
PAKISTAN/CHINA: A Pakistani citizen executed in China despite appeals for clemency

According to the received information, China has executed a Pakistani citizen, Mr. Zahid Hussain Shah, yesterday, September 21, 2011 in Shanghai, China, on drug smuggling charges despite the last-ditch appeal for clemency from his family and human rights groups. The BBC reported that Shah was put to death by lethal injection in Shanghai on Wednesday. […]

PAKISTAN: Members of Shia community were under attack while the military forces look on

Members of one of the largest sects of Islam, the Shiaite community, came under attack from militant Islamic organizations which, in the past had the patronage of Pakistan army and its intelligence agencies who offered sophisticated terrorist training including the handling of rocket launchers. The Balochistan province and Kurram agency of northern area, well known […]

PAKISTAN: The AHRC appeals to the international community and humanitarian organizations to assist the flood victims before another catastrophe occurs

The Asian Human Rights Commission urges the world community and the international donors to help the more than eight million flood affected people from Sindh province who are under severe threat from widespread disease. The flooding has affected 22 out of the 23 districts in Sindh. The affected people need life-saving help. The flood waters […]

PAKISTAN: The government should engage with the President of China for the commutation of the death sentence of Zahid Hussain Shah

There are only two days remaining before the execution of Zahid Hussain Shah, a Pakistani, who was sentenced to death on charges of drug smuggling in the People’s Republic of China. He will be executed on September 21 at 4.00 pm local time (1.00 pm Pakistani time). The AHRC and other human rights organizations including […]

BURMA: Prosecute soldiers who trade in children

The Asian Human Rights Commission recently received from human rights defenders in Burma detailed documentation on the cases of five children, four boys and one girl, whom a trafficker in July 2011 sold to the army. According to the information, the trafficker with various false promises of getting the children legitimate jobs and education took […]

INDIA: Demoralised police force is a security threat

The recent bomb blast near the Delhi High Court has once again revived the debate regarding crime control and law and order in India. Acts of violence in all forms must be condemned. In that, the very reason why the ordinary people in India refuse to cooperate with their local police is due to the […]

PHILIPPINES: AHRC welcomes prosecution for torture of policemen in torture video

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes the decision of the Department of Justice (DoJ) after its investigation to prosecute the policemen seen in a torture video in August 2010 for violation of the Anti-Torture Act of 2009. As reported, in their 24-page resolution dated August 22, 2011, the DoJ prosecutors recommended “the filing of […]

NEPAL: Plan to withdraw criminal cases is a serious blow to the rule of law

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to express its concern regarding the Attorney General of Nepal’s recent announcement that the government is preparing to go ahead with its plan to withdraw cases filed against members of the Maoist and Madesh movements. This announcement comes in the wake of an agreement signed between the Maoist […]

INDIA: Condemn the bomb blast in Delhi

Statement | India | 07-09-2011

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) condemns the irresponsible and criminal act of exploding a bomb near gate number five of the Delhi High Court. It is reported that the explosion occurred around 10.30 today morning. At least nine persons are feared to have lost their lives and an estimated 24 persons injured at the […]

PAKISTAN: The federal government must intervene to stop the killings of Ahmadis

Another Ahmadi killed in hate crime against religious minorities The religious minority group of Ahmadis is under constant threat of religious hate crimes and no serious efforts have been initiated by the government to provide protection the community. In the latest incident a member of the Ahmadiyya community was murdered after receiving death threats from […]

SRI LANKA: A former air force officer rapes a ten-year-old girl

In a widely reported incident it has been revealed that a former air force officer has raped a ten-year-old girl when she accompanied her mother as she was preparing a school for the coming term. This happened at the Telijewele Royal College where the school was a centre for the General Certificate of Education Advanced […]

INDIA: Report on Sardar Sarovar Dam Project affected villages in Alirajpur district, Madhya Pradesh released

Statement | India | 01-09-2011

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to introduce you to the latest report released by State Advisor (Madhya Pradesh) to the Supreme Court Commissioner on the Sardar Sarovar Dam Project affected villages in Alirajpur district of Madhya Pradesh. The report is titled: Valley of food insecurity and chronic hunger : Field status of government programmes […]

INDIA: Response to SHRC’s report on unknown and unmarked graves of Kashmir

Statement | India | 29-08-2011

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission, International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Indian-Administered Kashmir and The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons We welcome the report of the State Human Rights Commission of Jammu and Kashmir (SHRC) on unmarked graves in the north of the Indian-administered Kashmir (dated July […]

PAKISTAN: Absence of rule of law provides impunity to military officials

There is an urgent need to bring military officials under the rule of law after a high police officer was tortured to death and army men attacked a police station in broad daylight and beat the policemen In the recent days it is observed that officials of the Pakistan army and Para-military have been on […]

INDIA: Action must follow the report discovering mass graves in north Kashmir

Statement | India | 25-08-2011

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) appreciates the efforts taken by the State Human Rights Commission of Jammu and Kashmir in conducting an enquiry and filing a report concerning the mass graves in the state. The 17-page report of the Commission’s special investigation team, headed by a Senior Superintendent of Police, reveals that 2,730 unidentified […]

INDIA: Who has the right to judge?

Statement | India | 24-08-2011

There is surely nothing wrong in demanding an end to the reign of corruption. And yet, for many in India it seems to amount to being “as good as undermining the Constitution”, or resembling “a process to destabilise the establishment”. The religious elite in the country claim that “fasting demanding an end to corruption is a sin, since […]

INDIA: What will follow the law?

Statement | India | 22-08-2011

Given the primacy of combating corruption to breathe life into the concept of democracy, the anti-corruption movement in India is indeed the country’s second movement for freedom. Given the magnitude of the problem, the complex and interlinked inroads corruption has made into all aspects of life in the country, it is not mere lack of […]

ASIA: Asian Alliance Against Torture and Ill-treatment launched

Statement | Asia | 19-08-2011

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission and the Asian Alliance Against Torture and Ill-Treatment A group of 26 human rights defenders and organisations, today concluded a five-day regional conclave and formed a unique regional initiative – The Asian Alliance Against Torture and Ill-treatment (AAAT). The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and the […]

INDONESIA: Conviction of Ahmadyah victim undermines constitutional protections

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is disturbed by the punitive decision of the Indonesian Court on August 15, 2011 to jail an innocent Ahmadi Muslim who protected himself during a mob attack, which reveals the lack of impartiality of the judiciary and the legal community. Deden Sudjana was sentenced to six months imprisonment by […]

INDIA: AFSP Act is a deepening blotch on democracy

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission, REDRESS Trust UK, and Human Rights Alert, Manipur, India A draconian legislation like the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 and the concept of democracy do not go together. While democracy nurture values of justice, equality and fraternity, laws like the AFSPA are synonymous with injustice, […]