Administration of justice

March 8, the International Women’s Day, is observed every year to acknowledge women’s struggle for the achievements of their rights and to reiterate their resolve to fight for their equal rights. Women throughout the world have struggled for their right to suffrage, right to education and right to choose. Centuries after centuries women have been fighting […]

INDIA: Maharashtra Cabinet on Disaster tour to curb farmer suicides

Article | India | 05-03-2016

The government of Maharashtra has finally woken up to the agrarian crisis that has, according to official statistics, already ensnared the lives of 124 farmers in the state in the first 45 days of the year. Awoken, the government has decided to take action. And, the action that the government has decided to take is […]

PHILIPPINES: Over a year’s delay in trial of mother falsely charged with beating her son

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you of the continuing delay in the court hearing of Mary Vic Medina, a mother falsely charged of assaulting her own son. The reason for the postponement of her trial was due to the absence of the presiding judge. UPDATED INFORMATION: (Based on the […]

INDIA: Five youth illegally detained and tortured for more than 10 hours in Kerala

Dear Friends, The AHRC has received information from its partner organization Nervazhi that five youngsters have been tortured and harassed at a police station in Kerala. They were riding their motorbikes when the Anthikkad police stopped them. The police proceeded to harass and torture them for 10 hours. They were questioned about whether they had […]

PAKISTAN: Women friendly laws are a start to turn the tide

Domestic violence is rampant throughout the world. In Pakistan, however, female victims of such violence are left without reprieve, as they have to suffer the dogma of being labelled loose women if they decide to stand up to their abusers, who are usually male family members. So Pakistani women have been staying in abusive relationships, […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 112

This week’s episode of Just Asia begins with the re-arrest of Indian activist Irom Sharmila, two days after being acquitted of attempted suicide charges. On hunger strike for the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act causing widespread abuses in Manipur, Sharmila has been arrested and released several times over the past 15 years. […]

THAILAND: Release Mr. Wattana Muangsuk from arbitrary detention

A Press Releasefrom Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) It has been reported today (2 March 2016) that a dozen of military officers arrested the former Minister of Social Development and Human Security, Mr. Wattana Muangsuk, and took him away from his residence without stating the reason […]

THAILAND: Update on Sirikan Charoensiri’s case: Inquiry official will file the charge to await the prosecution order

A Press Releasefrom Thai Lawyers for Human Rights forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) 3 March 2016, Ms. Sirikan Charoensiri received a summon warrant to report herself to the inquiry official at the Chana Songkram Police Station in order to be handed over to the special prosecutor in litigious division at the 3rd […]

NEPAL: Dicing with death

An oped from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission On September 15 2015, twelve-year-old Ranjana Singh Kshetri, a resident of Bethari in Rupandehi district, received a bullet in the neck when she stuck her head out of the kitchen to see what was happening outside. On the same day, BinodLakaul, 48, […]

INDIA: Bail-order for bailed student leader worrisome

Statement | India | 03-03-2016

Mr. Kanhaiya Kumar, President of Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union (JNUSU), is finally out on interim bail following a Delhi High Court order. Kanhaiya has just spent 20 days in police and judicial remand on the charge of sedition. The manner and facts surrounding his arrest, charge, and detention have caused much consternation. Many eminent […]

PAKISTAN: Ahmadis target of religious expediency once again

A new wave of attacks on religious minority groups has gripped the country after the execution of Mumtaz Qadri, the killer of Punjab’s former governor, for alleged blasphemy. Qadri was executed on February 29, and countrywide protests began simultaneously. On the day of Qadri’s burial, March 1, Qamar Ul Zia, a young Ahmadi businessman was […]

THAILAND: Courts used to harass defenders

A group of human rights defenders in Northeast Thailand has been forced into a frivolous and damaging case in court, due to their attempts to protect community resources against a gold mining operation. According to Thailand’s Rights Coalition, Protection International, and theCommunity Resource Centre, TungkhumLimited is seeking 50 million Baht (around USD $1.4 million) in […]

THAILAND: Ranong Courts to Review Case of Alleged Murder by Migrant Workers

A Press Releasefrom the Lawyers Council of Thailand, Human Rights and Development Foundation,The Foundation of Education and Development, Muslim Attorney Centre Foundation and Diocesan Social Action Cantre of Souratthani Catholic Foundation forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) The Provincial Court of Ranong and the Juvenile and Family Court of Ranong have accepted to […]

INDONESIA: Light punishment for four police officers who tortured to death a victim

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has information provided by the Commission for the Disappearances and Victims of Violence (KontraS), a national human rights organization. A light punishment was meted out to four police officers of Sungailiat Police Resort (Polres Sungailiat) in the torture to death of Mr. Suharli (alias Tembo). Despite the […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 111

This week AHRC TV’s Just Asia begins with Burma, where four protesters already sentenced by a court in May 2015, are now facing additional charges for the same incident. Burma’s first democratic election of November 2015 has done little to curb rights violations in the country. Next, the crisis at New Delhi’s Jawarhalal Nehru University […]

WORLD: “The protection of human life and dignity is crucial at all times”- Zeid Ra\’ad Al Hussein

The Opening Statement of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the 31st Regular Session of the Human Rights Council is forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Opening Statement to the 31st session of the Human Rights Council Distinguished Presidents of the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly – and President Lykketoft, […]

NEPAL: Real Rights Now

An oped from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission A lot of Nepalese suffered terribly at the hands of both the state and the rebels during the decade-long Maoist conflict. However, since most of the victims have little voice, many of their stories are yet to be heard. Civilians were caught […]

THAILAND: Letter to EU Commission regarding yellow card designation for Thailand

An Open Letter from Rights Coalition forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) To, Karmenu Vella EU Commissioner for fisheries, maritime affairs and environment European Commission  1049 Brussels Belgium Respected Commissioner Vella, As the European Commission assesses whether Thailand has taken sufficient measures in the international fight against illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing (IUU), […]

INDONESIA: Further investigation needed in activist killing despite indictment of 35 persons

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the high prosecutor (Kejaksaan Tinggi) in East Java province, Indonesia has announced 35 suspects in the brutal attack of two land rights activists. Although the ARHC appreciates this achievement, the investigation should be continued to uncover any alleged involvement of the state […]

PAKISTAN: Forced marriages and conversions stem from institutionalised intolerance

While religious diversity forms the bedrock of a civilized democratic state, the right to propagate and freely practice one’s religion is strictly restricted by Pakistan’s orthodox clergy, which is bent upon imposing its own version of the state religion. There is a growing concern within the country over the shrinking social space for minorities. Far […]