Administration of justice

INDIA: A case of gang rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl

A case of gang rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl INDIA: Caste based discrimination – a distinct case of racial discrimination on the basis of work and descent; right to life & fair trial and justice; abduction, gang-rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl ———————————————————– We are shocked to learn that a […]

INDONESIA: Bandung activists were tortured, face unfair trial

AHRC welcomes the recent capture by the Indonesian police of Tommy Suharto – fugitive son of Gen. Suharto, accused of crimes ranging from corruption and graft to bombings and the assassination of a judge. However, we have serious doubts about the ability of the criminal justice system to proceed effectively, as the system is fundamentally flawed. Time and time again the influential elite and members of military and police charged with horrendous human rights crimes are not prosecuted or let off with ridiculously light sentences; while the poorer sections calling for decent wages and conditions, land for peasants or self-determination for indigenous peoples are harshly punished for raising their voices. 

UPDATE: The Thirteenth Open Letter on the Issues Regarding Fr. Pallath’s Case

We would like to send you a copy of the 13th open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case.

We would like to send you a copy of the 13th open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case.

We would like to send you a copy of the 13th open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case.

Bangladesh: Nirendranath Adhikari Released After 7 Years in Jail Without Trial

Introduction Nirandra Nath Odhikari, 25, had been put in jail for seven years without being tried by court in Bangladesh after he was arrested allegedly for murdering his grandmother. 15 January 1998 Asian Human Rights Commission, upon receiving the information from local groups,released an Urgent Appeal[AHRC UA980115] and brought his case to the attention of […]

south Korea: SUH Joon-Sik’s Trial Postponed

SUH Joon-sik, 49, the director Sarangbang human rights group, has been charged for screening a film called Red Hunt duing a human rights film festival. The authorities have claimed that the screening \”constituted a violation of the National Security Law (NSL).\” The film documents the mass killings on Cheju Island in 1948. Suh Jun-sik is […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (India): Human rights defender arrested for organising public hearing on torture in West Bengal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from People’s Watch Tamil Nadu (PWTN) concerning the arrest, detention and subsequent release of a human rights defender, Mr. Kirity Roy, in West Bengal. Roy is associated with MASUM a partner organisation of the PWTN that has jointly undertaken to document of […]

PHILIPPINES: Twenty six workers and union leaders illegally dismissed in Negros

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you an appeal about the illegal dismissal of 26 workers and union leaders of a retail company when union leaders successfully won the election replacing officers allegedly appointed by the company in Negros. The newly elected officers were supposed to represent the rank and […]

PHILIPPINES: Harassment of a prominent Muslim human rights defender

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you an appeal from Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) – Mindanao regarding the harassment of a prominent Muslim human rights defender, Mr. Temogen Sahipa Tulawie. If you wish to make any inquiries please contact TFDP at: 214, Earth St., GSIS Heights, Matina, […]

SRI LANKA: Petition against police inaction in Katunayake attack

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from a group of Sri Lankan Attorneys. Thank you. Urgent Appeals Desk Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) ———————————————————————– Sri Lanka: Petition against police inaction in Katunayake attack Several organisations and leading activists in Sri Lanka have launched a public petition calling the […]

JAPAN: Two anti-whaling activists were illegally detained in Aomori and now face an unjust trial

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to support and forward an appeal from Greenpeace on the trial of two anti-whaling activists in Aomori, Japan, who both face an 18-month jail sentence. Please note that the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has reportedly opined that the men’s initial […]

SINGAPORE: High Court upheld Dr. Chee’s conviction for speaking in public without a permit

Dear friends,   The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you an appeal from the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) regarding the affirmation of the High Court of the guilty verdict on Dr. Chee Soon Juan for “speaking in public without a permit”.     For more details, please contact them at this website: […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Sri Lanka): Four Doctors Released, One Still in Danger

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from Amnesty International about the continued detention of a doctor arrested under emergency regulations. He has been accused of providing false information to foreign journalists and is being held incommunicado. There is great concern that he has been or will be tortured. […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Iran): Stoning to death of two women in Iran

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward the appeal received from Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) regarding the sentence of death by stoning of two women in Iran. According to the information received, they were presented without presence of their legal representative during the first trial. In addition, the verdict […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (THAILAND): Labour advocate arrested

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an urgent appeal from the Holland-based The Clean Clothes Campaign, urging the Thai government to release lawyer Mr. Somyot Pruksakasemsuk. He was arrested under the emergency decree on 24 May 2010 and is being held in solitary detention. Any extension of this detention would […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Philippines): Illegal arrest, detention and torture of three people has yet to be investigated, despite more than a year having passed

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you information from the United against Torture Coalition (UATC), a coalition of various human rights organizations in the Philippines, including the Task Force Detainees of the Philippines, that no proper investigation has been conducted into the alleged illegal arrest, detention and torture of three […]

CAMBODIA: A lawyer has been charged with aiding the escape of his client who is an opposition party activist

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from Cambodia Centre for Human Rights regarding charging a lawyer with aiding the escape of a client, who is an opposition party activist. For more information, please contact: Ou Virak, CCHR President, tel: +855 12 40 40 51; e-mail:; or Suon […]

PHILIPPINES: Petition asking President Aquino to take custody of a falsely charged activist

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding a petition asking President Benigno Aquino III and his officials to consider taking into their custody Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie, a prominent human rights defender in Sulu, Mindanao Island, who had to go on hiding after being falsely charged on charges of murder. Tulawie is willing […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Malaysia): Five activists are detained for 2 years without trial under the Internal Security Act

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal received from MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture) regarding a case of five human rights activists who were arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA) in Malaysia on 12 December 2007. The ISA allows detention without trial. All are now being […]