Administration of justice

UPDATE (Pakistan): A report from the Hyderabad police reveals strong negligence and prejudice in the investigation of a rape case

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received new information about an extreme case of rape, attempted murder, corruption and impunity that took place in 2008 and 2009. The incident involved members of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), a ruling partner of the Zardari government, but police have failed to protect the victims […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Teenage torture victim wins fundamental rights case

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to report that a young torture victim has won a fundamental rights case in Sri Lanka. He has been awarded compensation and the case has been duly handed to the Attorney General for action. Although the country has a an anti-torture act such rulings remains […]

SRI LANKA: Courts fail to ensure due compensation to workers in cases delayed for decades

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that two magistrate courts in Sri Lanka have failed to uphold the labour rights of workers over the course of decades. Although compensation was awarded in both cases, the employers failed to comply and the cases are ongoing. One has been continuously postponed for 16 […]

INDIA: An 18-year-old boy is abducted and murdered in Manipur

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information concerning the case of a teenage boy who was abducted by three unknown men and killed later. His corpse was identified in a mortuary by his neighbours when they went to identify the body of another person, killed in identical circumstances. Reports strongly suggest […]

PAKISTAN: Police fail to produce two arbitrarily arrested persons before the Supreme Court

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the enforced disappearance of two nationalist party leaders in October 2009. Although the men were seen being arrested and the case has been taken up by the Supreme Court, its directives to the officers involved have worryingly produced no further information or action. […]

SRI LANKA: Police torture and fabricate charges against a young man for revenge

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a 21-year-old man has been badly tortured by police and is facing two fabricated charges for theft and sexual assault due to a personal dispute. The officer leading the series of violations is father to the victim’s ex-girlfriend, who he had reportedly hit earlier […]

PAKISTAN: The Frontier Corp brings a disappeared person in front of the media under fabricated circumstances after nine months

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a man who went missing nine months ago near Karachi has resurfaced this month in the custody of the Frontier Corp (FC). The man’s family were prevented from filing a report by police when he was abducted and so acted through the Balochistan High […]

SRI LANKA: Police strip and sexually torture man in custody to force confession

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the arrest and torture of a young man by police in Matara to force a confession of robbery. The victim was held illegally for over 48 hours and allegedly stripped, beaten repeatedly and sexually molested. No statement was taken and due process appears […]

UPDATE (Philippines): Four remaining falsely charged workers are released on bail

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that the four remaining workers being held on false charges for almost two years in Rizal have now been released on bail. They were among 20 who were arrested, falsely charged and detained for holding a strike and two of the detainees […]

BURMA: Another human rights lawyer’s licence unlawfully revoked

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned of another case of a human rights lawyer in Burma whose licence to practice was revoked after being released from prison. The lawyer, Ko Phoe Phyu, was freed after heavy pressure from the International Labour Organisation as he had been imprisoned for representing villagers in […]

NEPAL: Army claims that it killed two Dalit women and a child in self-defense in Bardyia National Park

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to share its concern regarding the killing of two women and a 12-year-old child by army personnel under unclear circumstances in Bardyia National Park in Nepal. Although the army claims that the victims were killed during an encounter, there is evidence to suggest otherwise, leading to […]

SRI LANKA: An inspector assaults a fisheries union leader

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a criminal investigator restrained and struck a fisheries union leader while he was detained at Negombo Police Station. Though police assault is classified as torture under Sri Lankan law it remains common and little addressed, and must be met with a criminal investigation. The […]

INDIA: Manipur police kill another in extra-judicial circumstances

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information concerning the illegal arrest and alleged murder of another person by state police. It is widely suspected that his killing was part of a combined operation between the Manipur State Police Commando Unit and officers of the 21 Assam Rifles (AR).  CASE DETAILS:  On […]

PAKISTAN: A Hindu teenager is told to marry her alleged rapist by jirga members; police and courts fail to act

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that four men who allegedly assisted in the rape of a young Hindu girl have been granted pre-arrest bail by a session court. Rape is a non-bailable offense in Pakistan and this is against criminal procedure and the law. Attempts by the family to file […]

PAKISTAN: Urgent protection needed for the suvivors of love marriage-related murders; police refuse to investigate

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned that authorities in North West Frontier province have taken no action to arrange urgently-needed protection for a man, his sister-in-law and her young son; all are in immediate danger of being murdered as a response to a love marriage, and three murders have already taken place. […]

BURMA: Citizen-journalist sentenced to 13 years for non-existent illegal video footage

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained the details of the case against a journalist who has been imprisoned in Burma for sending video footage abroad. Ngwe Soe Linn was sentenced to 13 years in jail for supposedly sending illegal clips and going illegally into Thailand, even though there was no evidence […]

SRI LANKA: Police assault a three wheeler driver and force him to carry them for free

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that police in Chilaw illegally arrested, tortured and falsely accused a three-wheeler driver of carrying drugs. After ejecting the passengers, beating the driver and searching the vehicle the officers then forced him to give them a free ride. The man was later hospitalised. After a […]

SRI LANKA: Two men are abused by police for carrying opposition posters during the presidential election; one is arbitrarily arrested

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to report a case of police brutality against members of the United National Party who were in possession of lawful posters for a rally supporting the presidential opposition candidate in December. One man from the party has been arrested and charged with carrying illegal political posters.  […]

UPDATE (Indonesia): The prosecution of police for violence appears to be delayed

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned that the prosecution of the four policemen who arbitrarily arrested and tortured a man on December 2009 will not be carried out in a fair and legitimate manner. The AHRC reported on this case previously, during which it wrote to the UN Rapporteur on […]

UPDATE (Burma): New fraudulent criminal case lodged against released human rights defender

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received news that a human rights defender who was released from jail in September is facing a new criminal trial under the same charges. She served more than a year in jail because of complaints she made against local officials, but is facing another trial along […]