
NEPAL: Ganga Maya seeks update on red corner notice issued against Rudra Acharya

Statement | Nepal | 16-06-2015

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to inform you that Ganga Maya Adhikari, wife of late Nanda Prasad Adhikari, has filed a Right to Information (RTI) application. Ganga Maya, who has resumed her hunger strike in Bir Hospital, seeking justice for the murder of her son Krishna Prasad Adhikari who was allegedly murdered by […]

INDIA: Violence is no means to resolve conflict in Manipur

Amidst claims and counter claims related to the recent militant attack on the Indian Army, as well as a retaliatory strike against militant groups by the Indian Army, lives have been lost in Manipur. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the use of force with impunity by state and non-state actors in Manipur that […]

NEPAL: Reform the police, rather than outsource policing

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is dismayed by the attempt of the government of Nepal to outsource policing functions to a paramilitary organization. Rather than reform the police, something the nation and its people sorely need, the attempt to allow the Armed Police Force (APF) to take over policing functions and issue arrest warrants […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Detained Student Protestors in Immediate Need of Medical Attention and Hygienic Environment

Poor and unhygienic conditions in Tharawaddy Prison has resulted in students and their supporters detained there for over 3 months to be afflicted by diseases and ailments. During the brutal crackdown on 10 May 2015, students and their supporters protesting against the National Education Bill were injured, but no medical treatment has been provided to […]

PAKISTAN: Ensuing executions a systematic move to instill fear

Aftab Bahadur Masih was executed in Lahore’s Kot Lakhpat Jail early this morning despite requests from rights groups and church leaders to halt the execution, terming his conviction as flawed. He was 15-year-old at the time of the commission of the alleged crime, a fact not disputed by the police or the courts. Aftab had […]

PAKISTAN: “I will be hanged by the neck until dead” – Aftab Bahadur Masih

Aftab Bahadur Masih is expected to be executed tomorrow, 10 June 2015. He has now been on death row for over 22 years. The Asian Human Rights Commission is reproducing a translation of a letter Aftab wrote recently from his prison cell in Kot Lakhpat, Lahore. The letter has been translated from Urdu by Reprieve, an […]

NEPAL: The grave injustice of waiting and waiting for justice

Ganga Maya Adhikari, who staged a 360-day hunger strike last year demanding action against the murderers of her son Krishna Prasad, has given a new 10-day ultimatum to the government to address her demands. Since Friday, 5 June 2015, she has only been taking juice and water, heightening her protest against the continuing injustice. Speaking […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Disciplinary punishments for police who assault and torture no substitute for criminal sanctions

In a letter dated 10 April 2015, the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission—an innovation of the current period of political change in Myanmar, or Burma—wrote to the Asian Human Rights Commission concerning the death in police custody of Ma Than Than Aye, and alleged torture of her and her husband Ko Nan Win (AHRC-UAC-128-2014). According […]

PAKISTAN: Half-baked democracy denies women voting rights

Pakistan, in a short time, has witnessed several positive laws being promulgated in favour of equality for women. The women selected to special seats at the federal and provincial levels, including the few elected directly have been asserting their position to increase women’s participation in every walk of life and to eradicate violence against women, […]

INDIA: Government might as well have legalised child labour

Statement | India | 15-05-2015

Misleading media headlines like “Govt. proposes complete ban on child labour till 14 years” notwithstanding, the Cabinet’s nod to amendments in the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012, is a hoodwink that will push more children into hazardous work, something the government claims it opposes.  The Cabinet has decided to ban employment of […]

PAKISTAN: Killing of 46 Ismailis utterly condemnable

Today, persons hailing from the Ismaili community (a branch of Shia Islam) have been attacked while they were travelling on a passenger bus managed and operated by the community. According to media reports, six unidentified assailants on motorbikes opened fire on the bus from all sides, leaving at least 46 dead and 24 injured. Many […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Court martial exonerates soldiers of murder of journalist while death inquest in civilian court still underway

On 8 May 2015 the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission issued a short statement (No. 5/2015) to the effect that two soldiers accused of involvement in the killing of freelance journalist Ko Par Gyi on 4 October 2014 have been acquitted of any crime by a summary court martial. The statement explained that the men, […]

NEPAL: Let natural disaster not be compounded by State failure

Another earthquake, this one with a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale, struck Nepal on 12 May. It has led to 65 deaths and counting, adding to the more than 8,000 lives lost since the first earthquake hit Nepal two weeks ago on 25 April 2015. Tuesday’s earthquake was centred about 76 km (47 […]

SRI LANKA: Undoing corruption – the colossal, the trivial, and the real

Gabriel Garcia Marquez once spoke of Fidel Castro as a person “incapable of conceiving any idea that is not colossal”. During the last few months in Sri Lanka too there has been an interest in colossal ideas. One such colossal ambition is the idea of eliminating corruption.  It even became a major theme in an […]

PAKISTAN: Corporal punishment is deemed fit by the schools to exert their authority on children

In a society infested with extremism and intolerance sadistic and violent behaviour is a natural outcome. As part of their daily lives, children all over Pakistan are spanked, slapped, hit, beaten and battered by parents and teachers. Corporal punishment may just be an impulsive reaction of an irritated parent or teacher. Yet In every case, […]

INDIA: Where cheating police officers and corrupt politicians rule

Statement | India | 08-05-2015

Kerala Inspector General of Police, Mr. T.J. Jose was expelled from a public examination centre on 4 May 2015 for cheating. Jose, who arrived at the centre in his official vehicle, in civilian dress, was caught red-handed by the invigilator copying from photocopies of booklets he had hidden inside a hand towel. The officer was […]

INDIA: Attack on Greenpeace India is an attack on free speech

Statement | India | 06-05-2015

The announcement by Greenpeace India of its imminent shutdown is saddening. However, it was only a matter of time. How long could the organization have continued running with its bank accounts frozen and with a ban on foreign funds? That this has happened after the Delhi High Court’s judgments in two cases related to the […]

PAKISTAN: Unknown persons assigned to silence intellectuals

Dr. Waheed Rehman – Photo courtesy, The menace of “unknown persons” shooting to death intellectuals and activists in Pakistan continues. Pakistan is witnessing an upsurge of attacks on professors and intellectuals; recently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mass Communication at Karachi University, Dr. Waheed Rehman, well known by his pen name Yasir Rizvi, […]

NEPAL: Earthquake exposes crisis in governance

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is particularly concerned about the residents of villages in Nepal devastated by the impact of a 7.8 Richter scale earthquake, and its destructive aftershocks. The loss of human lives, over 7,000 and counting, and the destruction of infrastructure supporting daily lives, already under stress in one of the poorest […]

THAILAND: Four-year anniversary of imprisonment of Somyot Prueksakasemsuk

Last Thursday, 30 April 2015, was the four year-anniversary of the imprisonment of Somyot Prueksakasemsuk, a longtime labour rights activist and human rights defender. On 30 April 2011, Somyot was arrested on allegations of violating Article 112 of the Criminal Code. He was held for six months of pre-trial detention and then hearings in his […]