
PAKISTAN: Inaction of judiciary encourages continuing disappearances

During year 2006 there has been no relief in Human rights violations.  On the contrary, as in previous years cases such as torture, disappearances and violence against women has increased. The government lacks the capacity to carry out its obligations under international norms. Pakistan is remains in the severe grip of military control it has […]

THAILAND: Self-censorship causing serious damage

On December 7 a man was arrested and charged for having spray painted over images of the King of Thailand in the northern province of Chiang Mai. The man reportedly claimed that he was drunk and expressed regret for his actions. However, a member of the military junta running the country has ordered the army […]

INDIA: Failed justice mechanisms ensure most Indians do not benefit from economic development

Statement | India | 09-12-2006

More than 70% of the Indians are being left behind and ignored in India, while the government is lauding the country’s developed status. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has noted through its work that there was no improvement in the human rights standards in India during 2006, as compared with the economic growth that […]

SRI LANKA: Human Rights Day Statement: Killing match in Sri Lanka intensifies

The most violent place in Asia at the moment is Sri Lanka, with the state not taking any serious steps to bring the situation under control. The state blames the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) for creating the violence throughout the country, while the LTTE blames the Sri Lankan government for using military and […]

PHILIPPINES: An improved criminal justice system is key to upholding human rights

The Philippines in recent times has been plagued by widespread and systematic violations of human rights, which include unabated extrajudicial killings, torture and enforced disappearances, among others, that are occurring in an increasingly unexplained fashion. The sense of frustration and distrust of the victims and their families that they will ever attain justice is the […]

ASIA: Extrajudicial killings, disappearances, torture and other forms of gross human rights violations still engulf Asia’s nations

In addition to the general statement issued by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) for International Human Rights Day on December 10, we are also making the brief comments below on the human rights situation in several Asian countries. A more comprehensive report will be available soon. Sri Lanka The most violent place in Asia […]

ASIA: Flawed criminal justice systems negate the realisation of human rights in Asia

Discontent over malfunctioning democracies and legal systems and the consequent setbacks these shortcomings cause for human rights and the rule of law, as well as aggressively expressed aspirations to resolve such problems, are marked features that define the year 2006 in many Asian countries. Specifically, Asia’s people feel discontent over the authoritarianism of democratically elected […]

INDONESIA: The Attorney General’s refusal to uphold the law results in the denial of justice to victims of gross human rights violations and the sustenance of the prevailing culture of impunity

Since 2003, the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas Ham) has been consistently appealing the Attorney General to present the investigative findings of an independent investigation conducted by Komnas Ham themselves, regarding the student/activist abductions of 1998/99 to the House of Representatives, so that they may be granted the formal parliamentary and presidential approval required to […]

PAKISTAN: More than 140,000 people to be displaced in Karachi by Pakistan Railways and the city government

Pakistan Railways has asked the city district government of Karachi to promptly make arrangements for land to be vacated in approximately a 100-foot radius on both sides of its railway tracks. Pakistan of Karachi have made announcements in about 30 localities to vacate the land that falls within this 100-foot radius. Several newspapers in Pakistan […]

PAKISTAN: AHRC supports focus of Pakistan’s human rights community on disappearances to educate the public about this major human rights problem in the country

Human rights activists in Pakistan are focusing throughout this week on the issue of disappearances before the observance of International Human Rights Day on December 10. As part of the week’s activities, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) is holding a press conference on the country’s disappearances on December 6 at the Karachi Press […]

SRI LANKA: Do newspapers like the Sunday Times, Daily Mirror and Lankadeepa contribute to the prevalence of endemic torture in Sri Lanka?

(A dossier of shame – The full dossier of reports published, objections sent and other related material on a torture case with a letter written to R.S. Wijewardene, Chairperson, Wijeya Newspapers Ltd and his reply.  The full document can be found at Prior to the publication of this statement, as a matter of courtesy we […]

THAILAND: If not Somchai’s bones, whose bones?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AS-299-2006 December 4, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission THAILAND: If not Somchai’s bones, whose bones? According to a news report on the website of The Manager newspaper this Monday, December 4, Dr Khunying Porntip Rojanansunant, acting director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, has said that DNA […]

ASIA: Effective protection of human rights: National human rights commissions and rule of law mechanisms

A statement issued on the occasion of the International Symposium on the Structures and Funcations of NHRIs: a search for best practices to be held in Seoul, South Korea on December 4, 2006 The goals of National Human Rights Commissions include educating persons about their basic rights, documenting instances when those rights are violated and […]

SRI LANKA: Change of judge in Gerard Perera murder case without cause may jeopardize possibility of finding justice

The Gerard Perera murder case came for further hearing on December 1, 2006 before the Negombo High Court.  This case is being heard by a judge specially appointed to hear the case as another case relating to the torture of Gerard Perera is being heard before the permanent High Court judge of Negombo. When the […]

PAKISTAN: Arrested activists from Balochistan should be released forthwith

The arrest of over 400 human rights and political activists on November 27, 2006 in Balochistan province to prevent them from participating in peaceful protests when the head of state, President Musharaff, is to arrive for a two day visit from November 30 is a gross violation of human rights and these persons should be […]

SRI LANKA: SC decision on the case of D.A. Nimal Silva Gunaratna vs. ASP Ranmal Kodituwakku requires a response from the Attorney General and IGP

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AS-295-2006 November 30, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: SC decision on the case of D.A. Nimal Silva Gunaratna vs. ASP Ranmal Kodituwakku requires a response from the Attorney General and IGP On November 16, 2006 the Supreme Court decided the case of Dalkadura Arachige Nimal Silva Gunaratna […]

NEPAL: Government and Communist Party of Nepal sign peace agreement

Statement | Nepal | 23-11-2006

The AHRC produces below the full text of this historic agreement: The full text of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement held between Government of Nepal and Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) dated November 22, 2006 Preamble Respecting popular mandate of Nepali people expressed in favor of democracy, peace and progression through the historical struggles and people’s […]

SRI LANKA: Second anniversary of a heinous crime – the assassination of torture victim Gerard Perera to prevent him from testifying in court

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AS-293-2006 November 24, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission On the 24th November, 2004 (exactly two years ago) Gerard Perera succumbed to injuries caused by way of a shooting which had taken place three days earlier while he was traveling to work on a bus. The investigations revealed that […]

THAILAND: Investigate institutions that kill, not just killers

On September 18, a day before the military coup that overthrew the caretaker government in Thailand, one of the country’s human rights commissioners called for the authorities to pay serious attention to the findings of his investigations into killings during the first phase of the “war on drugs”. Vasant Panich said that the victims in […]

CAMBODIA: Police officer deserves commendation for arrest of son

According to information received by the Asian Human Rights Commission, a senior police officer in Cambodia has arrested his son for allegedly shooting a rival student in the leg. Khou Sunnary, provincial police finance bureau chief in Kratie, arrested his son, 20-year-old Khou Sovandeth and his 19-year-old friend Yiv Rothya in Chhlong district on November […]