
PAKISTAN: Minister tasked with saving US airbase at the cost of the displacement of thousands

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-177-2010 August 20, 2010 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: Minister tasked with saving US airbase at the cost of the displacement of thousands The presence of Pakistan army personnel speaks to the fact that the breach of Jamali bypass was intentional and ordered from above. It has been […]

PHILIPPINES: Police torture video affirms police stations are ‘torture chambers’

On August 17, a national television ABS CBN broadcast the graphic video of a man being tortured by a policeman inside a police station in Tondo, Metro Manila. In the video, the torture victim, whom reports said had been arrested for theft, had his penis pulled by a string tied around it as he was […]

PAKISTAN: US government must allow Jacobabad air strips to be used for relief operations for 700,000 flood-affected people

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-176-2010 August 19, 2010 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: US government must allow Jacobabad air strips to be used for relief operations for 700,000 flood-affected people It is reported in the media that relief operations for around 700,000 persons could not be carried out because an airbase in […]

BANGLADESH: A lady parliamentarian obstructs investigation into rape of a nine year old girl

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-174-2010 August 19, 2010 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission BANGLADESH: A lady parliamentarian obstructs investigation into rape of a nine year old girl A young handicapped girl of nine years was raped by a man on August 2, 2010. The incident occurred at an abandoned building of Baluwa Hospital […]

SRI LANKA: Right to Truth of the victims, their relatives and representatives regarding death sentences carried out secretly by state agencies

One of the most disturbing features of modern times is the claim of some security agencies of their right to decide on the death sentence and assertion of their right to carry it out. Such claims implies the following: These security agencies steal a judicial power; reasons to death sentence is moved from legal grounds […]

SRI LANKA: The decision of the Military Tribunal against General Fonseka ugly but not surprising

A military tribunal made its decision against General Fonseka finding him guilty of the charge of being engaged in politics while in military service. The Tribunal made the decision without respect to due process and the principles of fair trial. The handpicked ‘judges’ were previous subordinates of the general who had been subjected to disciplinary […]

PAKISTAN: The flooding — Serious efforts are needed by the authorities to restore the trust of the people and the international community

It is reported in the Pakistani media that intentional breaches were made in the protective embankments at Ghospur and Thorhee bands, Sukkur district, Sindh province in order to protect the agriculture lands of President Mr. Asif Ali Zardari Mr. Qaim Ali Shah, the chief minister of Sindh province, Mr. Khursheed Shah, the federal minister and […]

SRI LANKA: The Right to Know the Fate of Relatives

The Right to Know the Fate of Relatives What was the fate of Prageeth Eknaligoda? What Prageeth Eknaligoda’s wife and children are asking is this very elementary right: The Right to Know the Fate of Relatives Is there anyone in Sri Lanka who will not want this right for themselves? Is there any culture in […]

SRI LANKA: Right to truth – the Prageeth Eknaligoda case

As Prageeth Eknaligoda remains a matter of concern the principles of international law relating to the right to truth is a relevant issue. we reproduce below the General Comment on the Right to the Truth in Relation to Enforced Disappearances of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances Preamble   The right to the truth — sometimes […]

SRI LANKA: An Appeal to the women’s movement against inhuman treatment of a young woman on religious grounds

This is a narrative of the husband of the victim, a 17 year old woman with a two month old child, who was subjected to the horrible experience of being beaten about 100 times with the hard centre stem from a coconut frond in the presence of the committee members of the mosque situated in […]

PAKISTAN: Negligence of the authorities exposes the lives of millions to peril

The negligence of the authorities and improper mechanisms to deal with natural disasters has put the lives of millions of people in peril after the heavy rains in Pakistan. As a result the lives of the people have been drastically affected with the destruction and loss of vast areas of agriculture lands. More than 1,600 […]

NEPAL: The Nepal Army has given absolution to one of Maina Sunuwar’s murderers

Statement | Nepal | 10-08-2010

The Nepal Army announced on 14 July that an internal inquiry had found Major Basnet ‘innocent’ of the torturing to death of Maina Sunuwar. The details of the enforced disappearance, torture and killing of this 15-year-old girl while in army custody triggered the indignation of the Nepalese civil society and the international community. The continuous […]

NEPAL: The Nepal Army has given absolution to one of Maina Sunuwar’s murderers

The Nepal Army announced on 14 July that an internal inquiry had found Major Basnet ‘innocent’ of the torturing to death of Maina Sunuwar. The details of the enforced disappearance, torture and killing of this 15-year-old girl while in army custody triggered the indignation of the Nepalese civil society and the international community. The continuous […]

SRI LANKA: Moral dilemmas involved in the Sakvithi incident

After the arrest of Sakvithi many persons from the more affluent sections of Sri Lankan society are demanding the money which they have invested in his illegal business. This raises many issues regarding the relationship between the Sri Lankan middle class and the crisis of rule of law. According to reports, there are many who […]

SRI LANKA: The state of denial and the descent to silliness

For several decades now the Sri Lankan people have been exposed to extraordinary acts of separation, large scale forced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture, illegal arrest and detention. This and large scale displacement of people from their homes by way of internal displacement or by leaving the country altogether and the disappearance of even elementary forms […]

SRI LANKA: Bar Association should ensure speedy passing of a law on contempt of court

The fear of arbitrary use of contempt of court charges has a negative effect on legal profession and legal process. Twice United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC)has commented on this issue relating to two complaints from Sri Lanka. Government of Sri Lanka has failed to comply with recommendation of the UNHRC. GOSL has failed to […]

ASIA: Women’s views on prevention of torture – Interview 35

An interview conducted by the Asian Human Rights Commission. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the AHRC. Philippines–I usually encourage crime victims to go to the police, but for my own problem I don’t feel safe Beverly Anne Santos is 24 years old. She is a television reporter for a local television station […]

INDIA: Is Justice Balakrishnan holding a devil’s brief?

The opinion expressed by Justice K. G. Balakrishnan on encounter killings – a euphemism for extrajudicial executions in India – that ‘encounter killings’ are sometimes unavoidable is condemnable. That the former Chief Justice of India, now heads the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), paints a depressing picture for the victims of extrajudicial executions since the […]

SRI LANKA: Human rights organizations should urgently address the Contempt of Court issue

In times of serious repression such as the situation that Sri Lanka is faced with now, the courts are the citizen’s last resort. If the citizens are intimidated from seeking redress from the courts the people lose even that last resort. Therefore, protecting the people rights to have access to court is of great importance. […]

INDIA: Ignorance and pretence underscored in the new law

Statement | India | 28-07-2010

A Statement by the Asian Legal Resource Centre Over the past two years, India has been attempting to address problems adversely affecting its law enforcement agencies. These efforts, all of them initiated by the government, unfortunately are not capable of tackling the central issue concerning law enforcement — the question of torture.  Use of torture […]