Caste-based discrimination

PAKISTAN: Journalists are threatened for reporting the rape case of a six years old Hindu girl

In the case of the rape of the six-year-old Hindu girl, Vijanti Meghwar, a student of class one, the perpetrators have threatened the journalists with death for reporting the follow up of the case. The inhuman and tragic incident took place on December 4, 2012 in Ghulam Nabi Shah village of Umer Kot district, Sindh […]

PAKISTAN: Military demolishes temple, Ahmadi graves desecrated, a six-year-old Hindu girl was raped and a 70 year old Christian missionary shot

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a wave of persecution against the religious minority groups has again started with the connivance of military and local authorities. In the recent days more than 100 graves of Ahamadis were desecrated by excavating the graves and breaking the headstones bearing the names […]

INDIA: Is it not time to question the role of police in crowd control?

Statement | India | 30-11-2012

The Surendranagar firing that killed three Dalit youth on 21 September this year has once again brought to light the concern, that in India, the police do not have adequate training nor the government has necessary resolve to overhaul the police service into one that fits a modern democracy. An affidavit filed by the Gujarat […]

BANGLADESH: Three cases of sexual violence in Chittagong Hill Tracts require credible investigations

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that two young women have been raped and one girl narrowly has avoided an attempted rape due to her neighbours’ assistance in three separate jurisdictions of the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh. The police have allegedly been biased against the non-ethnic settlers instead of […]

INDIA: Police kill three Dalit youth in Thangadh of Surendranagar in Gujarat

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Navsarjan Trust about the extrajudicial killing of three Dalit youth by the Gujarat police in repeated firing over protesting Dalits. The first incident took place on 21 September when police opened fire on a crowd after failing to control a clash between Dalits […]

WORLD: What does World Food Day mean to the malnourished?

Statement | India | 16-10-2012

A malnourished Dalit girl in Aiyer Tolla of Varansi District, Uttar Pradesh state, India. Having to repeat oneself year after year and keeping hope alive against all odds, what can be more melancholic than this? Only the fact that one does it counting the bodies of those who perished because of our failure in keeping […]

INDIA: Betrayed and threatened, but success wrenched out

Statement | India | 06-10-2012

None can find fault with the villagers protesting against corruption in Barwani district of Madhya Pradesh state. A large number of villagers, representing mostly the tribal community, and of the poorest of the poor living in the district, have, for the past two days, gathered at a place named Court Chauraha of the district head […]

INDIA: Betrayed and threatened, but success wrenched out

(Hong Kong & Bhopal – India, October 6, 2012) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is certain that you are all aware of the developments in Barwani where a peaceful march by the indigenous people under the banner of Jagrit Dalit Adivasi Sangthan (JADS) was first stopped and attacked by the thugs allegedly led by the […]

INDIA: 23 tribal children die of malnutrition in Sheopur, Madhya Pradesh

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Sahyog, Support in Development about the death of 23 children belonging to Sahariya community, a scheduled tribe, of malnutrition and diseases caused by it within a short span of time. The AHRC has also learnt that the local administration was made well aware […]

INDIA: Drowned by a dam; disowned by a democracy

Article | India | 11-09-2012

With dejection written large on her face, Leela Bai stood submerged neck deep in water, as she had been for the last 11 days. So were about 50 other people from the east Nimaar region of Madhya Pradesh in India, and 200 others who stood submerged for shorter stints in solidarity with Leela Bai and […]

INDIA: Too little too late

Statement | India | 10-09-2012

After 17 days of daring to stand in neck-deep water, the villagers who are protesting against the unjust compensation package offered for the Onkareshwar Dam in Madhya Pradesh is yet to receive any guaranteed assurances from their government. Yesterday, the Madhya Pradesh State Government has reportedly agreed to reduce the water level in the reservoir, […]

INDIA: History repeats in Omkareshwar protest

(Hong Kong, September 05, 2012) “This is taking the Ghandhian method to the water. To be submerged in water continuously for so many days is more difficult, in fact, than fasting…” Mr. Basil Fernando, Director – Polices and Programmes said referring to the ongoing protest in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh, India by the villagers who lost […]

INDIA: Rights are a mandate, not a concession

Statement | India | 04-09-2012

The ongoing protest by village communities acting against the increase of water level in the Omkareshwar Dam is unique in several aspects. The protest, which has completed 11 days today, is directed against the Madhya Pradesh state government that has failed to adequately rehabilitate those who have lost their land and livelihood to this ‘development’ […]

PAKISTAN: A mentally retarded minor is arrested on the charges of blasphemy; her mother and sister remain missing after their arrest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a minor Christian girl, Miss Ramsha, 11, was arrested on the charges of blasphemy when she burned some copies of newspapers which were collected from the garbage. The Muslim population of the slum area attacked her house and beat her mother and sister […]

INDIA: Challenging fundamentals

Statement | India | 18-08-2012

The Chief Minister of West Bengal is once again in the news. This time the minister is critiqued for her comments on judicial corruption. However, if truth is the best defence, and if such a defence is bona fide, then in public interest none can blame the minister for her ‘expressing opinion.’ In fact, it […]

NEPAL: Attorney General stresses the need to reform police investigation process

Statement | Nepal | 15-08-2012

On 8 August, the Nepali newspaper The Himalayan Times reported from Myagdi district that the incumbent Attorney General of Nepal, Mukti Pradhan had denounced the current police investigation process of Nepal as a strong obstacle to the proper delivery of justice. He is quoted as having said that “Torture-based investigation is still in practice in Nepal”. He […]

PAKISTAN: Forced conversions and religious intolerance forcing Hindus to abandon the country

By Altaf Hussain The mass exodus of minority Hindus from Pakistan particularly from Sindh, has stirred the lethargic and ignorant government authorities who otherwise had kept mum over the security concerns of the Hindu community. Significant number of families of Pakistan’s Hindu community particularly from Sindh, reportedly have started migrating to neighboring country, India, because […]

INDIA: True value of independence

Statement | India | 14-08-2012

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) congratulates India and the people of this great country on the eve of the 65th anniversary of independence. Occasions like this are opportunity for the country and its people to reflect and introspect on the promises they made, both 65 years ago, when celebrating newfound freedom, and subsequently. The […]

INDIA: Reform dishonesty first

Statement | India | 13-08-2012

The government is again planning to change the criminal justice mainframe of the country. Again, the ruse is that of justice to the people and national security. The proposal is open; its true purpose clandestine. If the 2007 report of the Committee on National Policy on Criminal Justice, chaired by Dr. N.R. Madhava Menon, is […]

INDIA: A family denied of their rights faces eviction that may push it to starvation

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (Masum) that the family of a single parent Ms. Sarathi Mondal from district Murshidabad in West Bengal is living under the continuous threat of eviction from the authorities without any rehabilitation. Ms. Mondal, who lost her husband long ago and […]