
BANGLADESH: Rights Disappeared

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Human Rights Day 2014 Fundamental human rights are not guaranteed in Bangladesh in the daily life of its people. The rights of freedom of expression and opinion are infringed. The freedom of press is severely curtailed. People are being imprisoned for expressing their opinion about powerful […]

INDIA: A human rights mirage

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Human Rights Day 2014 In the absence of thorough justice institution reforms, human rights guarantees in India will remain a mirage. The transcendent principles of dignity, freedom, and equality to all enshrined in the Constitution and the interpretations that the courts and the Parliament have provided […]

ASIA: AHRC grieves the death of the “people’s judge”

Statement | Asia | 05-12-2014

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) joins millions of Asians and others across the globe to mourn the sad demise of Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer. Aged 100, Justice Krishna Iyer passed away today at a hospital in Kerala, India. He was a member of AHRC’s advisory group and was an active participant in AHRC’s […]

PAKISTAN: Disappearances and extra judicial killings of Sindhi nationalists continues with impunity

Disappearances and extra judicial killings in the Sindh Province continues unabated; in many cases disappearances have occurred following arrest by the police and at times by plain clothed persons, presumably from intelligence agencies; thereafter being taken into custody, most often tortured and ultimately their bodies are found dumped on the streets. In the Sindh Province, […]

NEPAL: Mass arrests on eve of SAARC summit

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned that large numbers of Madhesi activists have been arrested from different parts of Kathmandu in the lead up to the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit. Those arrested were preparing to attend a programme in Kathmandu’s Sundhara area on 26th November, organized by Madhesi […]

PAKISTAN: Statement on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

The non-implementation of the laws created for the protection of women keep them forever in virtual slavery. The dismal situation, despite several laws namely the Women’s Protection Act, the Acid Control and Crime Act, the Protection Against Harassment at Workplace Act, theLaw of Inheritance and the ratified Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of […]

THAILAND: Expression of opinion forbidden by the junta

On 19 and 20 November, student and other activists carried out a series of peaceful, symbolic protests against the dictatorship in Thailand.  In response, the military and police acted to swiftly end the protests and arrest eight of the activists under the terms of martial law. The position of the National Council for Peace and […]

IRAN: Rights bodies urge international community to adopt resolutions in the UN

Statement | Iran | 12-11-2014

To: Member States of the UN General Assembly Your Excellency: We, the undersigned human rights and civil society organizations, write to urge your government to vote in favor of Resolution A/C.3/69/L.33 on the promotion and protection of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran. This vote will take place during the 69th session of […]

THAILAND: Resurgence of Military Summons of Activists and Human Rights Defenders

The Asian Human Rights is gravely concerned about the resurgence of military summons of activists and human rights defenders. According to information provided by Thai Lawyers for Human Rights, 16 activists and human rights defenders (HRDs) in northeastern Thailand have been summoned to report to the local military authorities. The summons to report came after […]

SOUTH KOREA: Reprisals against lawyers in a civilised society

Reprisals against lawyers defending the right of the accused are a historical reality of past military and authoritarian regime in South Korea. Those who received either disciplinary punishment or imprisonment, and provided legal advice at that time later earned the label “human rights lawyers”. As often witnessed in developing countries under military and authoritarian regimes, […]

THAILAND: Intimidation and detention of land rights activists

The Asian Human Rights Commission is gravely concerned to have learned that on Sunday, 9 November 2014, the military detained Praphat Pintobtaeng, a lecturer from the Faculty of Political Science at Chulalongkorn University, and three additional people in Chiang Mai who were participating in a walk rally to protest the policy of the National Council […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Some political prisoners in Burma still without redress

Recently the President of Burma has been granting amnesty to political prisoners across the country. However, these grants have not reached every case, and do not address some of the most recent issues involving politically motivated mass arrests. Specifically, the government’s newspaper, The Global New Light of Myanmar has published a list of political prisoners […]

PAKISTAN: The madness of Blasphemy accusation continues; a police inspector kills a man with an axe

Blasphemy law has become a lethal weapon against the freedom of religion and faith and also the freedom of expression An Assistant Sub Inspector of Police murdered a detained man, from Shia sect of Islam, with an axe during interrogation and later alleged the man had committed blasphemy. The incident occurred in Lala Musa, in […]

INDIA: Apathy to criminal justice reforms will only perpetuate torture

“Matters can go to such a head that the SHO (station house officer) would have to bring him (the detainee) chapattis and chicken curry to satisfy him.” Indeed, this is not an obiter dictum by Justice T. S. Thakur. This comment that the Supreme Court judge has made while hearing a case concerning the installation […]

SRI LANKA: The Supreme Court cannot become party to a political trick

According to a letter written to the Bar Association by the Registrar ( click here to read  the letter ) of the Supreme Court, the President of Sri Lanka has, under Article 129(1) of the Constitution, referred two questions to the Supreme Court for its consideration. The Court has been asked to submit its opinion […]

INDIA/SRI LANKA: Criminal justice systems arraigned

On 30th October 2014, the High Court of Colombo imposed the Death Sentence on eight persons found guilty of charges of drug trafficking. The allegations against them were that at the time of arrest by the Sri Lanka Navy in November 2011, they had heroin in their possession. Five of the convicted accused fishermen from […]

PAKISTAN: How many more Aasia Bibis,Taseers, Bhattis, and Rehmans will become victims because of inept judiciary?

A Divisional Bench of the Lahore High Court (LHC) upheld the death penalty of a Christian woman convicted of Blasphemy by a Sessions’ Court in 2010. Ms. Aasia Bibi, was a mother of five. She was arrested in 2009 under blasphemy charges while working in a farm with many other Muslim women. A two-judge bench […]

PHILIPPINES: Children suffer inhuman treatment, severe malnutrition due to government neglect

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the Manila City government for its apparent outright neglect to improve conditions at the Reception and Action Center (RAC), a public child care institutions. The AHRC has obtained a copy of a photo, taken on October 12, showing a naked and severely malnourished boy lying on the […]

PAKISTAN: Government must restore the arbitrarily suspended broadcast license of ‘ARY News’ with immediate effect

The government of Pakistan  through its regulatory body, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has banned a local television channel, the “ARY News” and has arbitrarily suspended its license for a period of 15 days, and  imposed a fine of Rs.10 million (approximately USD 97,000) for airing on 20th October 2014  an allegedly derogatory […]

INDIA: Dalits snare trapped

The recent escalation in atrocities committed on Dalits is surprising even for Bihar, a province notorious for crimes against members of the community. The only things worse than the state’s failure to stop the crimes are the reasons the crimes are being committed. Can one really burn alive a 15-year-old child for the “crime” of […]