
SRI LANKA: Solution to increasing crime is effective policing, not re-imposition of the death sentence

The media has reported a speech made by the new Minister of Justice Wijedasa Rajapaksa wherein the Minister has stated that everything will be done to curb the increase in crime including, if necessary, the re-imposition of the death sentence. While welcoming the Minister’s announcement that all measures will be taken to curb crime, the […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 61

This week’s episode of Weekly Roundup brings you stories from across Asia The episode begins in Sri Lanka where the former Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake is being reinstated and the recent de facto Chief Justice Mohan Peiris has been ousted; a victory for the return to rule of law. AHRC TV then turns to Bangladesh where the […]

INDIA: No one killed 22 Dalits- Jehanabad Court

Statement | India | 15-01-2015

Citing lack of evidence against those accused of killing 22 Dalits in Shankar Bigha of Jehanabad, the district civil court acquitted all of the suspects. Coming a full 15 years after the massacre on the eve of 26 January 1999 – ironically the Republic Day – the verdict is not a standalone case of justice […]

PAKISTAN: “Terrorism and militancy cannot be thwarted by military courts” – Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid

This is a second interview in a series of interviews by the AHRC which seeks views and  comments from jurists on the amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan to establish military courts. Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid, former judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan criticized the establishment of the military courts in order to curb […]

INDONESIA: West Papua 2014 Year in Review

A Statement from the Australia West Papua Association (Sydney) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission This report details incidents of human rights abuses and events that occurred in West Papua during 2014. It is by no means exhaustive. In the report AWPA uses the name “West Papua” to refer to the whole of the […]

SRI LANKA: AHRC writes to the new Minister of Finance to make funds available for police reforms and genuinely effective corruption control

The Asian Human Rights Commission wrote to the newly appointed Minister for Finance Ravi Karunanayake, congratulating him on his appointment, and stating that the establishment of good governance as promised by the new government requires budgetary allocations for law enforcement, and the prevention of corruption. The AHRC stated in the letter that “… As the […]

INDONESIA: Exploitation of mineral resources in Papua

A Statement from the Executive Director of the LP3BH forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission   In the middle of the 1930s, a group of experts, Dr Jean Jaques Dozy, Dr A.H. Colijn and Ir F. Wissel who were employees of the Dutch company called NNGPM, went on an expedition to climb  the Cartensz […]

BURMA/MYANMAR: Police under army command shot a farmer to death during a peaceful protest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission is shocked to hear that police shot a 57-year-old woman farmer to death during a peaceful protest over fencing on land taken from the farmers for a mining project. She was looking after her confiscated land on the day she was killed and she hadn’t accept-ed compensation for […]

PAKISTAN: A Lawless State

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Human Rights Day 2014 Speaking about the rule of law in Pakistan is fatuous. This is a state where “might is right” and anarchy, in its worst connotations, rule supreme. Corruption, nepotism, red tape, and a dishonest bureaucracy pollute the “land of the pure”. In terms […]

PHILIPPINES: Unbroken impunity ten years on

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Human Rights Day 2014 On Human Rights Day 2014, the Asian Human Rights Commission notes the persistent pattern of state perpetrated attacks, notably against human rights and political activists, which has continued for over a decade in the Philippines. It was in early 2000s that the […]

BANGLADESH: Rights Disappeared

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Human Rights Day 2014 Fundamental human rights are not guaranteed in Bangladesh in the daily life of its people. The rights of freedom of expression and opinion are infringed. The freedom of press is severely curtailed. People are being imprisoned for expressing their opinion about powerful […]

ASIA: AHRC grieves the death of the “people’s judge”

Statement | Asia | 05-12-2014

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) joins millions of Asians and others across the globe to mourn the sad demise of Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer. Aged 100, Justice Krishna Iyer passed away today at a hospital in Kerala, India. He was a member of AHRC’s advisory group and was an active participant in AHRC’s […]

INDIA: Sterilising women to death

Article | India | 14-11-2014

by Avinash Pandey A doctor conducted sterilization surgeries on 83 women in 5 hours in an abandoned hospital with no infrastructure. The women were made to lay on floor for the surgery and there are allegations that the medicines came from a small, one room factory that is owned by close affiliates of the party […]

ASIA: Precedence of an icon of human rights – An interview with Basil Fernando

Article | Asia | 09-11-2014

The following interview was originally published in the latest issue ( Volume 3 Number 4 & 5)  of Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives ON 25th September 2014, Basil Fernando and the Asian Human Rights Commission was bestowed with the coveted Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the “Alternate Nobel Prize,” for “his tireless and outstanding […]

INDIA: Apathy to criminal justice reforms will only perpetuate torture

Statement | India | 07-11-2014

“Matters can go to such a head that the SHO (station house officer) would have to bring him (the detainee) chapattis and chicken curry to satisfy him.” Indeed, this is not an obiter dictum by Justice T. S. Thakur. This comment that the Supreme Court judge has made while hearing a case concerning the installation […]

INDIA: “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” and the filth of democracy

Article | India | 31-10-2014

by Avinash Pandey Photo Courtesy M. Srinath, The Hindu No, the man pictured here has not entered the gutter as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s much hyped Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or “clean India campaign”. Unlike the ad rush that shows posing with the broom, he could not have entered the gutter to preach the […]

ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 51

This week’s episode of Weekly Roundup covers the issue of disappearance. The episode begins with a recent development in Sri Lanka where posters are appearing that criticize the annual commemoration of victims of disappearance and the event’s organizers Photo: Roshan Chathuranga Next, Samia Islam of Odhikar describes how disappearances in Bangladesh differ from those many […]

BANGLADESH: IBA Human Rights Award for Adilur Rahman Khan

(Hong Kong, October 24, 2014) The Asian Human Rights Commission announces that the International Bar Association has awarded Adilur Rahman Khan with IBA Human Rights Award 2014. The AHRC congratulates its partner, Adilur Rahman Khan, for one more Award for his struggles against state-sponsored persecutions in Bangladesh. The awards that Adilur has been receiving one […]

SRI LANKA: The Constitution as a cause for the violence and bloodshed

by Basil Fernando As the possibility of an election has become a “hot topic” of the day, with it has emerged the problem of the 1978 Constitution and the system of the Executive Presidency, as a sharp point of contest and debate in Sri Lanka. In the midst of this unfolding scenario, President Rajapaksa, in […]

SRI LANKA: Basil Fernando’s “A Confession of a Lawyer” (Book review)

by Laksiri Fernando “Autobiography is about change; it narrates a series of transformations. This is an expectation we bring to any autobiographical text.”  –  Carolyn Barros When I picked Basil Fernando’s Nitignayekuge Papochcharanaya hewath Mage Kathawa(A Confession of a Lawyer or My Story), admirably written in excellent Sinhala, I got what I reasonably expected. It […]