Urgent Appeal Case

INDIA: Minor girls forced into sex trade after being trafficked in Assam

Dear Friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about two girls having been forced into the sex trade after being trafficked by a relative. Government officials in a government office and in a private residence repeatedly raped the two girls for two days. The incident came to light after the incident was […]

NEPAL: Reporter targeted by the police for exposing brutal crackdown

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the Nepal Police has clamped down on peaceful protesters at the Shree Ram Naresh Yadav Model Higher Secondary School, located at Dhakdhai 1, Rupandehi District. The incident occurred during an opinion collection drive for the draft constitution. Mr. Salman Khan, a news reporter […]

NEPAL: Fish seller tortured by the Nepal Police

Dear Friends, The Tarai Human Rights Defenders Alliance (THRDA) has informed the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) that a Muslim man, aged 35, resident of Ward 8, Kamdi Village Development Committee (VDC), Banke District, has been tortured by the police. The man has sustained marked blue bruising on his leg, and his hands have swelled […]

INDONESIA: Police attack and shoot at 10 Papuan youth, killing one and injuring others

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the shooting and brutal attack on 10 indigenous Papuan youth conducted by police officers of Tigi Police Sector (Polsek Tigi), Deiyai Regency, Papua Province. The attack resulted in the death of Yoteni Agapa (19), while Melianus Mote (21) was seriously injured. Furthermore, eight […]

INDONESIA: The police and military attack and kill 5 teenagers, injure 17 others, in Papua

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding allegations of gross violation of human rights, which has resulted in five students being killed and 17 others getting injured in Paniai Regency, Papua Province, Indonesia. Up until now, the law enforcement agency and the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) have […]

INDIA: Stop Meghalaya Government from buying time for coal mine owners

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that the Meghalaya state government has placed an application before the National Green Tribunal to extend the date of transportation and payment of royalty on coal. This application has been made despite the government and mine owners having had one entire year to clear out […]

INDONESIA: Police officers illegally arrest, torture and shoot motorcycle theft suspects

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the arbitrary arrest and torture of 19 people allegedly involved in motorcycle robberies. The brutal behaviour of the Serpong police officers resulted in the custodial death of five suspects. According to the police however, their deaths were the result of self defense by […]

INDIA: Police term custodial death of woman as suicide

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information about a woman, Ms. Victoria Dayoun Kharkongor, being found dead inside the toilet of the Dispur Police Station in Guwahati on 5 July 2015. The police claim that she was mentally ill and hung herself inside the toilet. According to the preliminary police reports, Ms. […]

PAKISTAN: Call for probe in custodial death of a young man during illegal detention

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding a man being tortured to death in a private torture cell while in police custody. To hide their crime, the police declared the victim died of heart failure. The victim remained in private custody of the policemen for seven days. When his family filed […]

INDONESIA: Ahmadiyya group threatened and prevented from holding Friday prayers

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rigth Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an Ahmadiyya congregation being prevented from holding Friday prayers. Vigilante groups, namely Islamic Defender Front (FPI) in Bukit Duri Tebet, Jakarta, Indonesia, have threatened the Ahmadiyya congregation that if they continue the worship they will be attacked and forcibly dispersed. Threat, intimidation, and violence against […]

NEPAL: Dalit woman beaten for seeking earthquake relief

Dear Friends, The Jagaran Media Center (JMC) has informed the Asian Human Rights Commission that A Dalit woman, who queued up to receive relief materials after suffering loss in the Great Earthquake of 25 April, has been beaten black and blue. The beating by local non-Dalit Deepak Bhattarai’s family members has resulted in Saraswoti Sunar, […]

PHILIPPINES: Community schools for indigenous children being shut down by Department of Education in Caraga region

Dear Friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with deep concern about the endorsement by the Department of Education Region XI to shut down at least 24 accredited community schools, which will affect 2,896 Lumad children. Furthermore, concern is also being expressed at the decision to allow military personnel to operate as para-teachers in […]

PAKISTAN: Engineering student tortured to death in “half fry and full fry” police practice

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a final student in University, named Toqier Mashori, has been tortured to death in the Central Prison of Hyderabad, Sindh, within three days of his arrest. His family was asked by the police and prison authorities to pay large bribes for Mashori’s relief […]

INDONESIA: Environmental activist attacked and stabbed to death by Indonesian navy personnel

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the brutal murder of Mr. Jopi Teguh Lasmana Peranginangin (39), an environmental activist who used to work with the Indigenous People’s Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN). He was kicked, beaten, and stabbed to death by Indonesian navy personnel on 23 May 2015 at […]

PHILIPPINES: Surveillance and harassment of various human rights defenders

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the threats to and surveillance of various activists and their organizations. Although identities of the perpetrators are unknown, their surveillance style and manner of threat were all common.  CASE DETAILS: (Based on the documentation by Alliance for the Advancement of Peoples Rights (KARAPATAN)) CASE 1: “Call […]

PHILIPPINES: Fabricated charges laid on indigenous human rights defender and his siblings

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with great concern about the fabricated charges laid on Jomorito Goaynon and his seven siblings. The charges are based on a complaint filed by the wife of Dorlito dela Mance, who was killed by members of a rebel group in March 2015. This is the second […]

PAKISTAN: Another human rights defender faces threat to her life

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the harassment and threats received by the frontline human right Defender Ms Noor e Maryam Kanwer. Ms Kanwer is the Chairperson/Director of Pakistan Youth Alliance, an NGO working in fields of counter-extremism, peace-building, conflict resolution and social welfare. Since the past one year she has been […]

PHILIPPINES: Environmental activist killed after several months of ‘monitoring’

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you of yet another killing of a land rights activist who was helping farmers claim their land. His murder happened some two months after his son noticed they were being monitored by men “riding on motorcycle”. The victim’s son saw his father’s car overturn […]

PAKISTAN: Police torture to extort money from a Dubai returned mason

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture in police custody of a young man, Faisal Muhammad Raja, who is a mason by profession. As Faisal is employed in Dubai, the Phularwan Police, Sargodha District, Punjab Province, have attempted to extort money from him by torturing him. The police demanded Pakistan Rupees […]

PHILIPPINES: No protection given to indigenous man fighting for land rights who survived two attempts on his life

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you about the lack of protection provided to an indigenous man struggling for his land rights, who survived two attempts on his life. The victim has been targeted by the security guards of a landlord because of his refusal to vacate from his ancestral land. The […]