
PAKISTAN: WAR condemns the kidnapping, rape and burning a minor to death

War Against Rape (WAR), Karachi, expresses its profound sorrow and grief over the alleged abduction, rape and burning of a five-year old girl to death in Bheempura, and similarly 22 year old trainee nurse in Surjani Town, Karachi. WAR also appreciates the prompt notice taken by Mr. Ishrat Ul Ibad, Governor Sindh in the case […]

INDIA: Open letter to all political parties to take up the issue of repeal of AFSPA

To, Representatives of all political parties of India The World’s largest democracy has plunged into the election season as the 16thLokh Sabha elections are approaching. The environment is tense. While you all are busy organizing rallies, giving speeches, proving yourself better and different from others, the media and the public are busy in speculations and […]

INDONESIA: A good police chief does not tolerate torture

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Bambang Sri Herwanto, the newly inaugurated Chief of the West Sumatra Regional Police Mr. Bambang Sri Herwanto Chief of West Sumatra Regional Police Jl. Sudirman No. 55, Padang, West Sumatra INDONESIA Tel: +62 751 33416 Fax: +62 751 33416 Dear Mr. Herwanto, The Asian Human […]

NEPAL: Stateless citizens within, time for Nepal to reform decaying institutions

Statement | Nepal | 17-03-2014

Nepal has been in transition since 2006. Following the failure of the first Constituent Assembly to promulgate a new constitution, the country has been in a state of limbo and to make matters worse, there is no clear indication of when this transition will come to an end. The indefinite hunger strike of Dr. Govinda […]

INDIA: Relief awarded only after long battle by acid attack victim

On January 17, 2014, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) issued an urgent appeal (AHRC-UAC-005-2014, for immediate intervention and financial assistance to a survivor of acid attack in the Indian state of Assam as per the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court of India in 2013. Women in Governance (WinG-Assam), a network of women […]

INDIA: Law is no exception to god-men or god-women

Statement | India | 26-02-2014

In India, another controversy has erupted concerning yet another spiritual guru. The exception however is, this time, it is a god-woman from the southern state of Kerala. Otherwise, the script is an oft-repeated one. The emergence of a person claiming spiritual and god given powers from a remote hamlet in the country to national and […]

INDIA: Most police officers are unfit to serve is now an official position

Statement | India | 24-02-2014

The report by the Director General of Police (DGP), Mr. K. S. Balasubramanian, in the southern state of Kerala to the government, that most of the police officers of the rank of Sub-Inspector of Police are corrupt, inept to discharge their duties and are clinically lazy, speaks volumes about the capacity of the state’s police […]

INDIA: Battle for Budget: Interim Union Budget Denied proportionate allocation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Battle for Budget: Interim Union Budget Denied Proportionate allocation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes National Confederation of Dalit Organization (NACDOR) is grieved to learn that Union Government failed to population proportionate allocation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the interim budget. The political parties are preparing for the General Election 2014 and […]

WORLD: Cricket needs comprehensive governance reforms not a concentration of power

27 January 2014 – Transparency International (TI) chapters from nine cricket-playing countries, including Australia, India and United Kingdom, express serious concern at proposed reform of the International Cricket Council (ICC) and call on the ICC to publish a formal response to the Woolf Report and meanwhile halt any other significant governance reforms. A joint statement […]

CHINA: For Freedom, Justice and Love – My Closing Statement to the Court

For Freedom, Justice and Love – My Closing Statement to the Court Xu Zhiyong, 22 January 2014 This is Xu Zhiyong’s closing statement on January 22, 2014, at the end of his trial. According to his lawyer, he had only been able to read “about 10 minutes of it before the presiding judge stopped him, […]

ASIA: AHRC TV – Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup, Episode 15

The AHRC releases today the 15th Episode, of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundupwith special reports from Cambodia. In this week’s programme we bring you the following stories from across Asia; In Cambodia four persons were killed and many others wounded after police opened fire at protestors demanding an increase of the minimum wage. The AHRC […]

SRI LANKA: Sovereignty – Is it a Defence to cover up[1]?

Introduction The term sovereignty is frequently confronted with hostile claims. Human Right and Anti Corruption Movements are often challenged by various groups with different notions and ideologies on sovereignty.  The purpose of this brief article is to examine some of  the legal issues with reference to the concept of sovereignty in a global political context, […]

NEPAL: The government should address demands put forth by Dr. Govinda KC and save his life

Statement | Nepal | 20-01-2014

Dr. Govinda KC has been on an indefinite hunger strike at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital for 10 consecutive days after putting forth seven demands including the resignation of Dr. Sharma and reinstatement of Dr. Prakash Sayami. The latter resigned claiming that he could not work due to political interference and another of Dr. Govinda’s […]

SOUTH KOREA: Legal actions against workers of Korean overseas factories must stop

The Military Special Command Unit 911 in Cambodia firing live ammunition at garment factory workers asking for the increase of the minimum wage has been internationally condemned. The firing led to the deaths of four persons and injuries to at least 39 more. Nonetheless, on a subsequent day, the military arrested 23 people, including human […]

INDIA: Paramilitary Still Squats in Chhattisgarh Schools

Statement | India | 11-01-2014

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from CGNet Swara, an organization promoting community journalism in India, regarding the continuing occupation and use of educational institutions in Chhattisgarh by the Indian paramilitary. AHRC has learnt that two companies of the Border Security Force (BSF), deployed at remote Kodapakha village of Kanker district, about […]

AHRC TV – Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup, Episode 12

The Asian Human Rights Commission is pleased to announce the release of the 12th episode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. We start this episode with a special AHRC report on the sham Bangladesh national elections which were boycotted by the main opposition party. The elections were marred by violence and the lack of legitimacy […]

ASIA: Poet in search of justice

Wednesday, January 8, 2014 (All day) The true or genuine creative writer of the calibre of a sensitive poet writes not for the entire public but for a self expression of some of his intimate feelings and experiences for one’s sake. Perhaps he or she writes for a particular reason, for a vanishing few admirers. […]

SRI LANKA: Disasters hit 1.6 mn people, but Met equipment remains outdated – UNP

Billions of rupees had been wasted on government propaganda exercises but the Meteorological Department was not properly equipped and the Disaster Management Website, too, remained outdated due to lack of funds, an Opposition legislator charged yesterday. Eran Wickremeratne MP told The Island it was shocking that despite a total of over 1.6 million people being […]

ASIA: AHRC TV – Human rights Asia Weekly Roundup, EPISODE 10

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you that we have released the 10thEpisode of the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup today, December 18, 2013. In this week’s news roundup we begin by taking you to Burma, also known as Myanmar, for a special report taking a look at the progress made three years after the […]

SRI LANKA: Catholic Bishops on independence of judiciary and independent Commissions

Following is an extract from the Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka, entitled ‘Towards Reconciliation and Rebuilding of the Nation’. In this exercise the independence of the Judiciary should be preserved and defended at all cost. The Judiciary which has the sacred role of interpreting and applying the meaning of a […]