
WORLD: Key to eradicate hunger is making public institutions work

Statement | World | 10-12-2015

Who can enjoy any of the basic human rights guaranteed to them by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 through the United Nations General Assembly resolution 217, if they face chronic hunger, or even worse, starvation? The answer to the question […]

BANGLADESH: Rebuilding justice institutions a must for realising rights

International Human Rights Day offers one more opportunity to streamline the discourse on human rights. The achievements in terms of the development of normative standards have been immense in the last decades. These achievements are not reflected in people’s real life, despite certain public awareness about rights being made. Together with its success in building […]

NEPAL: Protests and violence spiral amidst institutional failure

This year, 2015, did not start off well for Nepal. On April 25, a devastating earthquake hit the nation killing more than 9000 people, injuring thousands and destroying millions of dollars worth of property. Help poured in from all over the world to assist the poor Himalayan nation. Youths and volunteers were reaching out to […]

INDONESIA: After 17 years of reform, who will protect human rights?

Today, celebrating international human rights day, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) expresses its concern about various forms of human rights violations still occurring in Indonesia, despite the Soeharto dictatorship having ended 17 years ago. Major human rights violations abound. There is impunity for past abuses, torture and fabricated cases (unfair trial), assorted violations in […]

SRI LANKA: AHRC urges for radical re-engineering of policing, prosecution, and judicial systems

  Two elections were held in Sri Lanka in 2015, one in January and the other in August 2015. One was to elect the President, and the other was to elect members of Parliament. In both these elections, the government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa was defeated, and, as a result, a coalition of new parties […]

INDIA: A nation of failed justice institutions

International Human Rights Day is observed each year on December 10. This year the United Nations has declared that the day will mark a year-long campaign for the global recommitment to guaranteeing freedoms and protecting human rights for all. To this end, the UN has called upon member states to revisit commitments made to two […]

BANGLADESH: Government and Justice Institutions owe explanations about enforced disappearances

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) calls for the return of all disappeared persons to their families. The government of Bangladesh must tell the whereabouts of the disappeared persons, and respond […]

PAKISTAN: Ahmadi pesh imam cut by blades amidst ongoing attacks

In the continuity of attacks on the Ahmadi community in Pakistan, Mr. Najeeb Ahmed, pesh imam (leader) of the Sarai Alamgir mosque was punished by unknown Muslim fundamentalists with sharp shaving blades in Gujrat district, Punjab province. On December 1, as Mr. Ahmed entered his house, he was pounced upon, his clothes were removed and […]

INDIA: Droughts don’t wait for ‘official declaration’.

Statement | India | 02-12-2015

More than 100 farmers have reportedly committed suicide in Uttar Pradesh, one of the most impoverished states in India, because of a hailstorm that destroyed their crops. The situation will only worsen with 50 of 75 districts being hit by a severe drought. Despite having evidence of the drought, the provincial government took two and […]

PAKISTAN: Stop state sponsored malicious hate campaign against PILER

The Pakistan Institute of Labour Research and Education (PILER), a non-profit organization, and a partner of the Asian Human Rights Commission, is being targeted in a smear campaign. This is being done by the “invisible forces” inside Pakistan, through a certain TV chanel, the content of which is aired by other television channels. As a […]

WORLD: COP21-Climate Change Conference Paris-got to tackle both doomsday and the disaster at the door

Statement | World | 30-11-2015

Climate change is a real and urgent issue putting the very future of humanity at stake. Unfortunately, it is not only the concepts like the progressively increasing temperature of the earth that can sink islands or disasters that could affect millions if not billions of people. These scenarios, always so dear to doomsday predictors, have […]

PAKISTAN: Mullahs continue destruction of Ahmadi Muslim Mosques and properties

The world had hardly come to terms with the shock and horror of the burning down of a chipboard factory by an enraged mob led by misanthropic mullahs when news has emerged of another attack. This time an Ahmadi Muslim mosque in Kala Gujram, not far from the chipboard factory, has been targeted. The local […]

PAKISTAN: New wave of attacks, abduction, rape and forced conversion of Christians

Courtessy from daily Pakistan Freedom of religion is a fundamental right that exists only on paper in Pakistan. Each year thousands of Christians, forming 13% of the total population, suffer at the hands of religious bigots who use blasphemy as an excuse to ruin their life. Christian girls are increasingly being forced to convert to Islam. According […]

INDIA: Where drought is just another ‘file noting’

Statement | India | 25-11-2015

Telangana, yesterday, finally acknowledged that 231 out of 443 of its rural mandals (sub-districts) are hit by drought. This was not a sudden realization by the state, the 9th Indian state to get hit by drought this year. Their agricultural department knew that a ‘drought like’ situation was prevailing in Mahabubnagar, Medak, Nizamabad, Karimnagar and […]

PAKISTAN: World’s third most dangerous country for women

A statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Gender based violence continues to show an upward trend in Pakistan, which has been ranked as the third most dangerous country for women by the Thomson Reuters Foundation Poll. The past four years, with the formation of civil governments, have seen the […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: An end to sham politics

The results of the 2015 general election held on November 8 in Burma, or Myanmar, have slammed the door shut on the sham politics of the last five years. Gone are the days of a concocted legislature comprising for the most part of yes-men and sleepy heads. With this election, people in Burma have not […]

PAKISTAN: Parliamentarians hammer final nail in the coffin of democracy

In a shameful assent to military rule, on 11 November 2015, the National Assembly approved an amendment to the Pakistan Army Act (PAA), 1952. This amendment provides legal cover to arrests already made by law-enforcement agencies, including the Army. According to media reports, the Bill amends Section 2 of the PAA, allowing military courts to […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Serious concern about the on-going hunger strike of student protesters

The Asian Human Rights Commission is gravely concerned about the health situation of student protesters who are currently carrying out hunger strikes in the prisons. There are incidences of solitary confinement, force-feeding, denial of water to some students besides inadequate hospital care. There was a police crackdown after which they arrested the non-violent student protesters […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Parliamentary Elections 2015 — D-Day

The landmark election is scheduled to conduct on tomorrow (Sunday, November 8, 2015). Around 90 political parties with 6,065 candidates, around 10,500 national and international election observers, and over 40,000 polling stations are set to play the role. This may not fully achieved what the people are dreaming of but it may give positive outputs […]

PAKISTAN: 40 killed and 33 missing in another industrial accident

The granting of the General System of Preference (GSP+) status to Pakistan, applicable from 1 January 2014, has done little to improve the condition of labourers in Pakistan, while industrialists continue to disregard minimum wage rule and industrial safety standards. The history of industrial accidents in the country is rife with examples of preventable accidents. […]