
THAILAND: Thailand’s obsolete criminal defamation law must be scrapped

On Monday, September 6, Supinya Klangnarong will go to court on a charge of criminal defamation arising from an interview printed in the Thai Post newspaper last year; three of its editors are also subject to legal action. In the interview, Supinya pointed out how the profits of media conglomerate Shin Corp have increased enormously […]

MALAYSIA: A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

Court takes historic step towards restoring independence of judiciary in Malaysia  The decision of Malaysia’s highest court to acquit Anwar Ibrahim, the former deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia from all charges marks an important moment in the political and legal history of the country.  Anwar Ibrahim became the symbol manifesting an acute crisis in Malaysia […]

SRI LANKA: Political attacks on the NPC and election violence in Sri Lanka

In recent weeks some senior politicians from the government of Sri Lanka have tried to blame the increase in crime on the National Police Commission (NPC). In fact no link between the NPC and the increase in crime has in any way been established. On the contrary, there is widespread consensus that the decreased violence […]

NEPAL: Human rights emergency on the brink of further escalation in Nepal

Statement | Nepal | 28-08-2004

— Peace negotiations, accountability and an end to impunity are required as a matter of urgency   Time is of the essence. The human rights crisis situation in Nepal risks escalating further unless concrete steps towards peaceful resolution of the conflict are undertaken by the belligerent parties. On Wednesday August 25, 2004, the Communist Party […]

MALDIVES: Government of Maldives must end intolerable rights abuses

Statement | Asia | 26-08-2004

Reports from the Maldives in recent weeks indicate increasingly disturbing use of authoritarian powers by its government intended to suppress popular calls for democratic reform. After protests on August 13, President Gayoom declared a state of emergency, and mass arrests by the security forces followed, including of members of the National Human Rights Commission, former […]

SRI LANKA: Serious measures announced by Sri Lankan NPC to ensure disciplinary control of police a welcome move

This week, the National Police Commission (NPC) of Sri Lanka made the following welcome announcements: That disciplinary control of all police officers except the Inspector General of Police (IGP), including those of officers below the rank of Inspector of Police, would again fall under the domain of the NPC. This announcement effectively revokes the earlier […]

NEPAL: Immediate domestic and international intervention needed to protect lives of people and avoid a humanitarian catastrophe in Nepal

Statement | Nepal | 21-08-2004

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 22, 2004 AS-26-2004 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission Asian Human Rights Commission is deeply concerned regarding the devastating security situation in Nepal. Current events have exposed the His Majesty’s Government of Nepal’s (HMGN) chaotic state of affairs. The situation of “law and order” and internal security is deteriorating […]

INDIA: Indian Supreme Court’s decision devoid of merit

Statement | India | 12-08-2004

In declining to use its powers to review the death sentence of Dhananjoy Chatterjee, the Supreme Court of India has today not only declined to take responsibility for the life that it has condemned, but also the principles which it ought to be representing. The Constitution of India establishes that, “No person shall be deprived […]

THAILAND: Compensation without criminal liability is no solution to the killings in Southern Thailand

The findings of the Independent Fact-Finding Commission on the Krue Se Mosque massacre in Southern Thailand were made public yesterday. While recommending compensation payments and the preparation of contingency plans to prevent future similar incidents, they also contained an important observation that, “Investigations should be pursued through the appropriate organs within the judicial system for […]

INDIA: Ten years of waiting for justice in West Bengal end with a funeral

Statement | India | 02-08-2004

The Calcutta High Court last Wednesday took a short time to announce a decision on a matter that had stood before India’s courts for a decade: it granted leave to prosecute police officers allegedly responsible for the forced disappearance of Bhikari Paswan in 1993. The following day, Bhikari’s father, who had struggled for ten years […]

SRI LANKA: Attempted rape of judge indicative of collapsed rule of law in Sri Lanka

The attempted rape yesterday of a High Court judge in Sri Lanka indicates the extent to which the rule of law has collapsed in the country; a circumstance towards which the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has repeatedly drawn attention.     According to media reports, a man broke into the judge’s official residence in […]

SRI LANKA : Protection of complainants and the role of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka — Two sad incidents

During the last two weeks there were two occasions in which victims of very serious acts of torture sought protection from the Human Rights Commission (HRC) of Sri Lanka claiming that they were facing serious threats, including threats to their lives. We are glad to state that on both occasions a Commissioner took urgent steps […]

SRI LANKA: NPC’s Power of Disciplinary Control over Officers below the Rank of Inspector

In the Sunday Leader of July 17 under the caption ‘Police Commission Blame IGP for Inaction’ by Shenan Moses, there appear several comments relating to the Constitutional powers of the National Police Commission made by the NPC Chairman Ranjith Abeysuriya.  Mr. Abeysuriya has been quoted as saying that “acts of torture are carried out by officers below the […]

SRI LANKA: Facing up to the dark legacy of state-sponsored riots

July 2004 is the 21st anniversary of the government-sponsored riots against Tamils in Sri Lanka. The month became known as Black July. Similar state-sponsored violence took place in Gujarat, India in February 2002, when the state government organised and instigated massive attacks on Muslims there. When a government sponsors an assault on a part of […]

Hong Kong marches for democracy, stability and prosperity on July 1

On July 1 last year, more than 500,000 people took to the streets of Hong Kong. It was the sixth anniversary of China’s resumption of sovereignty, and they marched against the Hong Kong government’s proposed national security legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law, the territory’s mini-Constitution. The proposed law contained many dangerous […]

Eliminating torture remains our foremost challenge in Asia

Statement | Asia | 24-06-2004

Torture is the most serious obstacle to the advancement of human rights in Asia, whether civil and political rights or economic, social and cultural rights. This is because torture is the prime generator of fear, which inhibits people’s ability to react when other rights are threatened. Where large numbers of people decline to participate in […]

Make the SAARC region a torture-free zone!

As the world commemorates the International Day against Torture 2004, the countries of South Asia continue to be known only for their collective record of endemic torture. From the pre-colonial period to the present day, horrendous torture has been a characteristic of law enforcement throughout the region. In virtually every police station of every South […]

THAILAND: Disappearance of a human rights defender and disappearance of justice in Thailand

The authorities in Thailand have abandoned any pretence that they are trying to resolve the disappearance of well-known human rights defender and lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit. After initially reacting to domestic and international outcry (see AHRC statement AS-07-2004, 18 March 2004), they seem now to be concerned only with deflecting criticism, obscuring the truth and discouraging […]

SRI LANKA: Failure to discipline criminal police officers in Sri Lanka exacerbates social instability

That police in Sri Lanka continue to get away with torture and murder despite enormous publicity was dramatically illustrated this past fortnight, with the killing of an innocent man involving an officer who is also a known torturer. The alleged killing of Saman Priyantha Guneratne on May 30 is understood to have involved the same […]

SRI LANKA : Amnesty Sri Lanka report incorrect and counterproductive

The statement by Amnesty International in its annual report for 2004 to the effect that Sri Lanka is experiencing “an improved human rights situation” is deeply disturbing and patently incorrect. Unfortunately, this statement will now be used to silence human rights defenders in the country trying to alert the public to the extreme dangers currently […]