Child rights

INDONESIA: Police fails to finish investigation into a boy’s death due to wrong medicine prescription

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you regarding the failure by police in West Pasaman Resort Police to carry out an investigation into the death of a two-year-old boy who died from incorrectly prescribed medicine. Despite existing legal requirements that they could demand the post mortem report to carry on […]

SRI LANKA: A student hospitalised after assault and denied of education by principal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a boy was brutally beaten by his principal and hospitalised on 3 August 2007. No action has been taken by the police and the principal has instructed the parents to remove him from the school. It has also been alleged that the principal, […]

INDIA: Three minors killed in an accident and no attempts made to arrest the responsible persons

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you of a report from MASUM, a local human rights organization based in West Bengal, of the deaths of three minors. The minors were working in an illegal factory manufacturing fireworks. The local police was aware about the functioning of the illegal factory but […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Police’s inaction to investigate the alleged abduction of a rape victim

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) deeply regrets to inform you that a rape victim was allegedly abducted by the perpetrator the rape which took place two years ago. Following her abduction on 15 August 2007, her parents reported the incident to the police in Galagedara and Anuradapura but, to-date, no measures what-so-ever […]

INDIA: Forced eviction in West Bengal by the local police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM, a local human rights organisation based in West Bengal, India regarding the illegal destruction of nearly 100 houses at the Rajabazar Canal – Canal East Road area by the local police stationed at the Narkeldanga Police Station in Kolkata. It is alleged […]

NEPAL: Police inaction into rape of a 15-year-old girl by a civilian and a soldier denounced

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concerned by allegations of the rape of a 15-year-old girl by a member of the Nepal Army, Ram Narayan Bhattari, and a civilian, Yadav Thapamagar, at around noon on July 19, 2007. The incident took place in the jungle near the Bheri Bridge at Latikoili […]

SRI LANKA: Principal severely assaults 15-year-old student resulting in hospitalisation

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the brutal physical assault of a boy by his principal on 7 June 2007. The boy was hospitalised for six days for the injuries he suffered. The police have investigated the case against the principal, however in the meantime, he is still acting […]

SRI LANKA: Victimization of an 8-year-old boy by the Principal and staff of the Halkanda School in Payagala

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding alleged harassment and victimization of an 8-year-old boy by the Principal and teachers of his school after he complained about the severe beating he received at the hands of an older student – who is also a son of a school teacher. Subsequently […]

SRI LANKA: Deprivation of right to education for a 15 year-old boy

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 15-year-old boy was denied to attend school since 3 July 2007 after it was alleged that he had had a love relationship with a female student, which allegation he denied. However his education has been denied until now and no authority pays […]

UPDATE(Sri Lanka): Family of 15-year-old victim of physical violence pressured by Police to withdraw complaint against alleged perpetrator

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the family of a 15-year-old girl, who was struck 20 times on 18 June 2007 by a male school teacher in the Kegalle district, is now being severely pressured by the Kegalle Police to withdraw their complaint against the alleged perpetrator. The […]

SRI LANKA: No investigation into alleged sexual abuse of a five-year-old girl

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you regarding the continued inaction of the police into the alleged sexual abuse of a five-year-old girl by her father. The girl’s grandmother filed a complaint at the Panwila police station in Kandy on 18 June 2007, but they have done nothing to investigate […]

BANGLADESH: Alleged abuse of a child maid by the RAB officer in Dhaka

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a reliable source regarding the alleged abuse of a child maid by the officer of the Rapid Action Battalion-1 in Dhaka and his wife on around 24 May 2007. The victim was brutally assaulted by the couple and as a result, her one […]

UPDATE(Sri Lanka): 14-year-old girl traumatized by her class teacher continues to be deprived of her education

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that 14-year-old W. K. Sajini Vasana Perera who was insulted both physically and mentally by her class teacher and was subsequently, driven to jump from the 3rd floor of the building, continues to be deprived of her education more than 8 months after the […]

PAKISTAN: Torture and inhuman treatments to eight detainees falsely charged by the police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you about the torture and inhuman treatment of eight persons by the police in Khaipure Mirs District, Sindh.  The police tied the detainees with ropes and chains around their necks. The detainees were also forced to bark like dogs and bite each other like […]

SRI LANKA: Brutal assault of a 15-year-old girl by a male school teacher

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an alleged brutal assault on a young female student by a male school teacher in the Kegalle district on 18 June 2007. It is reported that the teacher used a cane to assault the girl about 20 times, on her hands and legs […]

SRI LANKA: Denial of right to education to 15-year-old rape victim

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the denial of the right to education to a 15-year-old rape victim in Ahangama, Galle District, Galle Division, Southern Range, Sri Lanka. From 15 May 2007, the school principal has refused to allow the victim to resume schooling following the rape incident on […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Court releases the alleged perpetrator of brutal assault of his student without sufficient investigation

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a male teacher Prasad Janaka of the Saralankara School in Galle, who was accused in the Magistrate’s Court Case No 59302 of assaulting and causing hurt to 16-year-old P.W. Pushpakumara on 3 March 2005 was released by the Magistrate last month. This was […]

SRI LANKA: Another alleged assault of a 14-year-old student by the principal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding an alleged assault on a young student by a principal in Galle district, Sri Lanka on 4 April 2007. It is reported that without being given any reason by principal, the student was inhumanely assaulted following which he then had to be hospitalized […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): No suspension against teacher charged with assault case

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the teacher who was charged with assaulting a student has yet to be suspended from his post. In addition, the teacher has allegedly attempted to pressurize the student victim and his family. The AHRC reported the original incident; please refer UA-414-2006 for background information. […]

SRI LANKA: Alleged brutal assault of a 15 year-old student by his teacher

Dear friends, Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the alleged brutal assault of a 15 year-old student by his teacher at the school on 15 March 2007. The victim was severely beaten, sustained injuries and was hospitalised for three days after the incident. It has been reported that the school principle and […]