Child rights

SRI LANKA: Almost a Million Children Hungry, and Invisible

Sri Lanka repeatedly tops the ranks in South Asia when it comes to hunger. It in fact has mostly sat with the much better doings middle-income countries in global hunger indexes. Not any more despite the fact that it was found to be the most food-safe country in South Asia in the 2017 Global Hunger […]

AHRC TV: Schools attacked in Pakistan and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 231

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where 14 schools have been attacked by militants. Last Friday and Saturday saw schools in the Diamer district of Gilgit-Baltistan ransacked, torched and destroyed. Most of the schools were for girls. No one was hurt, as the buildings were closed at the time of attack. Nobel Peace Prize […]

AHRC TV: Indian police given death sentence for torture and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 230

This week Just Asia begins with India, where two police officers have been awarded the death penalty for the custodial torture and death of 27-year-old Udaya Kumara in Kerala in 2005. For more than 10 years, Udaya’s mother was steadfast in her pursuit of justice. Udaya’s case is a reminder not only of police brutality […]

BANGLADESH: Teenagers teach discipline while authorities use torture and intimidation

The death of two college students under the wheels of a reckless bus has triggered massive protests in Bangladesh since July 29. The protests have spread across Dhaka and to other cities of the country. Two teenagers, Abdul Karim Rajib and Diya Khanam Mim, were run over by a bus while waiting for public transport […]

INDIA: Delhi hunger deaths sad indicator of increasing starvation across the country

Statement | India | 30-07-2018

The deaths of three girls aged eight, four and two from prolonged starvation hascaused much shock and uproar throughout India. This is largely because the deaths took place in New Delhi, the national capital, as well as because the autopsy report found that the children had not eaten anything for eight days straight. The girls had not eaten […]

INDIA: 72,000 children died due to lack of doctors in just one state

Statement | India | 18-07-2018

While replying to a question in state assembly, the government of Madhya Pradesh, a state in central India, recently admitted to the death of 72,000 children in the Special Newborn Care Units (SNCUs) of government hospitals in the state. The data from the National Health Mission further revealed that these deaths took place between 2009 and 2017. […]

AHRC TV: Death penalty for sexual assault of children in India and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 220

This week Just Asia begins with India, where the government has cleared an ordinance introducing the death penalty for those committing sexual assault of children younger than 12 years. The ordinance has come under fire as such a serious change in the law has been attempted without proper debate and consultation in parliament. Furthermore, the […]

INDIA: Lack of proper investigation and protection in gangrape case of a minor girl in Manipur

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Youth’s Forum for Protection of Human Rights (YFPHR) in Manipur, regarding the gangrape of a minor girl in Thanga.  CASE NARRATIVE: On 13 February 2018, at around 4:30 p.m., a 14-year old girl Tina, (name changed), was invited to meet her friend […]

AHRC TV: Eight-year-old girl raped in Kashmir and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 217

This week Just Asia begins with India, where an 8-year-old girl from Kashmir was gang-raped and murdered. Her family reported her missing in January this year, and only a week later was her body found. According to the charge sheet filed in April, the girl from the Bakarwal Muslim community was gang-raped and murdered by […]

INDONESIA: Security forces unlawfully arrest 44 university students in Jayapura

A Press Release from the International Coalition for Papua forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) On 4 April 2018, members of the local Police, Intelligence (BIN), police special unit ‘BRIMOB’ and the military district comand ‘Kodim 1701 Jayapura’ searched several houses in the residential area ‘Perumnas III Waena’, located in the HeramDistrict of Jayapura. The houses […]

INDONESIA: A young man wrongfully shot with live bullets in Luwuk Banggai Central Sulawesi

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information of the wrongful shooting of a young man, Aldi Prasetya, carried out by Police Officers of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police Station (Polda Sulawesi Tengah) and Luwuk Police Station (Polres Luwuk). Aldi was shot in the forehead while he and his friends were watching […]

WORLD: Draft Asian Declaration on right to justice – right to an effective remedy for violations of human rights in terms of Article 2 of the ICCPR

Paper | World | 05-03-2018

A supplement to the Asian Human Rights Charter launched in Gwangju, South Korea on 17 May, 1998 This declaration is to be launched on the 20th anniversary of launching of the Asian Human Rights Charter (A People’s Charter) The Asian Human Rights Commission (Hong Kong) and the May 18 Memorial Foundation(Gwangju, South Korea) are presenting herewith the […]

AHRC TV: Child murderer given four death sentences in Pakistan and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 209

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, where 24-year-old Imran Ali has been given four death sentences for raping and murdering a six-year old girl last month. Zainab Ansari’s body was found in a rubbish dump in the city of Kasur on January 9, five days after she went missing. Ali has been linked by police to […]

NEPAL: Reckless Police Officer Causes a Minor to Lose Her Eyesight

Dear Friends, The Terai Human Rights Defenders Alliance (THRDA) has informed the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) about the following teenager. She is Muni Paswan Das, the 15-year-old daughter of Bhusan Paswan Das. Her father is a Priest at the Bhutan Devi Mai Temple in Ward 16 of Nagawa Birgunj Metropolitan City. The young girl […]

INDONESIA: Papua faces health emergency

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned about the health crisis facing Asmat regency in Papua, Indonesia. So far, 68 children have died from measles and serious malnutrition in Asmat. As reported by national media, the measles and malnutrition epidemic has affected 11 districts of Asmat regency: Swator, Aswi, Akat, Fayit, Pulau Tiga, Kolf […]

AHRC TV: Pakistani women speak out after brutal child abuse and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 204

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, which has been engulfed by a wave of agitation after the rape and brutal murder of seven-year-old Zainab Ansari in Punjab Province. Zainab’s body was found dumped on a rubbish heap days after she was abducted. Zainab was the 12th victim of child abuse and murder in the […]

AHRC TV: Abusive remarks hurled at Hong Kong judge and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 203

This week Just Asia begins with Hong Kong, where abusive and racist remarks were hurled last week at Principal Magistrate Bina Chainrai after she sentenced police officer Frankly Chu to three months in prison. In response, human rights lawyer Philip Dykes, legal scholar Johannes Chan and four other barristers made a statement saying such “racial […]

PAKISTAN: Has the country abandoned its children?

Seven-year-old Zainab from Punjab Province’s Kasur District could not have foreseen her life cut short, but the Punjab Government and law enforcement were aware of the statistics; 11 children abused every day. During the past 12 months, 12 girls between the ages of five and eight have been killed in the area where Zainab’s dead […]

PAKISTAN: Six year old Christian girl shot dead after father failed to pay interest on a loan

A Statement from British Pakistani Christian Association forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Some 8 months ago, a Christian father named Waris Masih (36 yrs.), who resides in the city of Faisalabad, borrowed 40,000 rupees from a Muslim money lender named, Ajmal alias Mithu Cheema. Mr. Masih needed the loan to pay for repairs […]

PAKISTAN: Statement on the occasion of International Day for human rights

Pakistan is a signatory to several international human rights conventions. The country has in its constitution a good set of fundamental rights. Yet, the human rights situation in Pakistan is deteriorating. All human rights are violated in Pakistan with impunity. Rights of women and children; access to justice; labour rights; rights to: housing, life and fair trial, education, […]