
SRI LANKA: 20 forced disappearances reported in December 2005

The BBC Sinhala Service revealed today a report by the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) stating that enquiries are ongoing regarding 20 complaints of forced disappearances that are alleged to have taken place during the month of December 2005. The HRCSL’s director of Investigations and Inquiries has been quoted as saying that “some […]

SRI LANKA: Defence Ministry advisor must express loyalty to Sri Lankan Constitution or resign

H M G V Kotakadeniya, an advisor to the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defense on police matters, is today reported as having said that the Inspector General of Police (IGP) will now be able to appoint and transfer police, since the National Police Commission (NPC) has ceased to function due to the continued delay in […]

SRI LANKA: Six years after Chemmani exhumation: Inquiry commission needed to review attorney general’s department

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 5, 2005 AS-002-2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) SRI LANKA: Six years after Chemmani exhumation: Inquiry commission needed to review attorney general’s department Pending indictments being filed at a high court, the case of the Chemmani mass graves was called before a magistrate’s court this week to […]

SRI LANKA: Functioning National Police Commission essential in eliminating crime within Sri Lanka

The recent drug menace plaguing Sri Lanka has been linked to police corruption. On December 31, 2005 the Inspector General of Police was reported to have said that the country’s drug problem cannot be eradicated without addressing the corrupt officials abetting the drug cartels. Earlier in the month, the Advisor to the Ministry of Defence, […]

SRI LANKA: Use of anti terrorism laws to suppress media and human rights organisations – the Sunday Leader episode and CBK’s UNESCO issue

AS-001-2007 January 2, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: Use of anti terrorism laws to suppress media and human rights organisations – the Sunday Leader episode and CBK’s UNESCO issue The alleged attempt to arrest Lasantha Wickramatunga, the editor of the Sunday Times was treated in the country as an attempt […]

Greeting of the season from the Asian Human Rights Commission!

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) sends greetings to everyone, wishing them a Happy Christmas and New Year. We wish particularly to extend our greetings to those members of our network from around the world who have patiently and consistently supported human rights victims in Asia on whose behalf the AHRC has sent urgent appeals […]

SRI LANKA: Will Sri Lanka’s new president obstruct the functioning of public authorities through non-implementation of constitutional provisions?

Former presidents of Sri Lanka, JR Jayawardene, R Premadasa and C Kumaratunga are well known for their authoritarian operation of the executive presidency, therein crippling the country’s most vital public authorities. Jayawardene and Premadasa aimed for direct control over all public authorities. Kumaratunga, who came to power with promises of change, continued this tradition even […]

HONG KONG SAR: Legitimate protests against threatened livelihoods and police responsibility to remain within legal parameters

The past two weeks saw Hong Kong become a theatre in which the conflict between free trade and human rights played out very visibly, with broadcast and other media conveying the interventions of all those involved in this conflict: namely, those inside the World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial conference, and those outside on the streets.  […]

PHILIPPINES: Tribute to Sister Marianni

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 19, 2005 AS-130-2005 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Philippines: Tribute to Sister Marianni The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) joins all those voicing their deep appreciation of the life Sister Marianni Dimaranan, who passed away at the age of 81-years on December 16, 2005, after spending a […]

HONG KONG SAR: Police brutality and inhuman treatment of WTO protestors condemned

The brutality and inhuman treatment of the protestors against the World Trade Organisation (WTO) by the Hong Kong police comes as a shock and must immediately be stopped. On December 17, 2005 unarmed protesters attempted to enter the Hong Kong Convention Centre, where the WTO ministerial conference is being held. The response of the police […]

NEPAL: Nepal Celebrates Human Rights Day by Arresting over 100 Activists

Statement | Nepal | 14-12-2005

The authorities in Nepal have once again illustrated their complete disregard for human rights, by arresting over 130 activists taking part in peaceful demonstrations on International Human Rights Day, December 10th, 2005. Thankfully, all of the protestors, who were engaged in a peaceful march in favour of the restoration of peace and democracy, have now […]

SRI LANKA: Transparency necessary in arson investigation of Sri Lankan Human Rights Commission

Serious doubts and suspicions have arisen about the investigation into the attempted arson of the Human Rights Commission (HRC) of Sri Lanka offices in Colombo, on October 11, 2005. Despite significant local and international pressure, two months after the arson attempt no one has yet been arrested or brought to court for this serious crime […]

PHILIPPINES: Government must intervene if the killings of activists are to stop

On 5 December 2005, activist Cathy Alcantara was killed by unidentified armed men in Abucay, Bataan province, Luzon, Philippines. Alcantara, a mother of two children and the wife of a farmer’s organiser, died of a fatal gunshot wound while on her way to hospital after having attended the Luzon-wide farmers’ conference of the Pambansang Katipunan […]

ASIA: The Absence of the Rule of Law and the Actualisation of Human Rights: A Contradiction that Must Be Resolved

International Human Rights Day on December 10 should be a moment in Asia to reflect soberly as to why on this continent, where more than half of the world’s population live, basic human rights are denied to most people. Although there are complex factors that contribute to this denial of people’s rights, one factor stands […]

SRI LANKA: Does the Attorney General want Sri Lanka to renege on its strict obligation to implement decisions of the U.N. Human Rights Committee?

On December 5, the BBC Sinhala service reported the Attorney General of Sri Lanka as having said last Monday that urging the Supreme Court to alter a ruling is tantamount to undermining the independence of the judiciary. He reportedly said this with regards to the case of Nallaratnam Sinharasa, who has sought the Supreme Court […]

THAILAND: DSI must promptly and assertively answer the question “Where is Somchai?”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 2, 2005 AS-123-2005 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission THAILAND: DSI must promptly and assertively answer the question “Where is Somchai?” December 1 was the last day in the trial hearings at the Bangkok Criminal Court over the alleged abduction and subsequent disappearance of human rights lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit […]

INDIA: Culture of accountability necessary in addressing hunger and starvation deaths in West Bengal

Statement | India | 29-11-2005

The starvation deaths and malnutrition affecting thousands of villagers residing on the banks of the Padma River in Jalangi, Murshidabad has for the first time been accepted by the local administration. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes the admission by Superintendent of Police, Murshidabad, Mr Neeraj Kumar Singh, that at least 300 of the […]

SOUTH KOREA: Police brutality against protesting farmers must end

In recent weeks, there have been numerous protests by Korean farmers against the government’s liberalization policies. These have been dealt with by riot police in a brutal and violent manner, causing severe injuries. One farmer has even died due to the seriousness of his injuries: 43-year-old Jeon Young-Cheol died on November 24, 2005 after being […]

PHILIPPINES: Government’s failure to legislate on torture is a betrayal of Filipinos’ constitutional rights

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 24, 2005 AS-120-2005 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) PHILIPPINES: Government’s failure to legislate on torture is a betrayal of Filipinos’ constitutional rights The enactment of an enabling law to punish the perpetrators of acts of torture in the Philippines is long overdue. The government’s failure to enact […]

SRI LANKA: First anniversary of the assassination of Gerald Perera; justice delayed is justice betrayed

First anniversary of the assassination of Gerald Perera; On November 21 2004, Gerald Perera was assassinated while riding on a bus at noon. He was an employee at the Colombo Harbour who was pursuing a case against several officers of the Wattala Police Station for torturing him.  One of the accused against whom he was […]