
THAILAND: Acting police chief must retract unwarranted verbal attack on human rights defender Angkhana Neelaphaijit

The acting police chief of Thailand on Monday, 12 March 2007 made a verbal attack on . The Manager online newspaper quoted Pol. Gen. Seripisuth Themiyavet as saying that Angkhana should be taught to “shut up” about the case of her husband, lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit, who was abducted by police three years ago and whose […]

SRI LANKA: International criticism of failed criminal investigations and absence of witness protection highlights urgent need for a detailed rescue plan

Several international experts have, in the recent week, focused on a number of very crucial issues regarding the criminal justice system of Sri Lanka. They have commented on the need for the government to “dispel serious concerns about whether the justice system is now able to carry out independent and credible investigations into who was […]

PAKISTAN: Removal of the Chief Justice manifests the loss of judicial independence due to absolute executive control by the military regime

President Musharaff removed the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Chaudhry, on March 9, 2007 after summoning him to the President’s Camp Office in the military premises. The President thereafter proceeded to declare the Chief Justice to be non-functional. Following this the Chief Justice was not allowed to return to the Supreme Court and he is […]

SRI LANKA: National Police Commission should request from the IGP an action plan to deal with lawless elements within the policing system

The recent statement of the Inspector General of Police and his Deputy to the effect that policemen, soldiers and deserters are among those who have been investigated with regard to the allegations of abductions and disappearances should be given the serious consideration that it deserves. In terms of numbers, since September 2006 there are over […]

PHILIPPINES: Enactment of terror law emboldens commission of violations

On March 6, the Human Security Act of 2007, which defines acts of terrorism, was signed into law (the law is available on the internet at It will take effect two months after elections in May 2007 are concluded. The new law defines the crime of terrorism as “sowing and creating a condition of widespread […]

SRI LANKA: Admission of the involvement of law enforcement officers in abduction and killing of civilians is a bold move, but what really matters is how is it going to be dealt with?

The admission by the Chief of Police in Sri Lanka that the police, army and the army deserters are responsible for abductions and killings of civilians is a bold move. However, for the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) this is no news since the AHRC has been in the past calling for intervention and warning […]

PAKISTAN: Women fighting for their rights and groups fighting for electoral reforms express frustration over government’s failure to implement laws

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AS-040-2007 March 2, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: Women fighting for their rights and groups fighting for electoral reforms express frustration over government’s failure to implement laws A group of civil society organisations threatened to launch a campaign for the protection of the rights of women in […]

THAILAND: For lack of a solution, no solution is also a solution

According to the Bangkok Post of March 2, the interim prime minister of Thailand, General Surayud Chulanont, has ordered that more police officers be sent to the south in response to persistent and growing violence that has resulted in over 150 casualties in the last two weeks alone. The problems of the south are a […]

SRI LANKA: Expressions of peoples’ anger against corruption censored through propaganda on anti-terrorism

Corruption in Sri Lanka is worse today than ever before. This fact is admitted by everyone, is seen to be more and more evident in the press, and even the government does not deny it. All governments in recent times have come to power in the country promising to eradicate this great evil and so […]

SRI LANKA: Clarifying a misunderstanding

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-036-2007-R1 March 01, 2007 A reply by the Asian Human Rights Commission to a reaction concerning an earlier Statement Background: The AHRC received a reaction from Dukhinda Jayawardena regarding AHRC statement AS-036-2007 of February 26, 2007 (SRI LANKA: A serious attempt to control and suppress civil society organisations needs a response if further repression […]

PAKISTAN: The government’s policy of appeasing fundamentalists is responsible for the murder of a female minister

The government of Pakistan continues to turn a blind eye to Islamic extremism throughout the country and is compromising the rule of law for religious fanaticism. In doing so, the country has once again witnessed the brutal and senseless death of one of the states political hopefuls. This time, the Minister of Social Welfare was […]

SRI LANKA: A serious attempt to control and suppress civil society organisations needs a response if further repression is to be halted

Many civil society organisations, both local and international have received a letter similar to the one that follows from the secretary to the Select Committee of Parliament for the Investigation of the Operations of Non-Governmental Organisations and their Impact. Many questions regarding civil liberties and democratic freedoms arise from the information that is being sort. […]

INDIA: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vyshya, Soodra and Dalits no more exist in India

Statement | India | 24-02-2007

The Government of India continues to defy commonsense by refusing to accept caste based discrimination is discrimination defined in the International Convention on Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). The Indian delegation to substantiate this position also made a statement that Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vyshyas, Soodras and Dalits no more exists in India. The independent experts reviewing […]

PAKISTAN: The severance of the sexual organ of an arrestee indicates the collapse of police discipline and calls for high level police and government inquiries

The case of Mr. Hazoor Buksh Malik, a young man of 24 years of age whose penis was severed at the Market Police Station in Larkana district, Sindh province, Pakistan on January 25, 2007 should raise grave concerns regarding the act itself and the nature of policing and the nature of the governance in Pakistan. […]

SRI LANKA: The government must explain the execution of three whose death sentences were said to have been reconsidered and the execution of another who was sentenced only to imprisonment in Saudi Arabia

Despite of the speculation created through some statements by the Sri Lankan government that the Saudi Arabian authorities were considering commuting the death sentences of three Sri Lankan citizens held in Al-Ha’ir Prison, they, and a fourth man have been beheaded. What were the real negotiations between the Sri Lankan and Saudi Arabian authorities regarding […]

SRI LANKA: CPA on Commission of Inquiry and IIGEP

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you a report: CPA on Commission of Inquiry and IIGEP which appeared in the Nation, February 11, 2007. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ——- A Forwarded Report by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: CPA on Commission of Inquiry and IIGEP […]

SRI LANKA: Failure to provide adequate remedy even for crimes such as murder and rape

Article 2 (3) of the ICCPR requires that the state party to the ICCPR shall ensure to any person whose rights and freedoms are violated shall have an effective remedy and that such a person shall have his or her right determined by competent judicial, administrative or legislative authorities, or by any other competent authority […]

SRI LANKA: Death threats and trivialisation of life in Sri Lanka

On February 8, 2007 a leading politician and a member of the cabinet, Anura Bandaranaike, made a statement in Parliament in which he said that he had received several death threats. He said that “Threats were made not by the president but by those who are close to him. They are misusing the powers given […]

BURMA: Unintelligent talk about judicial corruption

Any intelligent talk about corruption and malpractice in a justice system must start by recognising that it is by definition systemic. The way that judges, prosecutors and police work depends largely upon how they are organised and administered. While there may be individuals among judges, prosecutors and police who abuse their powers more than others, […]

SRI LANKA: Abductions, disappearances, death threats, confessions and increase of tension

As protests were being planned by the railway workers and local and international protests were being staged regarding the three persons who had been abducted on February 5 (please see our statement SRI LANKA: Abductions and disappearances spread into trade union sector – the government released a CD in which two of the arrested persons, […]