UN Human Rights Committee’s decision on the Abadilla Five case

The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) wishes to share with you the full text of a decision adopted by the UN Human Rights Committee on 20 March 2008 regarding a complaint filed under the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) by Lenido Lumanog and Augusto Santos. They are two […]

PAKISTAN: Government issues false statements about missing persons

The newly elected government of Pakistan has constituted two committees for Balochistan province, one for missing persons and the other for internally-displaced persons. Of all of the country’s provinces, Balochistan suffered was the worst hit by the violence perpetrated by the armed forces including the army and Air Force. Since 2001 hundreds of people have […]

SRI LANKA: A mirror of the culture of repression

A reply to another statement by SCOPP dated May 5, 2008 entitled response to AHRC The AHRC has engaged in an exchange of statements with Rajiva Wijesinha, the General Secretary of the Secretariat for Co-ordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP), with the deliberate intent to expose the entrenched culture of repression within Sri Lanka. With every […]

BURMA: International assistance needed now, especially from Asia

The physical damage caused by Cyclone Nargis, which swept through Burma this May 2 and 3 is clearly enormous. In addition to the at least 350 dead and uncounted numbers of injured, hundred-year-old trees have been uprooted, powerlines brought down everywhere, billboards collapsed, and houses demolished. According to government reports, at least 20,000 homes housing […]

ASIA: South Asia has lost a great crusader of peace

Nirmila Deshpande, a well known peace crusader of India, died on May 1, 2008, after a long period of illness. She was 79-years-old and left behind so many followers who like her, wanted peace. From her early years she was a Gandhian and an enlightened person whose only aim in life was to work for […]

SRI LANKA: What should a genuine peace secretariat do? A reply to the Peace secretariat

The following is a reply to the statement by Rajiva Wijesinha of the Peace Secretariat entitled ‘Crudities from the Asian Human Rights Commission.’ Not to be diverted from the issue let us reiterate that the discussion in our initial statement was regarding Justice P.N. Bagwati’s letter and the interpretation given to it by the peace […]

SRI LANKA: A call by a group of JVPers for critical self evaluation of past violence has the potential of ushering in political change for the better

A news item this week had the unusually welcome piece of news of a call by a group within the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna party (JVP), who refer to themselves as the moderate wing of the party, requesting a self evaluation of the past of this party, particularly about its involvement in violence in the eighties. […]

CAMBODIA: Durable solution to land grabbing lies with the due process of law

Land grabbing has been plaguing Cambodia for many years. In early March 2007, a month prior to the commune election, Prime Minister Hun Sen loudly announced a “war against land grabbers”, and almost immediately after this announcement several land grabbers were arrested or forced to give up the land they had grabbed. This war lost […]

PAKISTAN: Government remains unmoved by the burning deaths of lawyers

The ministry of Human Rights and Justice remains silent and stationary on a horrifying incident in April 9, that saw two lawyers, two women, another man and one child burned alive in a Karachi lawyer’s office building. Several other people were also killed in the violence that day (April 9, 2008); a result of attacks […]

SRI LANKA: The Peace Chief and the Summoner’s Tale

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-112-2008 April 30, 2008 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: The Peace Chief and the Summoner’s Tale The Executive Director of the AHRC, Mr. Basil Fernando replies to: Sri Lanka slams Sir Nigel Rodley’s “Sanctimonious Bluster” by Dr. Rajiva Wijesinha of the Peace Secretariat Subsequent to the issue […]

PAKISTAN: Government has still not initiated enquiry in the case of a young Hindu labourer who was lynched for blasphemy

Jagdesh Kumar, a 27-year-old Hindu, was brutally killed by Muslim workers on the charge of Blasphemy on April 8, 2008 and to-date, no official inquiries have been initiated into this most brutal act. It was revealed after the incident by members of his family and close friends that he was in love with a Muslim […]

SRI LANKA: Piliyandala bus bombing: attacks on civilians is a crime against humanity

No cause however great, be it a claim of liberation or national security justifies attacks on innocent civilians. The bottom line in any human discourse is the basic humanity of all human beings. Where this bottom line is crossed the boundary between humanity and inhumanity is breached. The Asian Human Rights Commission unequivocally condemns the […]

SRI LANKA: 36 lawyers from Bangladesh urge the AG to appeal from the judgement of the High Court in the torture case of Gerald Perera

On the 2nd April, 2008 the High Court of Negombo acquitted all the accused in the torture case filed against them for severely torturing Gerald Perera. Ever since many human rights organisations have supported the call of Gerald’s widow calling for the Attorney General to file an appeal in this case on the basis of […]

PHILIPPINES: Abadilla Five: Appeals court decision leaves many questions unanswered

The well known case of Abadilla Five came before the Court of Appeals for decision after almost nine years. The appeal was on the judgment of Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, Branch 103, which found the five accused guilty on August 1999. Shortly after the judgment of Regional Trial Court (RTC) the Alex […]

BANGLADESH: The lawyers begin their protest movement against emergency laws and the Supreme Court judgment on the issue of bail

The Supreme Court Bar Association of Bangladesh (SCBA) yesterday (April 24, 2008) endorsed a resolution to condemn the decision of the Supreme Court declaring that no court, including the Supreme Court itself, has the right to entertain applications on bail in matters relating to the Emergency Power Rule (EPR). The resolution read, “The meeting endorsed […]

BANGLADESH: Supreme Court abdicates its powers relating to bail on emergency law matters

The decision of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh made yesterday (April 23, 2008), to the effect that even the High Court, which consists of Supreme Court judges has no jurisdiction to entertain, or to decide on appeals relating to arrest, detention and other matters related to the Emergency Power Rules (EPR), is sending shock waves […]

THAILAND: When will police and immigration officials also be detained over deaths of 54 migrants?

According to media reports, police in Thailand have so far detained six suspects involved in the April 10 suffocation deaths of 54 persons who had been brought in a refrigerated container truck from Burma, and are hunting for one more. All are civilians who were directly involved in the transport of this particular group of […]