Child rights

PAKISTAN: Floods 2014- colossal failure of state authorities

by Bushra Khaliq The 2014 floods in Pakistan is the fifth in series of floods since 1973, 1988, 1992 and 2010. This time the late monsoon rains [in the early part of] September unleashed terrific floods in Central Punjab. Swollen rivers, particularly the Chenab breached floodwalls, sweeping away thousands of villages and the Government despite […]

PAKISTAN: In Memory of the desecrated All Saint’s Church, Peshawar

[On 22nd of September, last year] was the day when peaceful Christians of Kohati Gate, Peshawar  assembled for the Sunday prayer service inside the All Saint’s Church in Peshawar where they were cowardly attacked by a terrorist outfit. The attack resulted in nearly about 130 causalities and over 250 injuries. The world noticed the deadliest […]

BANGLADESH: European Parliament adopts resolutions on Bangladesh’s human rights status

TEXTS ADOPTED Provisional edition P8_TA-PROV(2014)0024 Human rights violations in Bangladesh PE536.999 European Parliament resolution of 18 September 2014 on human rights violations in Bangladesh (2014/2834(RSP)) The European Parliament, –    having regard to its previous resolutions on Bangladesh, –    having regard to the EC-Bangladesh Cooperation Agreement of 2001, –    having regard to Articles 33 and 35 […]

PHILIPPINES: Three months ago, a 14 year-old girl was allegedly raped and murdered by two suspects who were not charged

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with deep concern that the police have not filed criminal charges against two men who allegedly raped and killed a girl three months ago. A former member of the legislative council, the prime suspect, was neither arrested nor investigated. His accomplice and a witness identified him […]

PHILIPPINES: Restore land and livelihood rights of families in Laiya

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information from the Defend Job  Philippines about the forced demolition of roughly 277 houses in Sitio Balacabacan, Laiya, Batangas, Philippines. The demolitions were carried out on 3 July 2014. The AHRC has also learnt that the authorities are intimidating the community which is now living in […]

PHILIPPINES: Police burn houses after forcibly evicting community in Las Pinas

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Defend Job Philippines about the forced eviction of a community from Factor Compound in Las Pinas city. The police also fired in the air to intimidate the community. CASE NARRATIVE: On the morning of 19 August 2014, more than 120 members of the […]

PAKISTAN: Internally displaced persons of North Waziristan, reproductive health and Gender

Pakistan like other developing countries that face, dearth of democracy and abundance of abusive authority has never been a homogenous country. There is the Pakistan of masses and there is the Pakistan of classes. For the poor and powerless of this sixth most populous country, human development based on essential core values like self esteem, […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Child worker tortured by employers, police make no arrests

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about Ma Htet Htet, a 14-year-old girl (from Myaung Mya Township, Ayeyawady region, Burma) who is permanently injured and still needs treatment after being discharged from the hospital. As a domestic helper, she endured months of torture at the hands of her employers and […]

SOUTH KOREA: Sewol Families Committee’s Position on the Agreement Between the Rival Parties Regarding the Special Sewol Bill

For more information or media inquiry, please contact People’s Committee for the Sewol Ferry Tragedy (Ms. Gayoon Baek,, +82 (0)2 723 5051). We oppose the agreement between the rival parties that squashed the family’s requests The Sewol Families Committee held a press conference in front of the National Assembly main building today on August […]

INDIA: Maternity Entitlements and Crèche – Two essential commitments for better days

Article | India | 07-08-2014

More than a Policy, Children Need Commitment! On 10th June 2014, Pawan Korku (4 years) and Durgesh Korku (6 years) climbed into an iron drum in their house along with their toys presumably as part of a game they were playing, in their house in Harrai village, District Betul, a tribal dominant district of Madhya […]

SRI LANKA: Don’t Mislead the Public

Lawyers Collective urge Ministry of External Affairs Responding to a statement made by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on 5th August 2014 on the   incident at CSR, the Lawyers’ Collective cautions the public not to be misled by the inaccurate contents of the statement of the MEA. (see the MEA statement at the end […]

INDIA: Tuberculosis and Children in India

The title of this article may rather appear weird. However, the annual report released by the Central Government year-on-year on situation of tuberculosis or TB in India is invariably titled as TB India, (with year as the subscript). The one for the current year is titled as TB India 2014. Situation of TB in India […]

SRI LANKA: Lawyers Condemn criminal violence against peaceful meetings

Urges credible probe into the actions of the mob attack on 4th August Lawyers witnessed an event of a mob disrupting a peaceful meeting to discuss issues of disappeared families, held at Center for Society & Religion, located in the premises of a Catholic Church in Colombo 10, on 4th August 2014. This meeting was […]

PAKISTAN: A Minor’s Arms Chopped Off by Landlord, Police Unresponsive until Media Coverage

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the arms of a 10-year-old child were chopped off by a landlord over a minor issue with his father’s payment of electricity bills. His hands were tied and were put in a harvesting machine. Police did not take action for two days and […]

PAKISTAN: The facts about the military operation in North Waziristan

This must be the first example in human history that a country actually pays their enemy to murder its own soldiers. After much fanfare, followed by congratulatory messages on social media from the liberal sections of Pakistan, the military announced on June 15, 2014, that it had launched the long awaited operation in the North […]

PAKISTAN: A 12 year girl, kidnapped, trafficked, and still missing – police despite evidences have to-date failed to find the girl

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 12 year old girl has been missing for  three years after being abducted and sold , several times, allegedly by persons belonging to a criminal syndicate who are backed with heavy political patronage and with full connivance of the police. It is […]

INDIA: Human rights defenders assaulted by traffickers and the AHTU look on

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information concerning a case of human trafficking and child and bonded labour at a brick kiln, from GURIA, a human rights organisation working in Varanasi, located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The details of the case suggest that state government officers, including the […]

THAILAND: Kampaeng Phet Provincial Court awarded 4,603,233 baht as compensation to Girl Air for torture and cruel treatment inflicted on her by her employers

The Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF) has been providing legal representation to Air, an ethnic Karen girl who has filed a case against her former employers for inflicting on her cruel treatment and enslavement. On 30 June 2014, around 2pm, the Kampaeng Phet Provincial Court read a verdict for the  case filed by Air’s […]

PAKISTAN: Threats to the lives of a minor who was gang raped and her father; a police officer suspended and transferred for taking action against the rapists

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 13 year old girl was brutally gang raped during an entire night, by six infamous criminals who belong to a political party. The station head officer (SHO) has been suspended and thereafter transferred for filing charges of gang rape and assault against the […]

NEPAL: The police state quite likes torture

Statement | Nepal | 26-06-2014

Nepal is a country where torture and ill-treatment are widely practised by state and non-state actors. Torture haunts detention centers, and there is no mechanism for the investigation of allegations of torture in the country. The culture of impunity strengthens its hold in Nepal, despite the armed insurgency having ended, and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement […]