AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 102

Yesterday, December 10 was Human Rights Day. This is the day in 1948 when the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To mark this day, JUST ASIA brings you a review of the state of human rights in specific Asian countries, with several interviews with relevant experts. In Nepal, adoption of a […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 101

This week world leaders met in Paris to kick off a two-week climate change summit, a meeting some say will determine the future viability of human civilisation on our planet. Just Asia looks at the implications for Asia from a human rights perspective. Next, Just Asia reports on the violent arrests of Papuans during peaceful […]

AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 100

This week marks the 100th episode of AHRC TV’s weekly human rights news programme, newly renamed as Just Asia. For this centennial anniversary, AHRC TV presents a new look to the programme, which will itself be further upgraded over the next few weeks and months. The theme for this week’s programme is violence against women […]

AHRC TV: Weekly Roundup, Episode 99

AHRC TV opens with some good news from Sri Lanka, where the Cabinet has approved the President’s proposal to abolish the Executive Presidency, thereby returning the country to full democracy, including the separation of powers. Next, we bring you an excerpt from a documentary film titledCyber-democracy: Cambodia, Kafka’s Kingdom, directed by Ellen Grant, which highlights […]

AHRC TV: Weekly Roundup, Episode 98

AHRC TV opens with the historic national elections that have just concluded in Burma. Despite some serious flaws, observers have declared the elections “reasonably free and fair”. Aung San SuuKyi and her NLD party have won a stunning outright majority of the votes. This comes 25 years after Burma’s last democratic election which SuuKyi’s NLD […]

AHRC TV: Weekly Roundup, Episode 97

The Roundupthis week opens with a report of yet another targeted assassination in Bangladesh, which pushes the country further into lawlessness and terror. Faisal ArefinDipan, owner of a publishing house, is the latest victim. AHRC TV interviews Md.Ashrafuzzamanabout the killing spree and what is behind it. Next in this programme, BablooLoitongbam, of Human Rights Alert […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 94

This week AHRC TV continues its coverage of the 4th annual Asian Alliance Against Torture and Ill-Treatment and for Fair Trial Meeting, which saw parliamentarians, senior policemen, and senior activists gather in Hong Kong last to deliberate on the transformations required in the justice institutions of Asia. The programme includes talks by Sri Lankan Deputy […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 93

Earlier this week, Asian Parliamentarians gathered in Hong Kong for the 4th conference of the Asian Alliance Against Torture and Ill-Treatment and for Fair Trial. Three days of discussions on the rule of law, democracy, fair trial, and police reform ensued. AHRC TV documented the event. This episode features snippets from the conference. Don’t miss […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 92

This week’s Roundup will reveal the 2015 Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award, which were announced 1 Octoberduring a press conference at the Swedish Foreign Office in Stockholm by Executive Director Ole von Uexkull and Chair of the Board, Dr. Monika Griefahn. This year’s Honorary Award goes to TONY DE BRUM and THE PEOPLE OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS “in […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 91

This week, AHRC TV reports from Geneva, where Sanjida Islam from Bangladesh has met with the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances to try to gather international support for her struggle to find her disappeared brother who was abducted in December 2013 by the notorious Rapid Action Battalion. Also in Geneva, the Right Livelihood […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 90

This week’s Roundup will focus on initiatives for police reform in South Asia. The episode begins in Nepal where on-going instability in the Terai in the last 2 months has provided ample examples for the urgent need of police reform. Nepal’s dysfunctional, incompetent, violent, and corrupt police institution reflects the norm in the South Asian […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 89

This week’s Roundup begins in Bangladesh, where the breakdown of the rule of law is in an ever-worsening downward spiral. On International Day for Victims of Enforced Disappearances, intelligence agencies in the country threatened family members of the disappeared and 27 out of 35 scheduled meetings were cancelled. Next, AHRC TV reports on the shocking […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 88

This week’s Roundup begins in Nepal where the violence that has plagued the small Himalayan nation during the last few weeks has intensified. Clashes between Tharu protesters and police in Kailali District resulted in the death of a 2-year-old child and the lynching and burning of 8 policemen. Next, AHRC TV reports from China. Following […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 86

This week’s Roundup begins in Sri Lanka where the most peaceful elections since independence have thwarted former President Rajapaksa’s attempts to return to power. Hopes are now strong for a fundamental shift in the country towards a stable and solid democracy and rule of law. AHRC TV speaks with AHRC’s Basil Fernando, Janasansadaya’s Chitral Perera, […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 85

This week’s Roundup reports on the encouraging re-opening of a three-year-old crime investigation relating to the death of Sri Lankan rugby player Wasim Thajudeen. While it was initially determined to be an accidental death, allegations of it being a murder committed by former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s son have long circulated. The body has now been […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 84

This week’s Roundup delivers stories from Nepal and Hong Kong. AHRC has recently conducted a trauma workshop in Nepal, titled “Trauma of Devastation – Rebuilding the Society”. The 19 participants comprised members of civil society, community workers, students, and volunteers in Kathmandu and focused how to approach and assist traumatised earthquake victims. AHRC TV speaks […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 83

This Week’s Roundup begins in Indonesia, where, despite a murderous attack by the police and military against indigenous Papuans in Paniai Regency, the National Commission on Human Rights has yet to conduct an investigation, as it claims have insufficient funds. Since then, the Independent Student Forum has managed to collect IDR 608,000 so that Commission […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 82

This Week’s Roundup begins in the Indian state of Kerala where AHRC follows up on the unique police modernisation process underway. Featured in the programme is footage of Member of the State Legislative Assembly V.T. Balram, debating this critical reform process in the Kerala Legislative Assembly. The programme then revisits events in China where more […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 81

An Announcement by the Asian Human Rights Commission This week’s Roundup begins in the Indian state of Kerala. The state government has initiated a process of police reforms. This unique initiative involves enabling the police to undertake scientific crime investigation. AHRC TV interviews AHRC Executive Director Bijo Francis to learn more about the outlook for […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 80

This week’s Roundup begins in Cambodia, where forty international NGOs are urging for the withdrawal of the draft bill called LANGO, which, if implemented, would severely curtail human rights. The proposed law aims to give government ministries sweeping, arbitrary powers without the possibility of judicial review. Freedoms of peaceful assembly, association, expression and opinion are […]