Administration of justice

BURMA: Supreme Court of Burma has an historic opportunity to take a stand for criminal justice

This February 1, 2006, the case of Ma Su Su Nwe will come before the Supreme Court of Burma. The court will be asked to decide whether or not to admit an appeal against Su Su Nwe’s imprisonment on charges of having abused and intimidated members of a local government council. In effect the court […]

UPDATE (Nepal): Widespread repression and mass arrests continue to take place in Nepal

[RE: UP-011-2006: NEPAL: Further arrests occur in Nepal’s escalating crisis; UA-036-2006: NEPAL: Further arrests in Nepal’s worsening political, security and human rights crisis; UG-002-2006: NEPAL: Immediate intervention required in Nepal’s deepening political, security and human rights crisis] ———————————————————————- UP-012-2006: NEPAL: Widespread repression and mass arrests continue to take place in Nepal NEPAL: Human rights defenders; […]

SRI LANKA: Presidential immunity does not extend to violations of the Constitution

A strange notion prevails in Sri Lankan legal circles that presidential immunity extends even to constitutional violations. This is despite the fact that one of the grounds for the impeachment of a president is ‘intentional violations of the Constitution’, as set out in article 38(2) a(i). A judgment made by the Indian Supreme Court on […]

UPDATE (Philippines): Investigation into the brutal torture of a man by mistaken identity begins

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in General Santos City, Mindanao has commenced its investigation into the case of Haron Abubakar Buisan, who was allegedly illegally arrested, detained and brutally tortured by mistaken identity. (See our previous appeal: UA-251-2005). A reliable source said […]

UPDATE (Burma): Two police to go to court over alleged rape

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received news that two police officers in central Burma have been charged with rape by a local court, despite attempts by the police to bribe and intimidate the victim to withdraw the charges. According to the information received, the Twente Township Court decided after preliminary hearings […]

NEPAL: Re-arrest of two Nepalese citizens undermines official court orders and rule of law

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information regarding the re-arrest of citizens in Nepal, indicating that the practice is still rife within the country. From this information we can confirm that Shanta Rai, a permanent resident of Itahara VDC ward no 3, Morang and Yeshodha Khatiwada, a permanent resident of […]

INDIA: Feudal lords attack Daliths for claiming proper wage, while police refuse to take action and pressure the victim to withdraw complaint in Uttar Pradesh, India

INDIA: Feudal lords attack Daliths for claiming proper wage, while police refuse to take action and pressure the victim to withdraw complaint in Uttar Pradesh, India INDIA: Racial discrimination, murderous assault, corrupt policing, complete failure of rule of law ——————————————————————— Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from our local partner […]

PHILIPPINES: A functioning and effective policing and judicial system is required if extra-judicial killings are to be properly prosecuted and prevented

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is in receipt of your letter dated 13 December 2005 detailing the Philippine government’s response to our concern about the unabated incidents of extra-judicial killings and violence against activists, the lack of witness protection and the failures in police investigations. In your letter you said: “I assure you that […]

SRI LANKA: Six years after Chemmani exhumation: Inquiry commission needed to review attorney general’s department

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 5, 2005 AS-002-2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) SRI LANKA: Six years after Chemmani exhumation: Inquiry commission needed to review attorney general’s department Pending indictments being filed at a high court, the case of the Chemmani mass graves was called before a magistrate’s court this week to […]

SRI LANKA: Will Sri Lanka’s new president obstruct the functioning of public authorities through non-implementation of constitutional provisions?

