Child rights

ประเทศไทย: การดำเนินคดีกับนักวิจัยของ Finnwatch เป็นการโจมตีนักปกป้องสิทธิมนุษยชน และเสรีภาพในการแสดงความเห็น

แถลงการณ์ของ Finnwatch 1 เมษายน 2556 การดำเนินคดีกับนักวิจัยของ Finnwatch เป็นการโจมตีนักปกป้องสิทธิมนุษยชน และเสรีภาพในการแสดงความเห็น ทางการไทยจะต้องดำเนินการสืบสวนการปฏิบัติงานของบริษัท เนเชอรัล ฟรุต และ บริษัท แนท กรุ๊ป (NatGroup) ซึ่งเป็นบริษัทแม่ และจะต้องมีการพิจารณาถึงประเด็นด้านสิทธิมนุษยชนในการเจรจาข้อตกลงการค้าเสรีระหว่างประเทศไทยกับสหภาพยุโรปด้วย บริษัท เนเชอรัล ฟรุต (Natural Fruit) ผู้ผลิตสับปะรดกระป๋องและน้ำผลไม้เข้มข้น ได้ยื่นฟ้องต่อนายอานดี้ ฮอลล์ ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านการย้ายถิ่นซึ่งเมื่อเร็วๆ นี้ได้ประสานงานการวิจัยภาคสนามของ Finnwatch ในประเทศไทย สองข้อหา หากศาลตัดสินว่ามีความผิด อานดี้อาจจะต้องรับโทษจำคุกนานถึงเจ็ดปี  บริษัทเนเชอรัล ฟรุต ยังเรียกร้องค่าเสียหาย 300 ล้านบาทในคดีแพ่งอีกด้วย ข้อกล่าวหาที่บริษัทฟ้องร้องนั้นเกี่ยวกับงานวิจัยของ Finnwatch ที่อานดี้เป็นผู้วิจัยในเดือนตุลาคม-พฤศจิกายน 2555 และเกี่ยวกับการสื่อสารผลของการวิจัยต่อสาธารณะ ข้อค้นพบที่น่าตระหนกที่สุดของงานวิจัยมาจากการสัมภาษณ์ลูกจ้างของบริษัทเนเชอรัล ฟรุต  คนงานของบริษัทซึ่งบางคนเป็นแรงงานข้ามชาติที่ไม่มีเอกสารเข้าเมืองตามกฎหมาย ได้เล่าถึงสภาพการทำงานที่ไม่ดี ค่าแรงต่ำกว่าที่กฎหมายกำหนด การยึดเอกสารทางการของคนงานไว้ การใช้แรงงานเด็ก และการให้คนงานทำงานล่วงเวลาเกินไปอย่างมาก  มีการบันทึกการสัมภาษณ์ไว้เป็นเอกสารและสามารถตรวจสอบได้ Finnwatch ได้นำเสนอข้อค้นพบของการวิจัยต่อกระทรวงต่างๆ […]

THAILAND: Legal actions against Finnwatch researcher are an attack against human rights defenders and freedom of expression

FINNWATCH STATEMENT 1st of April 2013 Legal actions against Finnwatch researcher are an attack against human rights defenders and freedom of expression. Thailand’s authorities must immediately launch an investigation into the operations of Natural Fruit and its parent company NatGroup. Human rights issues must be tackled also in the ongoing free trade agreement negotiations between […]

BANGLADESH: Intervene immediately to save the life of detained journalist Mr. Mahmudur Rahman

Today, 11 April 2013, the authorities in Bangladesh have arrested the Interim Editor of a prominent Bangladeshi daily, Daily Amardesh, Mr. Mahmudur Rahman. Officers raided Rahman’s office at about 8:30 am and taken away by the Detective Branch of Bangladesh Police. Rahman’s arrest is an attempt to stifle dissenting voice. Rahman is in a serious […]

PAKISTAN: The street children have the right to survival and protection from abuse and exploitation

Amir Murtaza The International Day for Street Children is celebrated every year on 12th April. The Street Children Day was launched in 2011 by the Consortium for Street Children (CSC) to create a broader awareness about the issue of street children all around the world. The Consortium for Street Children (CSC) is the leading international […]

BURMA: Lawyers’ report on Letpadaung released in English

(Hong Kong, April 10, 2013) A Burma-based lawyers group has released its findings on the Letpadaung land struggle in English. The 39-page illustrated report was submitted by the Lawyers Network (Myanmar) and the Justice Trust in February to the government’s investigation commission into events at Letpadaung, recounts the land struggle and subsequent crackdown on protestors. […]

SRI LANKA: Ayio Neethipathi… Aiyo Neethipathi…

Wednesday, 03 April 2013 02:34 The Attorney General is reported to be collecting statistics on incidents of rape and child abuse. Though this has come a little too late it is commendable. We are sad to note that Sri Lanka does not maintain proper records of such ruthless crimes. According to media reports the inquiry […]

BURMA: Charges brought against child assault, rape victim by officials protecting perpetrators

