Arbitrary arrest & detention

INDIA: Inter-caste marriages attract familial vengeance and apathy from authorities

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Love Commandos, a New-Delhi based volunteer organization dedicated to assisting couples who face familial or societal opposition to their marriages regarding the case of Uma Bharti and Ravi Kant Meena, who married of their own free will, and are now being violently separated […]

SRI LANKA: Innocent man extra-judicially killed by Warakapola Police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the extra-judicial killing of Mr. Rajamuni Devage Gunadasa of second milepost, Rale Kanda, Alawwa, Warakapola in the Kegalle District of Warakapola Police Division. On 26 June 2017, while walking on the Kandy-Colombo main road, he was shot by Police Officers attached to the […]

BANGLADESH: Broken down Justice Institutions key behind disappearances of the Opposition

The New York Times has published an editorial titled “The Opposition Disappears in Bangladesh” on 28 July 2017. Citing the United Nations human rights experts the New York Times editorial said that “. . . [T]he United Nations called in February for “Bangladesh to act now to halt an increasing number of enforced disappearances in the […]

INDIA: Alleged extra-judicial killing of a civilian by Border Security Force officers in West Bengal

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM, our partner organization in West Bengal. It concerns the enforced disappearance of a civilian at the hands of Border Security Force (BSF) officers at the Indo-Bangladesh border. In the span of a decade, there have been over 1,000 civilian deaths at the […]

AHRC TV: Bangladesh rights defender detained by Malaysian authorities and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 181

This week Just Asia begins with the case of Bangladeshi lawyer and human rights defender Adilur Rahman Khan, who was detained by Malaysian immigration authorities for more than 12 hours at Kuala Lumpur airport last week. Without giving any reasons for the detention, the authorities finally deported him back to Dhaka. Just Asia speaks to […]

PAKISTAN: Disappearance of youth whose two older brothers already extra judicially killed

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearance of a youth by the police and persons from intelligence agencies. His two older brothers were already extrajudicially killed earlier. Eighteen year old Sajjad went to Karachi city from his village to meet his assassinated brother’s family, and was abducted […]

SRI LANKA: Police refuse to investigate assault and instead arrest victim

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding the assault of Mr. Mohamad Ali and his daughter on 7 July 2017, by an influential businessman. When Mr. Mohamad made a complaint to the Hidogama Police Station, the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the police station illegally arrested and detained the complainant, while releasing the […]

PAKISTAN/KASHMIR: Madness at line of control takes lives of innocent civilians

There have been repeated outbreaks of cross-Line of Control firing in Jammu Kashmir, with both sides reporting deaths and injuries including of civilians. Heavy weapons are killing innocent civilians, destroying homes, public and private property. The civilians are forced to flee on both sides of the LOC. Kashmiris of both the sides are leading a […]

AHRC TV: Supreme Court orders probe into Manipur killings and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 180

This week Just Asia begins with India, where the Supreme Court passed a historic judgment last Friday, ordering the Central Bureau of Investigation to probe into the allegations of ‘fake encounters’ by uniformed personnel in the conflict ridden state of Manipur. To ensure an impartial investigation, the Court ordered that no member of the Manipur […]

MALAYSIA: Release Adilur Rahman Khan immediately

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that the Airport Immigration in Kuala Lumpur Airport has detained human rights defender Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan since 5:00 am today. Adilur is the Secretary of Bangladesh based human rights organisation Odhikar, and has received international awards for his work, like Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award, International […]

PAKISTAN: Family of extra-judicially killed Bhutto brothers needs protection

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the abduction of a minor from the Bhutto family home. Previously, two brothers from this family were abducted, disappeared and extra-judicially killed. A video of their sister went viral on social and electronic media. She was narrating how persons from military intelligence […]

AHRC TV: Calls for resignation of Pakistan’s Nawaz Sharif amidst corruption charges and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 179

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been found guilty of corruption by the Supreme Court’s Joint Investigation Team. The team found the Sharif family wealth to be beyond their sources of income. The country’s political parties and Bar Associations are now demanding Sharif’s resignation. Moving to Burma, the […]

SRI LANKA: How some lawyers trivialise legal proceedings

“Fr. Nandana Manatunga tortured the victim…” claims President’s Counsel, Mr. Nalin Ladduwahetty in his defence of a police constable in a torture case. The case of torture of Mr. Daundalage Pushpakumara came up today at the Court of Appeal in Sri Lanka. The court was considering a petition filed by Pushpakumara, seeking leave to appeal in […]

NEPAL: Hong Kong based Nepalese investigative journalist manhandled and threatened

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a Hong Kong based Nepali investigative journalist and NepalKhabar Hong Kong Editor, Mr. JB Pun Magar, has been attacked and threatened for writing on issues relating to the Nepalese community residing in Hong Kong. Mr. Komal Gurung (Thapa), a Hong Kong based businessperson has been targeting JB […]

AHRC TV: Videos of police brutality in Pakistan and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 178

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where police brutality and violence continues. Three videos show how law enforcement officials regularly transcend their authority and abuse ordinary citizens, with a complete lack of accountability. In the most recently surfaced video, a group of police officers are baton charging unarmed women mill workers in Muzaffargarh, Punjab. […]

INDIA: Ominous arrests point at imminent rule of the outlaw in Uttar Pradesh

Article | India | 06-07-2017

By Avinash Pandey The arrests of 31 Dalit activists in Lucknow, state capital of Uttar Pradesh, is an ominous marker of the things to come. Add the circumstances of their arrest and they also hint at an authoritarian regime lurching around, set for the takeover of whatever little is left of dissent, democracy and the […]

PAKISTAN: State sanctioned police brutality against women must stop

A video has recently surfaced in Pakistan, where a contingent of police officers can be seen baton charging a group of unarmed women mill workers protesting in Muzaffargarh, Punjab. The scuffle occurred inside the district court of Muzaffargarh in broad daylight, yet the judicial officer never took any action against the erring police officers, nor […]

PAKISTAN: Story of an American Baloch who spent 10 months in ISI dungeons

An article from Baloch Insight forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Ahmar Mustikhan “My personal enmity is only with the ISI,” US citizen Afzal Bugti, 57, a successful businessman from Chicago, who went back to Pakistan, said. There were rumors that he had been abducted because of personal enmity when he vanished into […]

NEPAL: Government and police collude in rotten power play

For the past several years, the Asian Human Rights Commission has been reporting on the widespread practice of abuse of power by the Nepal Police. The extent of abuse of power and politicization within the police today is such that even senior police officers are targeted. On 24 April 2017, a team of police officers […]

PAKISTAN: Jails, breeding places and recruiting grounds for hard-core militants

With the collapse of the overall system of governance in Pakistan, the jail system followed suit and collapsed. As the last resort in the system of criminal justice, jails were meant to reform an individual who has gone astray and resorted to crime. Due to pervasive corruption and incompetence the prison system has been reduced […]