
HONG KONG: Announcement of a forthcoming conference on the Charter on the rule of law: The elimination of court delays to enable effective prevention of gross human rights abuses such as torture

Third session on the Charter on the rule of law: The elimination of court delays to enable effective prevention of gross human This meeting will be held in Hong Kong from 16 to 22 September, 2007 The AHRC announced the launching of discussions with a view to develop an Asian Charter on the Rule of […]

INDIA: Sympathy is not enough for victims of violence

Mr. A. K. Antony, the Defense Minister of India is an exception as a politician. Antony has an impeccable record of being honest. Antony is from the state of Kerala where he is often referred to as the ‘saint’. But it appears that he has left his honesty back home in Kerala, when he took […]

SRI LANKA: AG’s reply to IIGEP; Kafkan metamorphosis of the Attorney General’s role — Part Two

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-147-2007 June 28, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: AG’s reply to IIGEP; Kafkan metamorphosis of the Attorney General’s role – Part Two (The first part of this statement appeared June 27, 2007 which you may find at: Witness protection – conflicting policies – declarations of Draft […]

SRI LANKA: Put your money where your mouth is, Mr. Rajapakse

Ever conscious of the fact the entire world is watching Sri Lanka’s ongoing human rights crisis President Mahinda Rajapakse and his government are making comments and promises they do not appear to be either willing or capable of keeping. In the first week of June the bodies of two Red Cross workers were found in […]

PAKISTAN: Police removes victim of gang rape from safe house

A 16-year-old girl, who was gang raped by 11 persons, has been thrown out of her safe house by officials of the Sindh police, Pakistan. On Sunday, June 24, 2007 Mr. Rana Pervez, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of Police Headquarters along with Station Head Officer (SHO) of Garden police station and other police officials, […]

PAKISTAN: Lawyers have ceremonial burial of ‘doctrine of necessity’

Lawyers, protesting against the suspension of the Chief Justice, held a mock funeral ceremony for the notorious “Doctrine of Necessity” on June 26, 2007, at the Lahore High Court Bar Association’s office. At this ceremony the lawyers pledged that they will not let the Doctrine of Necessity take root in country’s political system and allow […]

SRI LANKA: AG’s reply to IIGEP; Kafkan metamorphosis of the Attorney General’s role

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-143-2007 June 27, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: AG’s reply to IIGEP; Kafkan metamorphosis of the Attorney General’s role The Attorney General C.R. de Silva (AG) issued a letter dated June 18, 2007 to the Chairman of the International Independent Group of Eminent Persons (IIGEP) retaliating […]

PHILIPPINES: Bombings a result of inept police work, insecurity

On June 15, yet more civilians were killed when a person carrying an improvised explosive device (IED) left it to explode in a bus in a crowded public terminal in Bansalan, Davao del Sur. The explosion was so strong that it rocked the place, killed two persons instantly and wounded others; some died later in […]

THAILAND: Recording reveals extent to which judiciary compromised; demands public response

A recording and transcripts of a conversation have been made available online which if true expose the extent to which Thailand’s senior judiciary is compromised and controlled by outsiders, and what a long road it will be to restoring any notion of the rule of law there. The recording, released by a spokesperson of the […]

ASIA: To eliminate torture police reform must be given a central place in the human rights concerns of Asia

They heard the thud of wood on flesh. Boot on bone. On teeth. The muffled grunt when a stomach is kicked in. The muted crunch of skull on cement. The gurgle of blood on a man’s breath when his lung is torn by the jagged end of a broken rib. Blue-lipped and dinner-plate-eyed, they watched, […]

SRI LANKA: The Sunday Times publishes a false story about the CJ attending a meeting in Hong Kong

(We produce here a news item published in the Sunday Times, June 24, 2007 ‘CJ off to HK despite protests’ which was a completely fabricated story). We also reproduce below a copy of a letter written to the Editor, Sinha Ratnatunga, by the Asian Human Rights Commission denying this story and seeking a correction. CJ […]

INDIA: Widespread use of custodial torture is a ticking time bomb

The Prime Minister of India declared in a public speech early this year that India would soon ratify the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Since then, nothing has been heard about India’s preparation to ratify this convention. Instances of custodial torture in the meanwhile are reported […]

PAKISTAN: Even the Chief Justice of Pakistan is not spared from torture

Pakistan is a country where even Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the apex court, is not spared physical and mental torture by the country’s law enforcement agencies.  Mr. Iftekhar Choudhary, the Chief Justice of Pakistan, was abused and tortured twice by law enforcement agencies, once in Islamabad (capital of Pakistan) and once in Karachi […]

BANGLADESH: State urged to make torture a punishable crime in compliance with the UN Convention against Torture

Bangladesh has been a sitting member of the UN Human Rights Council since 9 May 2006, and has passed more than a year in the world’s top human rights forum. Before being elected to the Council Bangladesh placed its candidature among an overcrowded list of voluntary pledges. The country affirmed its “deep commitment to the […]

CAMBODIA: More effective measures are required to end torture

Cambodia acceded to the Convention against (CAT) in 1992. Its criminal law, adopted in the same year, has succinctly criminalised torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of detainees and punishes any public agent who violates this right with one to five years in prison. Torture and other forms of ill-treatment have […]

SRI LANKA: The situation of torture worsens in 2007

On the International day for the elimination of torture the special consideration of the extremely harsh conditions prevailing in Sri Lanka relating to the observance of human rights needs to be stressed. Abductions, forced disappearances, killing of persons after arrest, torture and other gross abuses of human rights are accompanied by the failure of the […]

THAILAND: Licence to torture must be revoked

In recent months, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has heard of more and more cases of torture by state officials in Thailand. The majority of these cases are from the south and northeast. The fact that the two regions are at the opposite ends of the country and yet the practices bear many resemblances […]

PHILIPPINES: Lack of law against torture and court delays deny redress for torture victims

Torture victims in the Philippines have suffered from the physical and mental pain inflicted on them by those who have mercilessly tortured them and have suffered a second time from the lack of a law criminalising torture. For years, torture victims in the country have been waiting for redress and a legal tool they can […]

INDONESIA: Are Indonesia’s policemen the criminals in uniform?

The sentence meted out to the five police officers of Banjansari District Police Station found guilty of having tortured Roni Ronaldo to death on 20th November 2006, serves as evidence of Indonesia’s flawed legislation regarding torture. In fact, torture is still not criminalized, and no adequate punishment is provided by the Indonesian law. If an […]

SRI LANKA: Web references on Sri Lanka’s rotten criminal justice system and the need for reforms

The serious collapse of the rule of law in Sri Lanka is accompanied by the collapse of the policing system, the degeneration of the prosecuting system under the Attorney General’s Department and the problems of the judicial system. The first two statements of the International Independent Group of Eminent Persons (IIGEP) have already pointed out […]