
WORLD: How the Asian Human Rights Charter (1998) came to be written

Statement | World | 06-09-2016

Please read Part I – Asian Charter on Human Rights – it’s significance and purpose The Asian Human Rights Charter – a People’s Charter, was the initiative of the Asian Human Rights Commission, a regional human rights organisation based in Hong Kong. The idea of drafting the Charter emerged as a result of certain discourses on human […]

INDONESIA: Justice for Munir, Justice for All – is it true Mr. President ?

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that the assassination 12 years ago, of prominent human rights activist, Munir Said Thalib, has passed without any progress being made. Munir was poisoned to death on 7 September 2004 on board a Garuda Indonesian flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam. Recently, some movement occurred when the court […]

PAKISTAN: Suo motu action on massacre of lawyers must be independent and effective

The dust has barely settled on the Quetta carnage and killing of lawyers that another attack has taken place against the Judiciary. On 2 September 2016, terror once again visited District Court Mardan, Peshawar, KPK Province. The modus operandi was similar: a suicide attacker lobbed a hand grenade before exploding himself at the main gate […]

WORLD: Asian Charter on Human Rights – it’s significance and purpose

Statement | World | 02-09-2016

On 17th March 1998, the Asian Human Rights Charter, or the People’s Charter, was launched in Gwangju City. The work for the Charter was the exclusive initiative of the Asian Human Rights Commission, supported by hundreds of organisations and a large number of individuals. All the supporting organisations were named in the back cover of […]

NEPAL: Government must serve justice to Ganga Maya Adhikari and prevent a senseless death

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is worried for Ganga Maya Adhikari, an icon of justice, who has resumed her hunger strike on August 11. Ganga Maya has asked Nepal’s Minister for Health, Gagan Thapa, to convey her demands seeking punishment for her son Krishna Prasad Adhikari’s murderers to Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’. […]

PAKISTAN: Religious minority representation in political process conspicuously absent

Despite a lapse of 69 years, religious minority communities of the country lack representation in mainstream politics. A true representative democracy and constitutional politics are the best institutional tools to protect and advance the interests of religious minorities in any set of social conditions. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, the political representation of minorities in mainstream politics […]

PAKISTAN: CPEC being paved with the blood of Baloch lawyers

August 8, 2016, will forever remain etched on the collective memory of the nation for years to come. The planned suicide attack on the lawyers, the crème de la crème of our society, shows the vindictive designs of the establishment. The State has aided and abetted non-State actors to silence the voices of dissent against […]

PHILIPPINES: Failed justice system cause for extrajudicial killings

The extraordinary measures taken by the newly appointed President of the Philippines, to allow the killing of persons involved in the drugs trade and notorious criminals, has received global attention. It is one of the most unusual moves made in any country in recent times. While President Rodrigo Duterte has said about 6,000 people may […]

INDIA: For peace, end impunity in Kashmir

Statement | India | 19-08-2016

The Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir has seen curfew for the last 41 days. Sixty-six persons have been killed, as a result of the “actions” of government forces. Most of the channels of communication remain blocked. It is reported that the authorities have gagged the media. There are concerns that even essential supplies are […]

THAILAND: Restore rule of law and democracy

On 7 August 2016, Thailand held a referendum to decide upon the country’s new constitution, as drafted by the military. Preliminary results indicate that 62 percent voted in favour of the constitution, while a majority also agreed that a military nominated Senate should be allowed to select the Prime Minister together with the House of […]

PAKISTAN: Balochistan unearthing dead bodies in the thousands

Balochistan Province continues to suffer the wrath of law enforcement agencies; even by official figures, corpses found are threatening to breach the 1,000 mark in recent years. The real numbers are greater, with violent death scarring the countryside and blotting humanity. According to official reports, nearly a thousand bullet-ridden corpses have been recovered from various […]

INDIA: Rotten ‘mother tongue’ of Kerala Police must be condemned

The Kerala State Police Complaints Authority (SPCA) Chairman, Justice K. Narayana Kurup, recently spoke about the widespread use of abusive language by the Kerala Police, as reported by a local newspaper. He referred to this as the “mother tongue” of the institution, and cautioned that bad luck would befall cops that even abuse people likely […]

PAKISTAN: National Minorities Day – A perplexed nation

National Minorities Day is annually commemorated on August 11, in remembrance of the 1947 landmark speech of Pakistan’s founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, envisaging that citizens of all faiths will be treated equally in the new nation: “You are free; you are free to go to your temples; you are free to go to your […]

NEPAL: Herculean tasks lie ahead for transitional justice bodies

Statement | Nepal | 12-08-2016

Nepal’s transitional justice bodies closed registration of complaints on 10 August 2016, with over 60,000 cases registered during the last four months. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons (CIEDP) now have six months to establish truth, investigate into violations of human rights, and make recommendations for […]

PAKISTAN: Children suffer for being the progeny of lesser gods

A wave of anxiety has gripped the most populated province of Punjab, following the kidnapping of more than 700 children within this past year.. Several areas in Punjab particularly Lahore, the capital city, has witnessed a sudden surge in child kidnappings. There have been reports of the dead bodies of missing children surfacing in deserted […]

PAKISTAN: The UN must probe the massacre and the continued killings of lawyers in Balochistan

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) joins everyone who is shocked and dismayed by the senseless and brutal attack on civilians in Quetta, Balochistan on Aug 8, 2016. According to the leaders of the Balochistan Bar Association, the attack has killed 97 persons which includes 63 lawyers, and two journalists, the photographer of Dawn and […]

PAKISTAN: Gilgit Baltistan police control prosecution department so are free to torture

Police excesses and torture are not a new phenomenon in urban and remote regions of the country. A relatively peaceful and serene Chalat Bala District, Nagar Gilgit Baltistan region, has been chaotic since the establishment of the Chalat Police station. Instead of maintaining peace and order, the police officers have reportedly been extorting bribes from […]

NEPAL: Playing political musical-chairs for the peace of the graveyard prolongs transition

Statement | Nepal | 05-08-2016

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to congratulate CPN (Maoist Centre) Chairperson Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachanda” for being elected the 39th Prime Minister of Nepal on 3 August 2016. He begins his second period in eight years. The last time around, he led the government after the first Constituent Assembly elections, from 18 […]

INDONESIA: Death penalty and criminal defamation is not a solution, Mr. President

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely dismayed by President Joko Widodo’s decision to continue the execution of death row inmates. Prior to the July 29 executions, the AHRC issued an open letter urging the President to stop the third execution, to no avail. President Widodo’s administration has so far executed 19 death row inmates, most […]

PAKISTAN: Exception swims in a sea of executions

The Pakistan government and its foreign minister were so happy when the Indonesian government stopped the execution of a Pakistani convict, Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah, at the last minute. Both the Pakistani government and the Foreign Ministry tried to take credit, as it was an outcome of their best attempts at diplomacy, having stopped the […]