
PHILIPPINES: Killing the ideals of dissent & free speech – two more killed, one wounded in attacks

Human Rights Report for 2013: ‘License’ to torture, kill and to silence the oppressed On December 9, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has expressed its deep concern over the renewed targeted attacks of journalists and activists. In the space of one week, five journalists and activists, known critics against corruption, wrong doings of local politicians, […]

SOUTH KOREA: Sad day to mark international human rights day for the villagers of Miryang, Gangjeong and the workers

The situation in Miryang seems to have been deteriorating, which has shown by the phenomenon of violence in the area, including threats and harassment followed by arrest and detention against villagers who have protested against the construction of a 765 Kv power transmission tower. After two statements issued in this regard(vicarious administrative execution and discrimination, it was […]

BANGLADESH: Human Dignity Denied

The full report is available for download at: Human Rights Day is being observed in Bangladesh, amidst extreme forms of humiliation and denial of human dignity. Lives, livelihoods, and liberties are not only being undermined but being literally denied in the political quest of a few. The two major political camps of Bangladesh are in […]

ASIA: Civil society needs to converge to protect rights

Commemorating the 64th Anniversary of Human Rights Day, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has released a comprehensive report, State of Human Rights in Asia 2013, covering Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Hunger in Asia. The report can be accessed here. The global theme for this year is 20 Years: Working for your rights. […]

INDIA: Challenge the Draconian Black Laws in Meghalaya

PRESS RELEASE, December 10, 2013 Thma-U-Rangli-Juki (TUR), a progressive people’s organisation, will hold a street corner meeting on the draconian Meghalaya Preventive Detention Act (MPDA), 1995 and Meghalaya Maintenance of Public Order Act (MMPO) to observe International Human Rights Day on 10th December at Khyndai Lad, Shillong at 2 p.m. This will kick off the […]

PHILIPPINES: The killings of five journalists and activists in a week is evidence of a ‘license to kill’

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned over the renewed targeted attacks against journalists, human rights and political activists and indigenous people, in the Philippines. The victims, journalists, who are known critical of corruption and in local politics; rights activists and indigenous people, who are engaged in advocacy against extrajudicial killings and for […]

SRI LANKA: Indebtedness, militarization, & the threat against all human rights

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Human Rights Day Sinhalese The full report is available for download at: International human rights day is a day for the celebration of human dignity. It is an appropriate date to take stock of what progress, if any, has been made in the promotion and protection […]

ශරී ලංකාව: ණයගැතිබව, හමුදාකරණය, සහ සකල මානව හිමිකම්වලට එරෙහි තර්ජනය

English The full report is available for download at: අන්තර්ජාතික මානව හිමිකම් දිනය මානව අභිමානය සමරන දිනයකි. එහිදී, ශරී   ලංකාවේ මානව හිමිකම් පර්ත වර්ධනය හා ආරක්ෂාව සම්බන්ධයෙන් යම්කිසි දියුණුවක් ලබා තිබේ නම් එම දියුණුව කුමක්දැයි සලකා බැලීම සඳහා මේ දිනය යොදාගැනීම සුදුසු ය. අවාසනාවකට මෙන් මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් පරුසුගමනයක් දැකගත නොහැකි අතර ඒ වෙනුවට පැහැදිලිවම […]

INDONESIA: Democracy incomplete in 15 years of reform

The full report is available for download at: In commemoration of Human Rights Day on December 10, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is issuing a brief report on the state of human rights in Indonesia. Using the examples of events which took place in 2013, the report highlights three crucial subjects which have been […]

PAKISTAN: The Country has turned into a Killing Field

The full report is available for download at: A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Human Rights Day AHRC releases its Report on the State of Human Rights in Pakistan, 2013 In 2013, the people of Pakistan have remained at the mercy of state and non-state actors who resort to violence as a […]

INDIA: Implementation of the National Food Security Bill – will the poor benefit?[i]

Article | India | 03-12-2013

In a previous article I argued that India’s “rights revolution” has so far mostly existed on paper without significant improvements in the conditions of the poor. In this article I examine the prospects of implementing the National Food Security Bill (NFSB), which was written into law the 12th of September 2013. In particular, I will look […]

INDIA: Food Security Bill – Making sense of the media debate[i]

Article | India | 02-12-2013

The Government of India, led by Congress, claim to be champions of the poor. In the upcoming election they will point out that they have given rights to all the poor; The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) (2005), The Right to Information Act (2005), The Forrest Rights Act (2006), the Right to Education Act […]

ASIA: AHRC – Weekly Roundup, Episode 5

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has launched a new episode of its weekly video news bulletin, the Human Rights Asia Weekly Roundup. The fifth episode, covers an extended report on Sexual Violence in Asia. The report looks at how widespread sexual violence is in many Asian countries and the fact that going to the […]

ASIA: Parliamentarians and human rights defenders urge effective measures to curb custodial torture

Statement | Asia | 15-11-2013

The following is a statement by participants of the 2nd Conference of Asian Parliamentarians and Human Rights Defenders, 11-13 November, Hong Kong, organised by the Asian Alliance Against Torture and Ill-Treatment: Parliamentarians and human rights defenders from Sri Lanka, India, Burma, Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Canada, Hong Kong, and Denmark have attended a meeting to […]

PAKISTAN: the country ranks third in the Global Slavery Index

Modern slavery: a matter of poverty, the rule of law and the indifference of the national government Pakistan ranks third in the Global Slavery Index. It is estimated that there are 2,000,000 – 2,200,000 people involved in various forms of modern slavery in Pakistan. Pakistan counts a population of 179,000,000 people and with the increasing […]

INDIA: Supreme Court blasts the government for turning citizens into guinea pigs

Statement | India | 24-10-2013

It should not have taken a Supreme Court order for the Indian government to know that it cannot turn its citizenry into guinea pigs for private companies. This is one of the very basic duties, the raison d’être in fact, of a government bound to protect the lives and dignity of its citizens. Sadly, the […]

ASIA: AHRC – Weekly Roundup, Episode 2

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to announce the launch of its weekly video news bulletin, the Asian Human Rights Commission – Weekly Roundup. The second episode, released today, 21 October 2013, covers a wide range of human rights issues, including custodial rape in Pakistan, how Pakistan’s anti-terror laws negate fair trial guarantees; India’s appalling […]

PAKISTAN: Lack of direction more worrying than the crisis confronting state: HRCP

Lahore, October 14: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has voiced concern at the absence of clarity and direction in dealing with the many pressing crises confronting the state. In a statement issued at the conclusion of its autumn meeting on Sunday, the HRCP executive body said: “The Executive Council of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan […]

ASIA: Asian Human Rights Commission – Weekly Roundup

The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to announce the launch of its weekly video news bulletin, the Asian Human Rights Commission – Weekly Roundup. The first episode, released on 14 October 2013, covers a wide range of human rights issues, including corruption, judicial independence and military torture in Asian states. The bulletin can be watched online […]

WORLD: The human rights movement strongly recommends Malala Yousafzai for the Nobel Peace Prize

Statement | World | 10-10-2013

In this age where women and girl children do not receive the protection promised to them by the constitutions of so many countries the challenge for the human rights community in this century is to uplift their rights and lives. The struggle must include equality for women and justice for the violence perpetrated against them. […]