Administration of justice

BANGLADESH: Petition to the Consulate General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong on the serious attack and attempted blinding of human rights defender and journalist Mr. FMA Razzak in Bangladesh

(Hong Kong, May 9, 2011) On 9 May 2011, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Asia Monitor Resource Centre, Asia Pacific Students and Youth Association, Hong Kong Journalists Association, Interfaith Cooperation Forum, Unison – Hong Kong, World Student Christian Federation jointly made a petition to the Consulate General of Bangladesh in Hong Kong to express […]

PHILIPPINES: Ombudsman abdicates its power to review

Dear friends,  Further to our appeal, the Ombudsman also ceased its intervention into the disappearance and torture of a farmer, Ambrosio Derejeno. He was last seen alive in the custody of a paramilitary unit. In our letter of appeal to the Ombudsman, the AHRC expressed concern to the exclusion of two military colonels who are […]

BANGLADESH/PHILIPPINES: Why Filipinos must protest the attack on FMA Razzak?

Bangladeshi national FMA Razzak is the President of the Human Rights Development Centre (HRDC) and Editor of the Pakkhik Gonomichhil in Paikgachha of Khulna district, Bangladesh. On April 29, 2011, Razzak and his younger brother, Mr. Bodiuzzaman Bodiar; brother-in-law, Mr. Bakkar, were attacked after having been kidnapped by the relatives of an army major, Mustafizur […]

WORLD: An appeal for assistance for FMA Razzak

WORLD: An appeal for assistance for FMA Razzak (Hong Kong, May 6, 2011) The Asian Human Rights Commission has launched an appeal for financial support for medical, legal and security expenses for human rights defender, Mr. FMA Razzak of Bangladesh. We reproduce below this appeal which was issued yesterday. Payment may be made online; please […]

BANGLADESH: People rally further demanding the arrest of army Major Mustafizur and the attackers

(Hong Kong, May 5, 2011) The inhabitants of Paikgachha have again held a rally demanding the arrest of Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, a major in the Bangladesh army, and his aides for gouging the eyes of human rights defender FMA Razzak and his brother Bodiuzzaman Bodiar. The rally was held at the zero point of Paikgachha […]

BANGLADESH: Men and women take to streets demanding the arrest of eye-gouger Major Mustafizur and his aides

(Hong Kong, May 4, 2011) Hundreds of men, women and children at Paikgachha have taken to streets demanding arrest of eye-gouger Mustafizur Rahman Bokul, a major in the Bangladesh army, and his aides for gouging eyes of human rights defender FMA Razzak and his brother Bodiuzzaman Bodiar. They spontaneously participated in a procession in protest […]

WORLD: A special appeal to all human rights organizations requesting urgent protection and intervention for a Bangladeshi human rights defender suffering from gouged eyes, brutality and a lack of medical treatment

The Asian Human Rights Commission calls upon all human rights organizations of the world to respond to a brutal attack on a well-known human rights defender in Bangladesh, FMA Razzak and his brother by an army officer and his family. The details of the assault are given below. So far, despite of complaints no inquiries […]

PHILIPPINES: Maguindanao massacre — questions of morality, practice of law and the legal system

Myrna Reblando’s reaction demonstrates the absence of remedy within the system of justice not a mere ‘hysteria’.   Facts of the case & details of the video   As described and shown in the video of Victim’s kin goes hysterical at Maguindanao massacre trial   February 03, 2011   MANILA, Philippines — Today’s hearing of […]

SRI LANKA: Independence without civil liberties is a farce

Sri Lanka will be celebrating its independence from the British Empire on February 4, 2011. The lamentation that independence has not meant a great deal to the people of Sri Lanka is commonly heard. However, the causes that created this situation have often not been examined. The very meaning of independence for citizens of any […]

INDIA: The state of the republic at 61

Statement | India | 25-01-2011

The integrity of a republic and the determination of its people depend upon the legitimacy of their government. Since declaring the Union of India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic that assures its citizens justice, equality, and liberty and to be a nation that endeavours to promote among them all fraternity, 61 years […]

PHILIPPINES: On Gerry Ortega: “Too painfully young for a man to go”

An Interview with Fr. Robert Reyes on the murder of Gerry Ortega (Hong Kong, January 26, 2011) In the interview linked below, Fr. Robert Reyes, an associate of the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), talks about his close friend and associate, Gerry Ortega. Gerry was murdered on January 24 at a market in Puerto Princesa […]

BURMA: Police allegedly drug accused during interrogation

The Asian Human Rights Commission has obtained a copy of an open letter in which a senior legal expert in Burma has alleged that police drugged his client during interrogation. The signed letter of 20 January 2011 by U Aung Thein asks, “Does the law permit the feeding of amphetamines in investigation of political cases?” […]

PHILIPPINES: Murder of Gerry Ortega, an anti-mining activist, cannot be passed off as a robbery

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) sends it sincere condolences to the family of Gerry Ortega, a broadcast journalist and mining activist. He was shot dead at a market place while buying clothes in Puerto Princesa City yesterday, January 24. The policemen present in the area reportedly arrested the gunman, Malvin Alcaraz, after the shooting. […]

SRI LANKA: Without Witness and Victim Protection Legislation, No Hope for Restoration of Justice in Sri Lanka

In November 2010, in Hatton, Sri Lanka, Devarathnam Yogendra cooperated with the Bribery Commission to catch police officer IP Wijesuriya accepting bribes. A representative from the Bribery Commission watched as Wijesuriya accepted a bribe, then arrested him on charges of bribery (Case No.: 50600/01 in the Chief Magistrate’s Court of Colombo). Now Yogendra is being […]

INDIA: Judge dodging investigation must quit

Statement | India | 19-01-2011

The Kerala High Court Advocates’ Association, in an extraordinary general body meeting held yesterday, resolved to request the Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India to undertake an investigation about the charges of corruption alleged against the former Chief Justice of India, Mr. K. G. Balakrishnan and the members of his family. The resolution […]

PHILIPPINES: Human Rights in Sulu: The Case of Temogen Tulawie

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from a campaign website, Protect Human Rights Defenders! Protect Cocoy Tulawie! Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from Protect Cocoy Tulawie! Campaign forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission PHILIPPINES: Human Rights in Sulu: The Case of Temogen Tulawie How it […]

PHILIPPINES: Ombudsman finally acts on torture case filed by Abadilla 5

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission   MANILA, Philippines — After 14 years, a complaint of torture filed by the so-called Abadilla Five against […]

PHILIPPINES: Ombudsman pledges to resolve Abadilla Five’s torture complaint in a week

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that Merceditas Gutierrez, head of the Office of the Ombudsman, has pledged to resolve the complaint of torture of the Abadilla Five that has been pending in their office since January 2003 “in a week”.  UPDATED INFORMATION:  On January 3, 2011, the family members […]

THAILAND: NACC’s and DSI’s delay, failure and their favor given to officials allegedly involved with torture giving rise to the enforced disappearance of Lawyer Somchai

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the Cross Culture Foundation (CrCF) in Thailand. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- Seven years past, yet no progress made, public left at their own devices,  culprits are at large On December 22, 2010, the spokesperson of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) […]

ASIA: Christmas and New Year Wishes from the Asian Human Rights Commission

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year. In all countries of Asia, this Christmas and new year will be celebrated in very difficult conditions. We extend our wishes to all families who are struggling in the midst of these difficulties to fight for their rights. We particularly […]