
SOUTH KOREA: Unlimited punishment for holding different thoughts and ideas

It is widely reported that Acts relating to national security created in various names throughout in Asia have been used, not to protect national security per se, but to oppress persons holding different ideas, or opinions, or critical of policies of the government. It is also a recognised trend that human rights defenders have been […]

NEPAL: What is the meaning of justice if people die seeking it?

Statement | Nepal | 20-03-2014

There are estimated 15,451 pending cases at the Supreme Court (SC) of Nepal. Last year the Supreme Court gave final decisions on only 4360 cases. There are still 12,114 pending cases from last year and 8097 registered this year that makes total of 20,211 pending cases at the SC. So far this year, the SC […]

WORLD/SRI LANKA: Chaos and order in the country reviewed in the context of the draft resolution before the Human Rights Council

The draft resolution which is soon to be debated can be looked at within a wider perspective from the point of view of the chaos that resulted from insurgencies and counter-insurgencies in all parts of the country since 1971, and by looking more closely into the reestablishment of order within a framework of the rule […]

INDIA: Does model code of conduct allow mocking the murders?

Statement | India | 19-03-2014

What should the government do when farmers commit suicide in an extreme response to massive crop failures? Mocking these suicides would certainly not figure as a possible response in any sane mind. But that is exactly what Chief Minister of Maharashtra did when alerted to 22 more farmers ending their lives as noted by the […]

NEPAL: Stateless citizens within, time for Nepal to reform decaying institutions

Statement | Nepal | 17-03-2014

Nepal has been in transition since 2006. Following the failure of the first Constituent Assembly to promulgate a new constitution, the country has been in a state of limbo and to make matters worse, there is no clear indication of when this transition will come to an end. The indefinite hunger strike of Dr. Govinda […]

INDIA: Relief awarded only after long battle by acid attack victim

On January 17, 2014, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) issued an urgent appeal (AHRC-UAC-005-2014, for immediate intervention and financial assistance to a survivor of acid attack in the Indian state of Assam as per the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court of India in 2013. Women in Governance (WinG-Assam), a network of women […]

WORLD: The Sri Lankan Government retaliates to the proposed Human Rights Council resolution by arresting activists and witnesses

Statement | World | 16-03-2014

A draft resolution promoting reconciliation, accountability, and human rights in Sri Lanka is to be discussed at the United Nations Human Rights Council. The proposed resolution calls for, among other things, the Office of the High Commissioner, “To lead a comprehensive investigation into alleged serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes by […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: No rule of law via Special Branch, militarised police

On 11 March 2014 a presidential commission of inquiry into the latest violence in the far west of Burma, or Myanmar, presented its findings. According to the commission, which is the latest in a series examining violence around the country, numbers of security forces in some areas need to be significantly increased. Highlighting Maungdaw Township, […]

PAKISTAN: The self-immolation of a rape victim before a police station demonstrates the popular frustration about the breakdown of discipline

A girl commits suicide by self-immolation after her rapists bribed the police to release them. The state institutions remained as silent spectators The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that an 18 year old student died in hospital after setting herself on fire in the front of a hospital, in Muzzafargarh, Punjab province where […]

SOUTH KOREA: Legislatures’ attempt to undermine fair trial

While the alleged fabrication and concealment of evidence by the National Intelligence Service (NIS) is gaining more weight in a case of Mr. Yu who is on trial, charged with violation of National Security Act (NSA), it is noticeable that few legislatures have started joining in support of the NIS. It is a normal practice of political […]

PAKISTAN: Women are headed towards a dark tunnel

International Women’s Day 2014  A pact with the Taliban will destroy what little freedoms remain for women The shadow of darkness shrouds Pakistan. In a country that already has a repressive attitude towards women; the possibility of upholding women’s rights shrinks further. In an environment in which a woman’s worth is considered to be only […]

NEPAL: There is always a price to pay

Statement | Nepal | 05-03-2014

Last week the U.S. Embassy denied entry permits to Nepalese police officers as they have been stationed at police stations that have alleged track records of human rights violations during the insurgency and in other periods. The Police Headquarter sought help of the Home Ministry after the visas of 14 police officers were rejected as […]

PAKISTAN: The government ignores the historical long march for the recovery of disappeared persons

Statement | Asia | 04-03-2014

The historic long march of the Baloch family members of missing persons ended in Islamabad after covering 2800 kilometers. The 20 member’s contingent of long march created history in the sub-continent by continuously walking 104 days from Quetta, the capital of the Balochistan province, to Islamabad, the capital of the country via the Sindh and […]

SOUTH KOREA: Individualising traditional values fails to break the chain of poverty

A mother and her two daughters were found dead in Seoul on February 26. According to the media, they committed suicide due to poverty. The mother had been working in a restaurant for a living since the father passed away 12 years ago. Due to chronic disease, two daughters worked part time and gave up […]

INDIA: Law is no exception to god-men or god-women

Statement | India | 26-02-2014

In India, another controversy has erupted concerning yet another spiritual guru. The exception however is, this time, it is a god-woman from the southern state of Kerala. Otherwise, the script is an oft-repeated one. The emergence of a person claiming spiritual and god given powers from a remote hamlet in the country to national and […]

NEPAL: The deficient justice system permits public punishment of children

Statement | Nepal | 25-02-2014

The social media in Nepal was flooded with a photo share which showed three young boys tied to a bamboo pole on 22 February 2014. Three small boys aged 11 to 14 were caught stealing some mushroom packets and noodles in the settlement which lies near Aapgachhichok in Itahari-2, Sunsari district of Nepal. The boys […]

INDIA: Most police officers are unfit to serve is now an official position

Statement | India | 24-02-2014

The report by the Director General of Police (DGP), Mr. K. S. Balasubramanian, in the southern state of Kerala to the government, that most of the police officers of the rank of Sub-Inspector of Police are corrupt, inept to discharge their duties and are clinically lazy, speaks volumes about the capacity of the state’s police […]

SRI LANKA: The appointment and dismissal of judges is the sole privilege of the executive president

The judgement of the Supreme Court which was given last week held that the judgement of the Court of Appeal allowing the writ of Certiorari on the parliament of Sri Lanka was wrong. The simple argument of the five judges is that the parliament of Sri Lanka, like the parliament of Great Britain enjoys supremacy […]

INDIA: A mandamus writ will not ensure safety

Statement | India | 20-02-2014

The Supreme Court of India has directed the Union Government to take adequate measures to guarantee the safety of the people from the northeast, in the rest of the country against alleged racial discrimination. The court issued the directive while hearing a public interest litigation filed in court, following a series of incidents, where people […]

PAKISTAN: The Long March in support of the families of victims of enforced disappearances is under threat and the government is preparing to halt the marchers by force

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received reports that Mama Qadeer, the organiser of the Long March from Balochistan to Islamabad, the purpose of which is to urge the Pakistani government to do something about the ongoing enforced disappearances of Balochi activists is receiving death threats. The marchers have now reached an area just […]