
PAKISTAN: To-date 206 disappeared persons have been extrajudicially killed in Balochistan during the past 15 months

The situation of Balochistan is no different to that of the former East Pakistan (Bangladesh) when the military carried out operations and killed more than 300,000 people in the guise of protecting ideological boundaries.  The government does not consider extrajudicial killings anything out of the ordinary and one of the reasons for this is that […]

SRI LANKA: Arbitrariness and use of violence and the nation’s tragic flight

This statement is a comment on the negative impact of the political ideas of Duminda Silva and Gotabaya Rajapaksha on the rule of law system of Sri Lanka. “The core of the existing principle (of Rule of Law) is, I suggest, that all persons and authorities within the state, whether public or private, should be […]

INDIA: Manipur on the verge of a breakdown

If the economic blockade organised by the Sadar Hills District Demand Committee (SHDDC) is to continue further, it has the potential to develop into an ethnic conflict in Manipur. The SHDDC, has been organising a blockade of national highways 2 and 37 since the past 72 days. The two highways are the lifeline of the […]

CAMBODIA: After the resignation of the co-investigating Judge the issue of judicial independence needs to be addressed

Siegfried Blunk, the International Co-Investigating Judge at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), resigned citing statements by the Cambodian government that could be perceived as attempted interference with the work of the court. The Co-investigating judge should be congratulated for speaking out on a long standing issue; that of the interference of […]

INDIA: What makes the IPS officers special?

Statement | India | 10-10-2011

In what is reported as “a surprise development”, the Gujarat IPS Officers’ Association has voiced their concern against the ill-treatment meted out against one of their members, Mr Sanjiv Bhatt. The Gandhinagar police in Gujarat state arrested Bhatt, an officer of the Indian Police Service (IPS) after a subordinate officer accused Bhatt, that he forced […]

SRI LANKA: The Regime’s Politics of Violence Implodes – triple murder and further violence leads to no arrest

On the last day of the 3rd stage of the Local Government Election, two prominent politicians from United People Freedom Alliance (UPFA) fought with each other at Mulleriyawa in Kolonnawa in Colombo District, according to reports. Former Member of Parliament and a presidential advisor on trade unions, Bharatha Lakshman Pramachandra, and three of his body […]

PAKISTAN: The principals of the schools obey the instructions of Mullahs to rusticate the Ahmadi students

The government has still not taken any action against the cases of rustication of twenty-three Ahmadi students from Punjab Medical College, and particularly against the rustication of Hina Akram, a third year Ahmadi Muslim student at the National Textile University, Faisalabad, Punjab province. Please see the AHRC statement; In the far-flung areas of Pakistan, students […]

PAKISTAN: Total collapse of the state and rule of law, the militants exercise their nefarious designs whether they are religious groups or lawyers

The increase in the government’s tolerance of the actions of the militants and fundamentalists and the subsequent insecurity this causes has put the citizens in a state of wilderness and chaos. The failure of the state to provide security to its citizens and other fundamental rights such as: the right to practice the religion of […]

INDIA: BSF stones a man to death

The Border Security Force (BSF) is a para-military detachment of the Indian armed forces. However, in places where the BSF is deployed in India, the force is infamous for barbaric acts of violence, which they commit with impunity. In India, the BSF is sometimes referred to as the ‘barbaric’ security force. The recent incident of […]

INDIA: Police force a child to gather severed human parts in Indore

Statement | India | 05-10-2011

A Joint Statement by Vikas Samvad and the Asian Human Rights Commission Despicable it might be, yet it is a relatively irrelevant incident in India. The latest is the case of Firoz, a 12-year-old boy who is now reportedly suffering from serious psychological trauma after being forced by a Head Constable of the Railway Protection […]

BURMA: Urge prosecution of policeman for alleged killing

The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information from sources in Burma about an alleged assault by a police officer resulting in the death of a young man. According to the information so far received, Ko Naing Win died of head injuries near his house in Thongwa, Rangoon Division at around 3am on 4 October […]

SINGAPORE: The Singaporean Government should repeal the ISA

The Asian Human Rights Commission calls on the Singaporean government to repeal the Internal Security Act (ISA) immediately. The ISA is a draconian law that has been used as a tool to suppress democratic opposition and silence critics for half a century. It also poses a constant threat to the human rights of people in […]

INDIA: Intimidating human rights defenders is despicable

Statement | India | 03-10-2011

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the intimidation by the state police/government of Ms Kavita Srivastava, the General Secretary of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) by undertaking a raid at her residence today. The PUCL is a social action group based in India. It is reported that today morning (3 October) at […]

PAKISTAN: When the police take on the duties of the mullahs a young girl is married to a man of 85 — “She is 12-years-old and that is not too young for marriage”

Though the marriage of a child is unlawful under the laws of Pakistan the police took the shelter behind Shariah Law to facilitate the union between an 85-year-old man and a minor of 12 years. The marriage was part of the settlement of a blood debt organised through a local tribal justice system, a Panchayat. […]

PAKISTAN: Teachers are taking over the responsibilities of the mullahs and turning educational institutions into seminaries

The misuse of blasphemy laws are no longer the prerogative of religious bigots or fundamentalists. It is now being used in every section of society, particularly members of the teaching staff who are eager to contribute in pushing the country towards a religious intolerant state. Indeed, the enthusiasm of the educational staff in this instance […]

INDONESIA: Prompt announcement of investigation results needed to ensure fairness and professionalism

A Joint Statement by the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS) and the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) During the Suharto era, every September 30 the public was reminded of the 30 September movement–the failed coup–orchestrated by the Indonesian Communist Party. The Indonesian public would annually be shown the Communist Party’s cruelty […]

PAKISTAN: Ahmadi students are under threat from the extremist religious groups — government turns a blind eye again

Malice, hatred and discrimination against Ahmadi Muslim students in Pakistan are part of a wider scheme to cripple Ahmadis educationally, economically and socially. Ahmadis were declared a non Muslim minority in Pakistan by the amendment in the Constitution and they cannot perform their religious duties in open places, nor can they declare themselves Muslims. And […]

PAKISTAN: A mass killer has been provided protection while the families of his victims continue to suffer threats

Malik Ishaq, well known as a killer in many incidents of sectarian violence and bomb blasts has been taken by the state after killing over 100 victims. He is currently being held under house arrest for a period of ten days, supposedly as protective detention. His arrest happened on September 22, 2011 just two days […]

INDIA: Fictional lines will end human lives

Debate on the basis of poverty estimate is hot. The Tendhulkar Committee earlier suggested rupees 15 (rural area) a day and rupees 18 (urban area) a day as a poverty line based on per capita expenditure at 2004-05 prices. The Supreme Court of India asked the Committee to revise it under high criticism from civil […]

SRI LANKA: Officer murdering a fellow officer indicates the depth of institutional wilt

The murder of the Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Mr Sisira Kumara Muttetuwagama by a Chief Inspector (CI) attached to the Special Task Force (STF) in Arantalawa, Ampara, Mr B A Jayathilake, on 25 September 2011 is a clear vindication of the repeated warnings by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), that Sri Lanka’s rule […]