Administration of justice

SRI LANKA: Panwila police neglect a young man’s case of assault

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that police in Kandy have failed to adequately investigate an unprovoked attack on a young man in Madalkelle.  CASE DETAILS:  According to information we have received, on 2 October 2009 at 7pm Christopher David was walking home from his job at the youth movement, ‘Prajashakthi’ […]

UPDATE (Nepal): International campaign demanding prosecution of Maina Sunuwar’s murderers

Dear friends,  Amnesty International, supported by other civil society organisations such as the Advocacy Forum Nepal, is beginning an international campaign today to call for justice in the infamous case of murdered 15-year-old Maina Sunuwar. Four military officers are accused of having illegally arrested, raped and tortured Maina to death on 17 February 2004. Despite the […]

BURMA: Nine people imprisoned on confessions obtained from torture

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has already issued an open letter on the case of Dr. Wint Thu and eight other people who in December 2009 were given long jail terms for alleged offences against the state in Burma after they were tortured into giving confessions that the police used in court. […]

UPDATE (Nepal): Maina Sunuwar’s murderers have still not been prosecuted, six years on

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned about the impunity of those involved in the murder of Maina Sunuwar. Four military officers are accused of having illegally arrested, raped and tortured this 15-year-old girl to death on 17 February 2004. Despite the enormous national and international attention this case has received […]

SRI LANKA: Balagolla police mislead a magistrate and prepare charges against the wrong person

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that police in Balagolla have deprived a woman of her right to redress and grossly misled a magistrate by presenting the wrong person in court. The woman was run over and severely, permanently injured by a negligent motorcyclist, but because she refused to settle or […]

INDONESIA: No prosecution 21 years after Talangsari incident

The Attorney General ignores the recommendation of the National Commission for Human Rights while victims commemorate the 21st anniversary of the atrocities. (photo: survivors of the Talangsari massacre calling for justice, source: KontraS) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) and the Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence (KontraS) are disappointed about the continuing delays […]

SRI LANKA: A political analyst has been missing since the election run-up

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the disappearance of journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda shortly after he wrote articles supporting the presidential opposition candidate. His office was ransacked shortly after, the website he writes for was blocked during the election, and there have been delays and flaws in the police investigation. […]

UPDATE (Philippines): Court acquits four torture victims after nearly seven years of trial

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that four of the five torture victims whose illegal arrest, torture and trial under fabricated charges we reported earlier, have been acquitted by a local court. The victims, two of whom were minors at the time of their arrest, were prosecuted for […]

BURMA: Activist due to be sentenced over alleged bombing plot

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been closely following the case of democracy activist Kyaw Zaw Lwin, whom the military regime in Burma has accused of involvement in a bombing plot. Authorities at the airport arrested him in September 2009 and he has been tried for a number of offences but none […]

PAKISTAN: A young deaf domestic helper disappears from the home of an army official; police refuse to investigate

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a young deaf girl has been missing since June 2006 and that police have refused to investigate the case; instead they have acted as brokers for the suspected perpetrators. The seventeen-year-old was hired by a well known politico-religious family in Punjab to assist […]

SRI LANKA: Mahiyangane police arbitrarily arrest an indigenous man after allowing him to be beaten by a priest

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that Mahiyangane police officers witnessed the severe beating of a man by a priest and refused to intervene. The act constitutes torture under international law. The victim was then arrested with scant evidence of his crime and his allegations of torture were not addressed by […]

SRI LANKA: Baduraliya police illegally arrest and fabricate charges against a rubber tapper

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information that Baduraliya Police have illegally arrested and detained a rubber tapper, and fabricated charges against him by taking his thumbprint signature on an unknown statement. The victim has pleaded not guilty and was released on bail, but is currently facing charges of harbouring […]

SRI LANKA: Police block a poor mother’s request for a criminal investigation into the death of her daughter

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information that Galle police have refused to register a mother’s complaint about suspicions that her 24-year-old daughter was murdered. The authorities also failed to adequately look into the woman’s concerns that the girl was being put to work by her foster family, years before. […]

PAKISTAN: An army colonel has had four men abducted and tortured due to a personal dispute, in Pakistan-held Kashmir

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that four young men have been illegally arrested, detained and tortured by Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) officials because of a minor personal dispute. The first victim was allegedly taken hostage by an ISI colonel so that his uncle would pay a debt, and the other three […]

INDONESIA: Dozens are injured in police attacks during protests against alleged land grabbing

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Right Commission (AHRC) has been informed that the Indonesian police shot at, arrested and intimidated peasants who were protesting against the alleged illegal occupation of their land by a government-owned plantation company. The land workers have been protesting regularly for years, but rather than address their concerns, the local authorities […]

BANGLADESH: Around 30 lower caste families in the Hindu community face eviction in Chittagong

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned about the eviction risk faced by around 300 people of a lower caste Hindu community in Chittagong, without adequate compensation or rehabilitation being arranged. The land will be seized for the government-led Patiya Bypass project, yet the community is very poor and residents have not […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): A man is sentenced for the rape of his daughter after a five-year trial

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a rape victim for whom we have been campaigning has finally won her case in court, after a judge took particular interest. The victim has been fighting a criminal case against her father for more than five years, during which she has been […]

PHILIPPINES: The Philippine Congress must revoke martial law in Maguindanao province

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is seeking your support in calling upon the members of the Philippine Congress to revoke Proclamation No. 1959, which has been signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and has declared a state of martial law in Maguindanao. It suspends the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and […]

SRI LANKA: Police, doctors and magistrates are complicit in a man’s torture

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) brings you case details of a farmer who, while on his way to pick up his child from school, was arbitrarily arrested, faced with fabricated charges and extensively tortured for two days by Galgamuwa police officers, some of whom were allegedly drunk. He was suspended by his […]

PHILIPPINES: Three journalists who survived the Maguindanao massacre fear for their lives

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is closely monitoring the investigation into the massacre in Maguindanao on November 23, which left 57 people dead, among them two human rights lawyers and 30 local journalists. The AHRC is deeply concerned for the safety of three journalists who escaped. More than a week into the […]