Urgent Appeal Update

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Further intimidation faced by torture victim J.V. Saman Priyankara from Matale

[Re: UP-80-2005: SRI LANKA:  Further death threats to torture victim J.V. Saman Priyankara from Matale ; UP-74-2005: SRI LANKA: Torture victim Priyankara received death threats again and urgent witness protection is required; UP-37-2004: A Kandy coordinator of National Police Commission allegedly cooperates with torture perpetrators; UP-34-2004: Priyankara brutally assaulted and arrested with no access to […]

UPDATE (Philippines): An appeal for the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and Other Law Enforcement Office to act on the recommendation of the Commission on Human Rights to file murder charges against the military

[RE: UA-216-2005: Soldiers kill nine farmers in Leyte, Visayas; UP-141-2005: Peasants were brutally massacred by soldiers; pregnant woman among the dead; UP-019-2006: PHILIPPINES: Possible irregularities in police investigation; survivor details brutal killings of peasants; UP-053-2006: PHILIPPINES: Commission on Human Rights (CHR) set to file charges against soldiers allegedly involved in killing peasants in Leyte] ———————————– […]

UPDATE (Pakistan): Missing journalist found dead in Pakistan

Dear friends, It is with much regret that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the death of Pakistan journalist, Mr. Hayat Ullah Khan. In a May 2006 appeal (UA-145-2006) the AHRC asked the Government of Pakistan to produce Mr. Khan in a court of law without further delay. Mr. Khan […]

UPDATE (Thailand): Please sign petition to remove head of special investigation from post

[RE: UP-20-2005: THAILAND: Human rights lawyer still missing after nearly one year; Action needed today to have case transferred; UP-24-2005: THAILAND: Thai minister refuses to act on missing human rights lawyer case; UP-37-2005: Thai PM orders action on missing human rights lawyer, while court hears of torture; UP-45-2005: Wife of missing human rights lawyer intimidated; […]

UPDATE (Thailand): Important programme to commemorate human rights defenders and discuss failed investigations

[RE: UP-20-2005: THAILAND: Human rights lawyer still missing after nearly one year; Action needed today to have case transferred; UP-24-2005: THAILAND: Thai minister refuses to act on missing human rights lawyer case; UP-37-2005: Thai PM orders action on missing human rights lawyer, while court hears of torture; UP-45-2005: Wife of missing human rights lawyer intimidated; […]

UPDATE (Burma): Human rights lawyer’s licence revoked; ILO steps up pressure; cases go to Supreme Court

[UA-119-2006: BURMA: Court appeal against lawyer jailed for helping farmers contact ILO headed for Supreme Court; UA-071-2006: BURMA: Two villagers jailed for reporting extortion; UP-054-2006: BURMA: Appeal again thrown out of one court; another ridiculous day in another] ——————————————————————— BURMA: Extortion; impunity; illegal detention; un-rule of law; attacks on human rights defenders ——————————————————————— Dear friends, […]

UPDATE (Thailand): Trial continues against 58 accused in Narathiwat protest; key witnesses for prosecution absent or ignorant

[Re: UA-143-2004: THAILAND: At least 84 people killed in Southern Thailand on 26 October 2004; UP-65-2004: THAILAND: A list of the victims of the mass killing in Narathiwat province; Immediate international intervention needed; UP-25-2005: THAILAND: Three generals found responsible for mass killing transferred without penalty; UP-094-2006: THAILAND: Trial opens against 58 accused in Narathiwat protest; […]

UPDATE (Burma): Professor says he will launch new solo protest; passport illegally revoked

[RE: UA-004-2002: BURMA: Arrested Professor prepared to die for democracy; UP-004-2002: BURMA: Who is Dr. Salai, Burmese political prisoner?; UP-019-2002: BURMA: Arrested professor sentenced to seven years jail; UP-016-2003: BURMA: Professor Salai Tun Than; UP-017-2003: BURMA: Professor Salai Tun Than Released] ——————————————————————— UP-123-2006: BURMA: Professor says he will launch new solo protest; passport illegally revoked […]

UPDATE (India): District Magistrate orders the arrest of a human rights defender for the second time

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from our local partner, People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), regarding the illegal arrest, detention and torture of Mr. Santhosh Patel, a staff member of PVCHR, on 7 June 2006. At the time of incident Mr. Santhosh was meeting the District Magistrate Mr. […]

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Judicial Probe Commission has yet to submit its report regarding police brutality

[UP-095-2006: BANGLADESH: Government names District Judge to conduct a judicial probe into the police brutality on journalists; RE: UP-089-2006: BANGLADESH: Government names the head of the judicial probe commission into the police brutality on journalists; UA-128-2006: BANGLADESH: Journalists beaten by the police at the Chittagong stadium] —————————————————– BANGLADESH: Torture; intimidation; threat; deprivation of professional duty; […]