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that police and other officials in Burma are continuously harassing a teenage girl who has lodged complaints against a former employer for rape, assault and trafficking. As feared, the alleged perpetrators seemingly have used their money and influence to have charges brought against […]

INDIA: A girl murdered in Manipur, allegedly by two minors acting upon instructions from a man

Dear friends: The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding the murder and probable rape of a 16-year-old girl in Imphal West District, Manipur State. On the 5 March 2013, local fishermen found the body of pregnant girl, deceased, Ms. C1 (name withheld), floating in Haorang cannel. Although a confessor has emerged and taken […]

THAILAND: Children’s legal and immigration status under threat from draft ministerial regulation

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received deeply concerning information from Stateless Watch for Research and Development Institute of Thailand (SWIT) regarding a recent draft ministerial regulation proposed by the Ministry of Interior. If it enters into law, the draft Ministerial Regulation Specifying the Status and Conditions of Residing in the Kingdom of Thailand […]

PAKISTAN: The thirst for honour cannot be quenched unless blood is spilt

Although there is a law in Pakistan against honour killings known as the ‘Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2004’ these inhuman acts of revenge against innocent people continue to increase. The fact that the law has been amended to include honour killings shows the very real need for this inclusion, however, amending the law alone is […]

PHILIPPINES: Police and soldiers violently assault student protestors while they were sleeping to disperse them

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is requesting your intervention to demand that an investigation be conducted into allegations of the violent dispersal of protesting students. The students, who were opposing the appointment of the new head of a State university due to allegation of corruption, were attacked by joint forces of the […]

INDIA: मध्य प्रदेश सरकार की महिला नीति: बाढ़ की संभावनाओं पर घर बनाने का जतन

Article | India | 11-03-2013

बाढ़ की संभावनायें सामने हैं, और नदियों के किनारे घर बने हैं। मशहूर शायर दुष्यंत कुमार का यह शेअर प्रदेश में घनघोर जल्दबाजी में की जा रही एक कसरत पर मौजूं है | देश में पहली बार महिला नीति बनाने का तमगा हासिल करने वाले और विगत एक साल से बगैर महिला नीति के सांसे […]

PAKISTAN: A human rights organization was banned due to the pressure of fanatical Muslim groups in Gilgit-Baltistan

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a human rights organization, working on women and children’s issues was banned by the government of Gilgit-Baltistan, in the Northern area of Pakistan, due to the pressure of Muslim extremist groups. The government through a notification asked the AGHE to immediately close down […]

SRI LANKA: The mother’s appeal for saving the life of Sudeshkar facing the death sentence in Qatar

Mangala Samy Pungonda, the mother of Wengadasalam Sudeshkar yesterday, February 19, appealed for the final sum of Rs. 600,000/= (approximately US$ 5,000) for the saving of her son’s life from execution in Doha, Qatar. She thanked those who have already contributed to the raising of the sum of Rs. 3.5 Million and said that about […]

SRI LANKA: The mother’s appeal for saving the life of Sudeshkar facing the death sentence in Qatar

Mangala Samy Pungonda, the mother of Wengadasalam Sudeshkar yesterday, February 19, appealed for the final sum of Rs. 600,000/= (approximately US$ 5,000) for the saving of her son’s life from execution in Doha, Qatar. She thanked those who have already contributed to the raising of the sum of Rs. 3.5 Million and said that about […]

PAKISTAN: A father sells two minor daughters for a second marriage and the police side with the perpetrator

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a father sold his two young daughters so that he could marry a second wife. The police of two different stations are after the first wife, who is hiding with her children, in order to arrest her and hand over the two minors […]

PAKISTAN: Persecution of Ahmadis during the month of January 2013

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from Nazarat Umoor Ama. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A joint swoop on an Ahmadi printing press in Lahore by a team of mullas and the police: The Punjab Police raided a printing press Black Arrows, owned […]

WORLD: Reissue of the appeal for financial aid to save the life of Wengadasalam Sudeshkar facing the death sentence in Qatar

Statement | World | 06-02-2013

The Asian Human Rights Commission has received many responses from concerned persons in several countries regarding the appeal we made on behalf of Mr. Wengadasalam Sudeshkar. Several persons have indicated to us that they are contacting friends and well-wishers to assist in the saving of this young man’s life. The Asian Human Rights Commission has […]

INDONESIA: Punishment handed down to police officers who tortured minors to death in Padang does not reflect the gravity of the crime

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information regarding the judgement of the Muaro Sijunjung District Court which was delivered on 29 January 2013 on a torture case of two minors by four police officers. The two minors were found hanging dead in the bathroom of Sijunjung Sub-District Police Station in […]

SRI LANKA: The beheading of Rizana Nafeek is symbolic of the powerless citizenry – all Sri Lankans are in chains

Share| The 65th Anniversary of the independence of Sri Lanka occurs today and all that we are reminded of is the loss of the liberties of the people of the country. Perhaps the heroine to be remembered at this time is Rizana Nafeek who was 17-years-old when she left Sri Lanka to find employment in […]