Former presidents of Sri Lanka, JR Jayawardene, R Premadasa and C Kumaratunga are well known for their authoritarian operation of the executive presidency, therein crippling the country’s most vital public authorities. Jayawardene and Premadasa aimed for direct control over all public authorities. Kumaratunga, who came to power with promises of change, continued this tradition even […]

HONG KONG SAR: Legitimate protests against threatened livelihoods and police responsibility to remain within legal parameters

The past two weeks saw Hong Kong become a theatre in which the conflict between free trade and human rights played out very visibly, with broadcast and other media conveying the interventions of all those involved in this conflict: namely, those inside the World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial conference, and those outside on the streets.  […]

SRI LANKA: An Open Letter to the Solicitor General C.R. De Silva

Dear Mr. De Silva, I am writing this letter in response to newspaper reports concerning a speech that you have made on the right to life, where you claimed that there are ‘improvements in the field of human rights.’ Unfortunately, I have not had the benefit of seeing your complete speech. However, I have no […]

SRI LANKA: Transparency necessary in arson investigation of Sri Lankan Human Rights Commission

Serious doubts and suspicions have arisen about the investigation into the attempted arson of the Human Rights Commission (HRC) of Sri Lanka offices in Colombo, on October 11, 2005. Despite significant local and international pressure, two months after the arson attempt no one has yet been arrested or brought to court for this serious crime […]

UPDATE (Thailand): Failure by the Department of Special Investigation to conduct a prompt investigation into the disappearance of prominent human rights lawyer

[RE: FA-06-2004: THAILAND: A human rights lawyer Mr. Somchai Neelaphaijit missing… UP-20-2005: THAILAND: Human rights lawyer still missing after nearly one year; Action needed today to have case transferred; UP-24-2005: THAILAND: Thai minister refuses to act on missing human rights lawyer case; UP-37-2005: Thai PM orders action on missing human rights lawyer, while court hears […]

UPDATE (Indonesia): Need for further investigation in Munir case

[RE: UA-164-2004: The family receives death threats for demanding an impartial inquiry into the death of Munir; UP-30-2005: Unveiling of suspect in Munir’s death may end further inquiries; UP-47-2005: State intelligence officers delay Munir investigation; UP-72-2005: Mandate of fact-finding team into Munir’s murder should be extended and made more effective; UP-83-2005: Police fail to follow […]

UPDATE (Thailand): Alleged tortured victim withdraws his complaint against the police

[RE: UA-153-2004: THAILAND: Two cases of extremely serious torture and cruel and inhuman treatment by Thai police officers; UP-71-2004: THAILAND: More serious allegations of police torture emerge in Thailand; UP-75-2004: THAILAND: Demand immediate criminal action against police torturers; UP-78-2004: THAILAND: Torture cases transferred to special investigators, but police still free] —————————————————————————– UP-157-2005: THAILAND: Alleged tortured […]

THAILAND: DSI must promptly and assertively answer the question “Where is Somchai?”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 2, 2005 AS-123-2005 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission THAILAND: DSI must promptly and assertively answer the question “Where is Somchai?” December 1 was the last day in the trial hearings at the Bangkok Criminal Court over the alleged abduction and subsequent disappearance of human rights lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit […]

UPDATE (Burma): Division court also summarily rejects case of ailing Ma Su Su Nwe

[RE: UA-112-2004: BURMA: Complaints against forced labour blocked and victims punished issued on 3 September 2004; UP-11-2005: BURMA: Four officials sentenced to prison for forced labour in Kawmhu Township, Yangon Division; UP-63-2005: BURMA: Local officials seek revenge against villager who obtained first successful forced labour prosecution; UP-68-2005: BURMA: Preliminary hearing against villager who obtained first […]

PHILIPPINES: BREAKDOWN! A Letter of Appeal to the Church and Media

The killings continue.  And no solution is in sight Today, there is complete impunity in the Philippines.  An average of one militant is killed every week.   Seven lawyers have been killed since January this year while nine journalist have so far fallen from assassins’ bullets.  In many of these cases,  no suspects were arrested nor […]

UPDATE (Saudi Arabia/Sri Lanka): Renewed plea for commuting the death sentence of Sri Lankan men to the new King of Saudi Arabia

[RE: UP-43-2005: SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Questions remain in Sri Lanka’s willingness to save three of its citizens; UP-39-2005: Three Sri Lankans face imminent execution in Saudi Arabia; UP-38-2005: SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Please send a letter to the King of Saudi Arabia urging his intervention to commute the death sentence of three Sri Lankans; UP-34-2005: Death […]