UPDATE (Indonesia): Torture victims in Central Sulawesi sentenced to nine years imprisonment

Dear friends, It has come to the attention of the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) that of the 10 farmers arrested and tortured in October 2005 by police officers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, eight have been sentenced to nine years imprisonment, on the charges of maltreatment and killing of 17 police officers, three of whom […]

UPDATE (Burma): Release from prison for Su Su Nwe

[RE: UA-112-2004: BURMA: Complaints against forced labour blocked and victims punished issued on 3 September 2004; UP-11-2005: BURMA: Four officials sentenced to prison for forced labour in Kawmhu Township, Yangon Division; UP-63-2005: BURMA: Local officials seek revenge against villager who obtained first successful forced labour prosecution; UP-68-2005: BURMA: Preliminary hearing against villager who obtained first […]

UPDATE (Cambodia): Lives of homeless people destroyed in order to beautify the city of Phnom Penh

[RE: UA-148-2006: CAMBODIA: Poor tenants brutally forced out of homes; UP-108-2006: CAMBODIA: Inhumane treatment of poor tenants forcibly displaced; UP-116-2006: CAMBODIA: Misery of homeless tenants continues unabated] ———————————– CAMBODIA: Forced eviction; denial of right to housing; inhumane treatment ———————————– Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that the Cambodian authorities are going […]

UPDATE (Saudi Arabia/Sri Lanka): Sri Lankan government seeks clemency for three Sri Lankans in Saudi Arabia

[RE: UP-167-2005: SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: A season’s appeal for intervention in the case of the three Sri Lankans facing death sentence; UP-43-2005: Questions remain in Sri Lanka’s willingness to save three of its citizens; UP-39-2005: Three Sri Lankans face imminent execution in Saudi Arabia; UP-38-2005: Please send a letter to the King of Saudi Arabia […]

UPDATE (Philippines): Two minor torture victims released from jail; court rules the of arrest 11 victims as illegal

[RE: UA-082-2006: PHILIPPINES: Brutal torture of 11 persons and subsequent filing of fabricated charges against them; UP-063-2006: PHILIPPINES: Lawyers for 11 torture victims file motion to withdraw charges against them; UP-067-2006: PHILIPPINES: Torture victims file charges against policemen; UP-092-2006: PHILIPPINES: Plot to kill torture victims in jail; UP-099-2006: PHILIPPINES: Jail authorities failing to ensure adequate […]

UPDATE (Cambodia): Misery of homeless tenants continues unabated

[RE: UA-148-2006: CAMBODIA: Poor tenants brutally forced out of homes; UP-108-2006: CAMBODIA: Inhumane treatment of poor tenants forcibly displaced] ———————————– CAMBODIA: Forced eviction; denial of right to housing; inhumane treatment ———————————– Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the continued cruel and degrading treatment of poor homeless tenants by the Cambodian authorities […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Mother of tortured boy forced to sign suspect document

Dear friends, In August 2004 the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wrote detailing the torture of two boys by officers from the Ambalangoda police. The officers initially arrested the boys for allegedly stealing a gold chain, and later threatened the boys’ parents with prosecution if they did not pay them Rs. 3000. In the meantime […]

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Safety measures must be taken to ensure the lives of Shahin Sultana Santa and her husband

[RE: UP-112-2006: BANGLADESH: Court dismisses charges against alleged perpetrators; UP-101-2006: BANGLADESH: Judicial Probe Commission ignores specific complaint against the Mohammadpur police; UP-096-2006: BANGLADESH: Court orders supplementary investigation following disputed Judicial Probe Commission report; UP-083-2006: BANGLADESH: Police defy High Court order by continuing to make threats; UP-062-2006: BANGLADESH: Harassment and threats continue towards victim despite a […]

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Court dismisses charges against alleged perpetrators

[RE: UP-101-2006: BANGLADESH: Judicial Probe Commission ignores specific complaint against the Mohammadpur police; UP-096-2006: BANGLADESH: Court orders supplementary investigation following disputed Judicial Probe Commission report; UP-083-2006: BANGLADESH: Police defy High Court order by continuing to make threats; UP-062-2006: BANGLADESH: Harassment and threats continue towards victim despite a High Court ruling ordering the alleged perpetrators to […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Supreme Court grants leave to proceed in torture by police trainees case

Dear friends, On 7 April 2006, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) reported how Kithsiri Dharawardena was brutally assaulted by about 100 inmates and trainees of the police training college in Ketapola (please see UA-121-2006). As a result of the brutal torture, Mr. Dhanawardena had to be hospitalised for more than one week at the Karapitiya […]