Administration of justice

CAMBODIA: Killing of Taing Try a journalist investigating illegal wood transportation in Kratie province

A Statement from the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)   Date:                                 15 October 2014 Name:                               Taing Try Category:                          Journalist Location:                           Kratie Province Nature of threat:                Murder Brief Description: On 12 October 2014, journalist Taing Try was found dead near his car in Khsoem Khang Krao village, […]

ASIA: Asian parliamentarians demand end to torture & corruption

(Hong Kong, October 14, 2014) “The widespread torture and ill-treatment that prevails in most of the Asian countries is a direct result of the political system and the legal system. Eradication of torture cannot be done merely by education of the police, the military and other security forces who usually engage in committing acts of torture”, […]

NEPAL: Fair trial possible for Dr. Raut?

The right to a fair trial is a universally recognized human right, enshrined in international law in both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (the “UDHR”) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (the “ICCPR”). Fair trial rights are also guaranteed in Article 24 of the Interim Constitution of Nepal. The right to […]

PAKISTAN: The marvelous Malala – a real moment of joy for women

A tribute by Bushra Khaliq Well done, Malala! Every Pakistani is proud of you. Today you have made our head high. After Dr. Abdus Salam, Malala is second person who has shown other side of Pakistan and introduced terror-torn Pakistan’s soft face to the world and provided us a moment of real joy. For all […]

INDIA: 11 villagers jump in Narmada Canal after 22 year fight over land rights.

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information from the Narmada Asargrast Sangharsh Samiti that 11 villagers jumped into the Narmada main canal in Boreli while 3 of them were arrested just before attempting that. The villagers were protesting the lack of compensation for families 25 years after being evicted from their village, […]

SRI LANKA: Prageeth Eknalogida’s case exposes lack of consensus against enforced disappearances

To date, no credible investigation into the disappearance of Prageeth Eknaligoda has taken place. Prageeth Eknaligoda disappeared on 24th January 2010 and to this day there has been no credible investigation into his disappearance, despite many interventions by the United Nations Human Rights agencies, other international organizations, and by local Sri Lankan organizations. The wife […]

ASIA: Discussion on several human rights issues

Vilbur Larch of Global Health and Human Rights Show (USA) talks with Basil Fernando, On the 29th of September Vilbur Larch of the Global Health and Human Rights Show talked with Basil Fernando about the Right Livelihood Award this year. This discussion is now available online. In this discussion, the nature of the Right Livelihood […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Student Activist Phyu Hnin Htwe Falsely Accused of Abduction

Ms. Phyu Hnin Htwe, a 23-year-old, member of the All Burma Federation of Student Unions (ABFSU) from Yadanabon University, Mandalay has been falsely implicated in the abduction of two Chinese workers from an army-backed copper mine project. On 20 September 2014, four months after the incident, she was arrested in her hometown under Penal Code […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 46

In this week’s episode of the Weekly Roundup, AHRC TV is pleased to announce that Basil Fernando, the Asian Human Rights Commission’s Director for Policy and Programme Development, will be awarded the Right Livelihood Award, which is also known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize”, “for his outstanding work to support and document the implementation of […]

ASIA: Wounds in the souls of the members of disappeared people’s families can never be cured

Article | Asia | 24-09-2014

by Basil Fernando – Right Livelihood Award Laureate 2014 (This is an article issued on the occasion of receiving the Right Livelihood Award-2014) In 1989 when I learned that some people, due to malice or some other reason unknown to me, had entered my name into a list of persons to be disappeared, a stream […]

WORLD: Basil Fernando of the AHRC receives Right Livelihood Award, known also as “Alternative Nobel Prize”

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you that The Right Livelihood Foundation has announced the laureates for 2014. They are Mr. Edward Snowden, Mr. Alan Rusbridger, Ms. Asma Jahangir, Mr. Basil Fernando, and Mr. Bill McKibben. This award is also known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize.” For further information about the award and […]

PAKISTAN: Floods 2014- colossal failure of state authorities

by Bushra Khaliq The 2014 floods in Pakistan is the fifth in series of floods since 1973, 1988, 1992 and 2010. This time the late monsoon rains [in the early part of] September unleashed terrific floods in Central Punjab. Swollen rivers, particularly the Chenab breached floodwalls, sweeping away thousands of villages and the Government despite […]

INDIA: Death of female government employee not adequately investigated

Dear friends, A group of women’s rights activists from the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has informed the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) that the Madhya Pradesh state government is failing to adequately investigate the death of Ms. Leena Sadhak, a Patwari (a government official who keeps records regarding the ownership of land) at the […]

INDIA: Halt demolition of Dalit and Tribal Hamlets in Chhipiya and Khairaha Nala

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information from the Samaj Chetna Manch Dabhaura about the demolition drive against Dalit and tribal settlements in Chhipiya and Khaiaha Nala, In Java block of Rewa District, Madhya Pradesh. The AHRC has been informed that the administration has threatened them with eviction against its own repeated […]

MALAYSIA: We must not become an authoritarian state

A Statement from the Malaysian Bar forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) The Malaysian Bar is heavily critical of the recent spate of arrests under the Societies Act 1966 and prosecutions under the Sedition Act 1948 and Penal Code.  The raft of arrests and prosecutions of individuals lately shows that we are undergoing […]

MALAYSIA: Crazy to charge law lecturer with sedition

by Kee Thuan Chye “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.” I hope this famous quotation that has been variously attributed to Sophocles, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and William Anderson Scott holds true for Malaysia, where the Barisan Nasional-led government appears to have gone crazy from its recent untrammelled and unreasonable use […]

NEPAL: A Muslim family rendered homeless after converting to the Wahhabi sect

Dear friends, The Terai Human Rights Defenders (THRD) Alliance in Nepal has informed the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) that a Muslim family of the Sunni faith, residing at the Gauri Village Development Committee in Kapilavastu District have been forced to flee their home as a result of converting to the Wahhabi sect on or […]

NEPAL: Commission on Disappearance: will it deliver?

An article from the ‘The Himalayan Times’ forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by Govinda Sharma ” Bandi” We just marked one more International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance, but without any significant progress in terms of addressing the past disappearances in Nepal. Enforced disappearances were among the most serious human rights […]

PHILIPPINES: Restore land and livelihood rights of families in Laiya

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information from the Defend Job  Philippines about the forced demolition of roughly 277 houses in Sitio Balacabacan, Laiya, Batangas, Philippines. The demolitions were carried out on 3 July 2014. The AHRC has also learnt that the authorities are intimidating the community which is now living in […]

CAMBODIA: New NEC is the key problem for the CNRP and CPP

After almost a year of conflict, the 7-article agreement between the CNRP and the CPP allowed 55 CNRP lawmakers-elect to take their National Assembly seats. Both parties claimed victory. But not everyone sees the accord in the same light. Mr. Brad Adams, Director of Asia for Human Rights Watch (HRW) sees the deal as terrible […]