
WORLD: The human rights movement strongly recommends Malala Yousafzai for the Nobel Peace Prize

Statement | World | 10-10-2013

In this age where women and girl children do not receive the protection promised to them by the constitutions of so many countries the challenge for the human rights community in this century is to uplift their rights and lives. The struggle must include equality for women and justice for the violence perpetrated against them. […]

SRI LANKA: The democracy is to be silenced and protest banned in the month of November for the CHOGM

The CHOGM meeting is scheduled to begin on November 15. The government of Sri Lanka has banned protests in the city of Colombo in the month of November. The government has taken this action under the Public Security Regulations and directed that protests, marches and any display of banners and black flags is banned during […]

BANGLADESH: Attorney General plays key role to deny Adilur’s bail granted by High Court

Bangladesh’s authorities are trying to block the process of releasing the human rights defender Adilur Rahman Khan, today, October 9, 2013. A Division Bench of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh granted six months interim bail to Adilur Rahman Khan yesterday, 8 October 2013. Nearly after two months since the detention […]

SOUTH KOREA: Vicarious administrative execution is not legitimate without just and fair consultation of Miryang villagers

It is unavoidable that dissent, regardless of its severity, arises between the authorities and the people affected from national plans such as construction and redevelopment. It is reported that a nuclear plant has been being built in Busan in order to supply electricity to Seoul and for this reason, 69 transmission towers for the 765 […]

PAKISTAN: An Islamic country cannot protect its minors from sexual assault and the perpetrators enjoy impunity

Cases of sexual assault on minors have increased in the country during the recent months. During the month of September alone, a number of such cases were registered, however, there are many cases which were not reported because of the fear of a backlash from powerful persons and the police, also some of the cases […]

PAKISTAN: During the last eight months 4,286 persons were killed in target killings, security operations, militant attacks and terrorism

During the last eight months of this year, from January to August 31, in different target killings, militant attacks, incidents of terrorism (including suicide bombs by the Pakistani Taliban and different sectarian groups) and security operations by the armed forces and intelligence agencies 4,286 persons were killed and 4,066 injured. The statistics for this period […]

PAKISTAN: Trafficking organs of dead Christians — the government must conduct a high powered probe

A Vatican news agency, Agenzia Fides, reported a horrific crime taking place in Pakistan where, not only hundreds of Christians were killed in a church bombing in Peshawar city, KPK, but now it is reported that the dead were stripped off their organs by paramedics which were then sold the illegal organ trade black market. […]

PAKISTAN: AHRC lauds the efforts of the Pakistani Embassy in Saudi Arabia to save the lives of persons awaiting beheading

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) appreciates the efforts of the Pakistani Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and his two-member fact finding team to probe the cases of the Pakistanis who are on death row and awaiting beheading on the charges of drug smuggling. The government of Saudi Arabia must also be praised for its readiness […]

WORLD: Neuroweapons; Inside Story of the US mind control project

Statement | World | 27-09-2013

Last week the US National Institutes of Health ( NIH) issued an report titled, “Interim Report: Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) working group.” The report has extensively examined President Barack Obama’s brain project, which mentions the need to develop electromagnetic modulation as a new technology for brain circuit manipulation. In the meantime, the […]

BURMA: Continued prosecutions of human rights defenders

The Asian Human Rights Commission has in a number of recent appeals and statements (AHRC-UAC-105-2013, AHRC-UAC-101-2013, AHRC-STM-108-2013) pointed to the persistent pursuit and prosecution by the police and local authorities in Burma, or Myanmar, of human rights defenders under draconian legislation old and new. Despite the country’s continued progress away from its overtly dictatorial past, it is […]

PAKISTAN: The state apparatus has gone to the dogs

The AHRC urges the government of Pakistan to carry out a high powered inquiry into the killings of Christians by a commission of experts rather than the police The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the two deadly suicide attacks on the All Saints Church in Peshawar, the capital city of Khyber Pakhtunkha province […]

PAKISTAN: 126 extrajudicial killings, 400 disappearances in Balochistan

Counting up to August 2013, as many as 126 extrajudicial deaths and over 400 disappearances have taken place in the Balochistan province of Pakistan. Violent killings and disappearance after arrest by authorities continues without relent. Most bodies, of those murdered extra judicially, have been found in the Balochi speaking districts of the province, particularly Quetta, […]

SRI LANKA: ‘Judgeitis’ — disease of the judges

The Guardian reported on September 11 that Lord Carlisle has argued for an inspectorate of judges which could deal with problems before they lead to complaints. Meanwhile new regulations dealing with complaints against judges come into force at the beginning of next month.  The new regulations come on the basis of the Constitutional Reform Act […]

PAKISTAN: Innocent Ahmadis continue to be harassed persecuted and murdered while the government looks on

Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan continue to be persecuted, prosecuted, humiliated, harassed, tortured and subjected to target killings. In the very recent past hundreds of Ahmadis have been murdered for their faith and belief and this horrifying brutality continues under the very eyes of the Government who take no notice or action and blatantly allow the […]

SRI LANKA: A tribute to Sunila Abeyesekara

Sunila Abeysekera passed away yesterday in Colombo. Born in 1952 she stood for the liberal values of equality, liberty and human rights at a very dark period in her country. By 1962, at the age of ten, a section of the country’s elite attempted a military coup. This coup symbolised the disillusionment of an important […]

SRI LANKA: A short report on the features of the increasing authoritarianism

Download the full text of the report ( PDF) (Word) In her media statement from Colombo on 31 August 2013, Dr. Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, said, “I am deeply concerned that Sri Lanka, despite the opportunity provided by the end of the war to construct a new vibrant, all-embracing state, […]

BANGLADESH: Oppression of free speech must end

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned about the continued and arbitrary detention of Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan Secretary of Odhikar. The AHRC has learned that the government has introduced new allegations against Mr. Nasiruddin Elan, the Director of Odhikar, in an attempt to detain Elan as well, so as to absolutely cripple the functioning of the […]

PHILIPPINES: Why journalists should be convicted for libel for publishing a police report?

After nine years of trial, on September 3 Stella Estremera, editor-in-chief of Sun.Star Davao; and Antonio Ajero, the newspaper’s former publisher, were convicted by a local court in Digos City for a criminal case of libel. They were convicted based on the complaint of Baguio Saripada, a former city government employee, after his name was […]

PHILIPPINES: Torture victim rearrested: unchecked prosecutorial power leads to fabrication of charges

  Aristedes Sarmiento. Photo: Worker’s Assistance Center (WAC) On July 16, 2013 Aristedes Sarmiento, was one of five men released after they were exonerated by the Courts from fabricated charges laid on them in August 20, 2008.  However, Samiento was again arrested for another murder, again on trumped-up charges. In April 2006, when Sarmiento and […]

WORLD/SRI LANKA: Navi Pillay has made the most meaningful statement ever made by the UN on the human rights situation

Before leaving Sri Lanka after her week-long visit the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, made a media statement in which she expressed her deep concern about Sri Lanka heading in an “increasingly authoritarian direction”. She said, “I am deeply concerned that Sri Lanka, despite the opportunity provided by the end of the […]