Urgent Appeal Case

PAKISTAN: The lives of Long Marchers are under serious threat from security agencies who are trying to stop them from reaching Islamabad

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights commission has received information that the participants of the Baloch Long March are being continuously threatened in the province of Punjab, which is the province of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The marchers were stopped by a heavy contingent of police and for some time they were not allowed […]

PHILIPPINES: Another peasant leader shot dead in Bukidnon

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you that a local peasant leader in Bukidnon was shot dead by two armed men. He and his colleague were aboard a motorcycle and on their way to a village. The victims were actively involved in helping peasants in different villages of the […]

CAMBODIA: Twenty three protesters detained for demanding an increase of the minimum wage must be released unconditionally

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with deep concern regarding the continued detention of 23 persons, composed of labour leaders, garment workers and others, whom police and military arrested in separate incidents on the 2nd and 3rd January, 2014, for holding protests demanding an increase of the monthly minimum wage to USD160 […]

PHILIPPINES: Ongoing threats against a journalist and his friend for exposing corruption, illegal logging and trafficking

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a journalist and his colleague has been receiving death threats since December 2013. The journalist was threatened for exposing stories of corruption, illegal logging and human trafficking in his community; while his friend is being threatened for helping him. The police provided […]

PHILIPPINES: Anti-mining activist shot dead in Compostela Valley, Mindanao

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed regarding the killing of an anti-mining activist in Compostela Valley, Mindanao on 3 January, 2014. No adequate police enquiry has yet taken place and none of the perpetrators have been arrested. The incident took place after the victim assisted in demanding compensation from the […]

SOUTH KOREA: Alleged fabrication and concealment of evidence by interrogating agencies

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that interrogating agencies allegedly fabricated and concealed evidence that are beneficial to Mr. Yu Woo-Sung who was indicted under National Security Act and others. Together with this, the sole statement provided by his sister was also reportedly extracted by inhuman treatment by investigating agents […]

BURMA/PHILIPPINES: A senior police officer threatens to kill activists protesting against human rights abuse in Burma if ‘they don’t behave’

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a senior police officer has threatened to kill an activist and his group, who were holding protest against human rights abuses in Burma, if ‘they do not behave.’ The group held the protest to coincide the visit of President Thein Sein in Manila […]

PHILIPPINES: A professor assaulted a student for carrying a black t-shirt he might wear to support a protest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the assault of a student at the Marikina Polytechnic College by one of the professors. The actions of the professor were unreasonable, inhuman, and a clear abuse of his authority. The victim, Ernie Quisora was entering the college on a day when a […]

NEPAL: Mother and a daughter severely tortured by police officers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Forum for Protection of People’s Rights, Nepal (PPR Nepal) regarding the torture inflicted on a 13-year-old girl and her mother by Nepal police officers at the Area Police Office, Anarmani Jhapa district, the eastern region of Nepal. The police tortured the two […]

INDIA: Government overlooked people’s concerns on Mapithal Dam constructions

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Mapithel Dam Affected Villagers Organization (MDAVO), Citizens Concern for Dams and Development (CCDD) and Centre for Research and Advocacy (CRAM), Manipur regarding the final stage II Forest Clearance for Mapithel Dam of Thoubal Multipurpose project in Manipur by the Ministry of Environment […]

INDONESIA/HONGKONG: Punishment should be imposed on agency and employer responsible for the abuse of an Indonesian worker in Hong Kong

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the abuse experienced by a 23-year-old Indonesian domestic worker in Hong Kong. The victim, Erwiana, was allegedly assaulted by her employer during her eight month stay in Hong Kong. She did not receive any salary for the eight months in which she worked […]

PAKISTAN: The Prime Minister must intervene for the release of a British/Pakistan national who was arrested on charges of Blasphemy

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a British doctor is languishing in a Pakistani prison accused of “posing as a Muslim” after being videoed reading aloud from the Quran. The 72-year-old medical practitioner was arrested on charges of blasphemy (believed to be fake), for reciting Quran Sharif, the holy […]

INDIA: Women attacked with acid, police buying time for investigation

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Women in Governance ( WinG-Assam), a network of women activists in Assam, India, regarding the acid attack on two young girls aged 18 and 12 years on 6 November 2013 at around 10-30 P.M. at Kamar Gaon village under Siphajhar police station of […]

NEPAL: Construction of drinking water pond must be stopped to save 32 Dalit families from being displaced at Saptari district

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that 32 Dalit families of Barmajhiya village development committee 2 in Saptari district of Nepal are living in fear of forceful displacement due to the ongoing construction of a drinking water pond near their village. These Dalit families have been living in their area […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Police tortured and arrested two villagers without any warrant

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the police in Pegu Region, central Burma (Myanmar) tortured and arrested two villagers without any warrant. According to the information, the two men were detained for 17 days illegally in Nattalin Township. After that the township court imposed a restriction order of six […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Judge convicts two villagers accused of theft, knowing police tortured them

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about a judge in Burma (Myanmar) who convicted two villagers for having stolen a box of gold jewelry, even though he knew police tortured them. According to the information received, police in Pakokku tortured 67-year-old U Kyaw Nyunt and a companion in 2012 to […]

PAKISTAN: The families of 720 Christian and Hindu sanitary workers are displaced with the connivance of the police and Rangers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a century old settlement of sanitary workers from the Christian and Hindu communities were forced to vacate after the rape, abduction and attacks on the houses by drug peddlers with the connivance of police and Pakistan Rangers. The community known as ‘Slaughter House […]

INDONESIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Indonesia interferes in the investigation in the death of a West Papuan activist

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the death of Danny Kogoya, regional commander of the Free Papua Movement (Organisasi Papua Merdeka, OPM), in Vanimo, Papua New Guinea. The cause of death was reported to be liver failure due to the presence of unusual chemical substances in his body. A […]

INDIA: Two children executed and one critically injured in Assam

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from North East Dialogue Forum, a coalition of human rights organisations, and North East Research & Social Work Networking, a civil society organisation based in Kokrajhar, Assam, regarding the extrajudicial execution of two school children and the injuring of another by a joint team […]

INDONESIA: Intimidation of Ahmadis escalates in Singkut, Jambi

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding intimidation by hundreds of villagers together with members of an intolerant group against the Ahmadi congregation in Singkut, Jambi. It was reported that the intimidation is a continuation of previous threats against two Ahmadi families that took place last month, which resulted in […]